1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Ever got tired of a certain mold, that you used to really like?

Nov 19, 2010

    1. Every darn sculpt on or was on my wishlist. Currently I got over MyDolling Heeah: whatever face-up that sculpt is given I keep seeing the same look. As cute as she is, she's not expressive enough for me. :/
    2. I got tired of my first doll, a ringdoll teenager ran. He is still gorgeous, but I dunno, I guess he's just kinda boring compared to my two fave companies doll chateau and pipos. I don't wanna hold on to a doll I've lost interest in, so I'm trying to sell him.
    3. I used to really want a Shiwoo but when I was saving up for him and waiting for him to ship I looked at soooo many pictures that I became tired of him. By the time he got to me I was like "meh." Still have the doll 4 years later though.
    4. I don't know if I'll ever get tired of a sculpt I like or not... At this very moment though I honestly don't care if a lot of people have the sculpt I want.
    5. None - I still love all the dolls on my wishlist. However I'll take a doll off my wishlist if I feel I can't afford them, they are impossible to get or I have no space. I would love an army of Peakswoods FOC's, but realistically I can't afford that many and I barely have room for my one Goldie, she has to sit in the cabinet rather than stand.

      It doesn't bother me if a thousand people have the same doll, if I want it I want it. I don't only collect BJD dolls so I'm used to a doll not necessarily being 'unique'.
    6. Not really. I don't tend to get tired of seeing a sculpt. I mean, no one is forcing me to see a bunch of one doll or other, so if I'm subjecting myself to seeing something too much, I think I might have OTHER kinds of problems!

      I HAVE had dolls slip off and on my Wishlist. I still like them if they go off my list. I just am wanting others a bit more. But it's not because I'm tired of seeing them. In fact, I often check out threads with those dolls in them because I still like them, but to see what other owners do with them.
    7. Hmmm...there is no sculpt of mine that I have gotten tired of, I still love my dolls and I love seeing other sculpts of the same kind. I don't think there's a limit to creativity so I'm not afraid to own a doll that is very popular, HOWEVER, I was just thinking about what to do with the doll I'm waiting for.

      He's a IP Claude, a very popular sculpt and I thought "there are many blondies already, I want something different but I bought this sculpt because I liked how he looked as a blonde..." in my mind, I wanted Claude with blonde hair and ember eyes but most of them have blonde hair and I found one doll with ember eyes :| I don't want them to think I'm copying her/his doll so I'm debating his looks now and hopefully this will not put me off of the doll once it gets here *_*
    8. the main reason behind most of my sales of dolls is that I got tired of them/disappointed with.

      e.g. DIM Flowne. Before I got her, i *loved* that cutie. By the time I sold her, I loathed her.
      IOS Sezz - man I used to be just sooo crazy abou thim - only to pray to have him sold asap xD
      and - my biggest disappointmet: Crobi Lance. i'd been dreaming of getting one for over two years. Once I got him he stayed with me for about a week or so... Nowadays, whenever i see his face anywhere I just feel sick. While I still sometimes can appreciate some pics of Sezz or Flowne, with Crobi it just feels like... it's like seeing your ex-boyfriend, who cheated on you with your bff, killed your cat/dog/beloved hamster, crashed your car and left you with an empty bank account just walk on the other side of the street :3
    9. I was going to reply to this thread with a "no, of course not" but after reading through some of the posts I realized that would be a total lie
      I used to have a super long wishlist when I first joined DoA and over the years I just started erasing more and more dolls from it (without having bought a single one), I don't remember even half of them now but a few I do remember are Dream of Doll D.O.T. Tender Shall, some Luts Delfs, and one of the Soom Mecha Angels.
      I really liked them but none of them were not perfect in my eyes, even back then, none of them had that "I need this doll" impact on me.
      I guess that I didn't really want them and my tastes have may have changed, and while I am not sick of seeing any of these dolls I used to really like (I do like seeing them in the gallery threads) I am more than ok with never owning any of them.
    10. When I started in this hobby I had a very limited knowledge of what was out there. As I learnt more and also decided to shell some characters my taste changed. I looked a lot more carefully at sculpts before deciding on one. I have sold several of my earlier dolls as they just no longer appealed to me.