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Ever feel you'd rather have a certain doll in a different size?

May 17, 2006

    1. Would lifesize count? ^_^
    2. Lifesize would be perfect thank you :O)))
    3. Dolkot Leaf in MSD size, please >.<
    4. DOD Sha in MSD size and Orientdoll Li in SD size (am i being too much?)
      Ahhh...and i would give everything for a lifesize :D
    5. I want an Eckstein in an MSD size (and on a girl body). *^_^*
    6. lifesize would be perfect, thank you!
      I'd love to see a mini size CH Choa
    7. I thought the same about the Peakswoods dolls. >.< There's a couple I really like, but they would just look so awkward with the other SD sized dolls on my wishlist.
      I do wish the Dollkot dolls came in an MSD size too.... they'd be so cute. x3
    8. Sometimes I wish for an SD_sized doll, and I wish Loren, Lenore and Yorda were taller. But to still look exactly the same. That way it wouldnt be so difficult to make clothes for them, they'd be more visible in my warehouse-esque room and be even more deliciously huggable (Bee-A isnt anyway-she tends to poke me right in the boob. The other too are ok, I think it just cramps her style)
      It not possible, so its just a wish. And I wouldnt trade them in for 60cm version id it were, as I have them now, Ive modified them to my liking, and I cant just hand them off.
    9. Absolutely with you there! Those were the first heads that I thought of when I read the thread title. They have such quirky, childlike faces - I'd be all over them if only they were MSDs. ;_; And my favorite is Sky as well!
    10. I want a mini Dollkot Kiss!
    11. Oh God yes. I would DIE for an MSD-sized Soo.

      And no, I'm not stupid, I know there's a MNF Soo. But her face is NOT the same. I love normal Soo, I do not love MNF Soo. I'd like her to look the exact same as standard Soo, only smaller. ^^

      I agree with the push for PW minis... I've wanted an MSD Wake Up Cue for like a year now. -_-
    12. Jun T. in MSD size. XD
    13. i totally used to feel this way when i first got into bjds. i wished they were all just msd-sized, because sd-sized seemed overwhelming and i'd decided to stick with msd. not to mention the clothing and accessory differences.

      you see how well that plan worked out :3 *points at her wishlist*

      but no! not any more. i'm fine with my planned dollies just the way they are. i do wish that jupiter were a little bit smaller than he is...the junior ai heads are so huge in comparison to other msd-size dollies XD rorek showed me pics of her dod next to her new junior ai and-...damn, the little boy's head is gigantic :3 toooo cute to pass up, though!
    14. I'd like Sharmin in both larger and smaller. I'd like Tiffee and Mill in 24-30 inches! :B
    15. I'd love if there were an MSD sized Iplehouse Lion. :( I adore him to bits, but only have plans for minis. .>_>

      And if Blue Fairy Kyle were about 3cm taller, that'd make me really happy. :sweat
    16. I would die for a MSD-sized Lahoo. :[
    17. I wish my SDC Kaede had the exact same face, head, defualts, body, but was in SD size!
      Ooooo...I wish they had a SD size Kaede.
    18. an msd sized Kiss. For sure. he just sooo cute, but I see him as a smaller doll for some reason.

      Actually there are a lot of girl dolls in SD that I just love the faces for, but want them to have more childish/MSD sized bodies. Dolkot Leaf is a good example.

      This is another reason that while I love all the Adult type Minis that are coming out I get frustrated cause it creates the whole "young looking head on a adult body" problem all over again. Optional Chest Plates for all!! XD;
    19. Yeah, I think Souldoll Clara should be on a MSD body .. in fact I have her head on a MDS body right now and she looks soooo cute!!
    20. Yes, what a great idea that would be! :)

      I love the SD13s, and I do love their size, but for portability the minis are definitely more versatile. - Which is why Arashi (my mini-almost-Isao :p) has gone on long trips across the country with me twice, but our larger ones tend to usually stick to travelling locally.