1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Ever been disappointed? Even a little?

Sep 16, 2008

    1. blue_starkiller's history is adorable!

      When I received my Chalco, I was really really happy, he was everything I expected him to be. But as time passed by, I failed to come up with a personality and story for him, I even considered to copy the exactly look Soom created for him, with outfit wig and everything, but it felt so dull. It was really disappointing, seeing a doll you love and not having any ideas for it.

      Then, one day I was browsing the webs and I stumbled upon a gift of those little pixel dolls that I saw 5 years ago. That little ugly drawing gave me the most amazing ideas, and in a couple of second I had the most brilliant ideas for my Chalco, his clothes, his story, and even ideas for the next dolls to come.

      I was an ideagasm.
    2. I settled, and thought it'd be ok. It wasn't.

      And apparently my fear of dolls does manifest a little with BJDs. Ever since I actually got to hold a 1/3, I've been terrified. They are way too big! I literally put them up for sale the next day.

      Don't settle guys. The time and money you waste...and all I really wanted was a cute little soom baby to spoil.
    3. My volks kanata I was a little disappointed in. Every pic I saw online made me want him more and more. But when I got him I realized he wasn't for me.
    4. So far, I've been lucky not to run into this situation as of yet. I'm hoping I don't run into this kinda situation too. I think I'd be devastated seeing as they are so expensive and you lose money when you try to sell them.
    5. So far, no. But I do get nervous about not liking them anymore by the time they get to me.
    6. This happened to me with an Impldoll Dorisy I purchased on the MP. She looked beautiful in pictures, but when she arrived I didn't like how small her head and face looked in comparison with her body. Shortly after I sold her as a result. ;_;
    7. I feel as though my disappointment doesn't really fit in since it was just a mistake.. but I'll throw it in.

      I got my Doll Leaves Lilith in the mail last week and was soooo giddy with excitement (since she's gonna be my first doll~). But, when I opened the box she was the wrong Lilith :sweat A white skin, and not the normal that I ordered. I was heartbroken, but quickly realized that it was an easy fix and there was no need to panic. I will be getting MY Lilith in the mail tomorrow~~~
    8. I have been disapointed, but not since I started collecting BJD's. I admit I do wait until I have seen either real photo's or have seen the doll in person before I purchase for myself now.
    9. When I got my Bobobie Lan, I admit I was a little disappointed. She was so tiny; so short, skinny and fragile looking. Not at all fitting for the character I had in mind. She actually spent quite a while - as in, from six to ten months - just sitting on the shelf with no faceup, wig or clothes. I later modded her into a him and that's how Vance came to be, and now I love him. c:
    10. It hasn't arrived yet, but I've ordered a DollShe Saint head. I had spent ages looking at every site I could find to find the perfect sculpt for my doll. I wanted a Migi Ryu soo badly, and I waited so long that they're sold out now. :'D
      A week or two ago, my friend showed me ~Cryan9's (from DeviantArt) Saint, and I made up my mind and ordered it.

      I had seen some pictures that had been less than flattering, but Cryan9's definitely showed that a the right faceup can make a world of difference. But a few days, later my friend showed me a picture of a Saint that made me wonder what exactly I was getting.

      Now, I'm really worried I will regret my choice, but I'm still really excited for it to arrive. ♥
    11. I just got my first girl in the mail. A Bobobie Pandora. but... When I was unraveling her from the bubble wrap my heart was sinking. she was floppy. Her head seems too small for the body. But this is the body that she originally came with. When the wig is on its not so bad. I got her second hand from a fantastic seller whom I have NO qualms with. Afterwards, I took a nap and just... felt anxious and guilty. Had I dropped that much on something I wouldn't like? Does this mean i don't like dolls?

      I just... hate the body and the floating ball joints and how loose her stringing is. The body shape in general. I am just glad I still love her.

      So, I am taking this in stride. I will dive in and re-string her to teach myself how its done. I will make her face up and do my plans for her and in the mean time, I will save to buy her a Resin Soul Body instead. ^_^
    12. I'm currently going through this with my own doll, Mu (a 5star Allen (old mold, not new)). I was SO excited when I bought him, but when I did, I couldn't get the wig, eyes, or outfit I wanted. I've had him for about a year now, and instead of growing on me, I can only think of what I wanted him to be. It doesn't help that he cost WAY too much (he was second-hand, and I overpaid because I was new and had no idea what I was doing), and now I look at other dolls and think of the quality I could have gotten for the amount of money I spent.

      However, I just got a bunch of new stuff for him, eyes, wig, clothes, and supplies for a face-up. I'm hoping I can make him into what I envisioned. I love him, but the expression he has on right now just CREEPS ME OUT. He looks really angry! So I'm hoping I can change him and come to love him as much as I know he deserves.
    13. "So, I am taking this in stride. I will dive in and re-string her to teach myself how its done. I will make her face up and do my plans for her and in the mean time, I will save to buy her a Resin Soul Body instead. ^_^" -Aztrid

      I know exactly how you feel. You have to make due with what you have, and hope that you can love them as much as they deserve!
    14. "I settled, and thought it'd be ok. It wasn't." -Hikari Kame
      So true guys. Don't settle!!!
    15. I'm sure I'm repeating stuff that's already been said, but all you can do is try. And if you find that he's still not suitable for you, there is always the marketplace. Don't despair too much. I've had dolls that I've hated outright, dolls that I was disappointed with at first, but then grew to love later, and dolls that I loved right away.

      Just out of curiosity, Lisa, what kind of wig, outfit, and eyes did you want to get for Mu and couldn't?
    16. I had ended up with a floating head in the last Luts event and thought he would be a nice doll of my favorite anime character. I couldn't afford to buy an actual Luts body for him so I looked around and found Only Doll on MoC. I though YiFeng was great and I could decide which head to use later, plus he was in stock, so I decided to get him. When he arrived he was a bit dirty all over the face, most of it came off but there's a noticeable black spot on his nose. In the end I decided to use the Luts head and now my issue is he is over an inch shorter than my girl, they aren't together or anything, it just bothers me. Although now that he has the right wig and some clothes I'm very happy with him~
    17. I'm sorry that some of you have had such bad experiences though I have to say that hearing stories of disappointment is kind of comforting. In the weeks between when I ordered my doll (Dolkot Daisy via eBay) and the time she arrived I felt very conflicted, like I had made a bad - and very expensive - decision. I felt better when she arrived but with all the anxiety around saving and ordering and waiting it was almost a bit of a let down. There were things I didn't care for about her; I didn't like the feel of her resin, I felt like her head was too big, she wasn't very expressive, I didn't like the torso joints. I thought about selling her for a while. It took some time but I've since bonded with her. That crazy Dolkot resin has given me some trouble (which I've since learned has happened to other people!! Chips and cracking, ugh) but every time I think about selling her - Nah. It's OK that she's not my perfect doll. She's taught me a lot about what features I want and don't want in a BJD and if nothing else, that's pretty valuable.
    18. The only time so far, when I was a tad... hmm I wouldnt say dissapointed but just suprised is when I bought an SD13 body believing it would be the same size as an SD 10 just with a jointed torso but it definately was not xD. I grew with it because one of my characters is supposed to be tall anyways, it was just surprising though xD. But I've deffinately made impulsive decisions because something is cheap xD. When I was first getting into the hobby I had come to terms with the fact that BJDs are so expensive so I was just blown away that someone was selling a Head, any head for just 25 dollars so.... Its mine and it only took about 3 seconds of her trying to sell it to me xD id like to think Ive become less impulsive since then but thats not true xD
    19. I've been disappointed with the engineering of my SOOM Shale. He can't hardly stand at all; it's a fight to get him to stand, and once he's up I spend the whole time terrified that he's going to fall over. It's to the point that I don't even want to take pictures of him anymore, because it's too much work.

      If I had known about this issue beforehand, I might not have bought him, but since he was a monthly limited, none existed before I ordered. I still like his little face, though, so I don't think I'll sell him - he'll just have to sit for any pictures he's in....
    20. I've only started collecting BJDs recently (this year) and have had a few disappointments, although none as major as some of what I've read here. My first two I think of as "starter dolls", they were Bobobie tinies (15cm). I figured that since they weren't very expensive (relatively) I'd get them to see how well I liked BJD's in general (I'd never seen one in real life), and if I wanted to get further into it. I certainly didn't want to spend hundreds on a doll only to find that BJDs weren't right for me. I used to collect regular dolls (mostly vintage from the 50's) and was constantly being disappointed. But anyway, since I didn't really have any expectations I wasn't particularly concerned by their stringing issues (which really aren't bad, they do stand on their own but aren't great at holding poses). What disappointed me were the faces - even though I thought I'd seen enough owner pictures, the default eyes were absolutely atrocious, they're very cheap looking and give the dolls such a freaky look! I immediately ordered replacement eyes as well as a couple of wigs, both of which made a huge difference. I also enhanced their faceups (found their resin quite pleasantly receptive to pastels & wc pencils). So after this they were both significantly better, but one of them unfortunately looks a little too much like someone I used to work with, to the point where I just don't think I can keep her. Maybe I'll just give her to my 11 year old daughter, I don't know.

      Anyway a month or so later I was still perusing other dolls & found some 5star tinies I liked a lot, then saw they were having an "event". I bought two and got a third doll for free (as well as a head). The free doll has also been a disappointment, but I have no recourse as she was "free" (even though I only would have bought one if not for the offer of a free doll!). This doll has a couple of things wrong with her - I forgot to specify the body & got their new body, which has an extra long, thick neck on the top of which the head just perches, it doesn't look right at all. Also the legs are different lengths and as a consequence she won't stand except after considerable effort. Fortunately by posting my dilemma here I was given many good ways to work around these issues, and hopefully when she's "fixed" I'll love her. If not, I guess I'll put her on ebay. The other two 5stars were wonderful, it made me wonder if they have a pile of 'seconds" from which they pull the free parts? That or I was just unfortunate.