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Fairyland ChicLine 40cm Discussion Part 5

Sep 3, 2018

    1. wow, @redmaiko - hubba hubba. love the whole vibe: coat, hair, manly little man.
    2. You never know though as I never thought they'd bring back the feeple 65 line and we've had 4 releases in about a year!
    3. That is a good point. Was the feeple 65 line also removed from their website at some point?
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    4. Last I looked at the old website, chic-lines we're still there. With the new website came the first new feeple65 so I just don't think that'll be a good indicator @Subzerolover ???
    5. Thank you everyone! @saharali No, it is just minifee sized. :) Minifee boys and Chicline boys are very similar in the torso, and they share clothes a lot here. When you line them up shoulder to shoulder the torso height is close, but standing next to each other minifee has taller legs.
    6. I concur with @redmaiko - Chicline boys can definitely wear MNF outfits... particularly on top. Although one of my Chicline boys is wearing MNF trousers (they're too long). Chicline girls can also wear MNF tops, but they're a lot smaller than the MNF girls. (There's a good comparison shot of a MNF and Chicline that I took years ago here - I would have posted it, but people can get twitchy about full frontal dolly nudity.) There are a few more comparison shots that I can share if anyone would like me to dig them out - or I can always take more photos... Have to admit one of my favourite comparison shots was ones I took of an F65 and Chicline.

      And have a bit of clothed Chicline fun (this is my boy who is wearing MNF pants)
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    7. Okay. So I have basically given up trying to get a Chicline female body.
      Does anyone here happen to have a Chicline female body AND the new curvy 2D Doll MSD body? The measurements are close, and they look very similar. Eagerly waiting for my 2D Doll. I'm hoping it's a good substitute for the Chicline body. Thoughts?
    8. Oh gosh, if you find something that works, please do share! I don't have a body that would work, and do have some extra heads as well, so yah, really interested to see if that works!
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    9. @IngieBee what other bodies have you tried, if you don't mind me asking?
      I have floating head, been looking for suitable body too. Based on a quick mock, dollpamm new slim body (girl one) and the new dollzone 35cm looks the most promising.
    10. I'm currently waiting on three possibilities for a Chicline hybrid:
      MYou's newest version 3 MSD body.
      Charm Doll MSD body
      2D Doll version 2 (SY) body

      I also have a doll chateau body in 1/4 scale I'm thinking of trying, and I noticed that Dollshe 1/4 heads are the same size as Chicline - but I didn't like the Dollshe head. I thought it was too small for the body, which has broad shoulders.

      Hopefully, everything will be arriving soon, and I can start testing the different bodies out.

      ETA - they're off-topic, but Ficondoll bodies were a perfect match, proportionally. I just found the aesthetics clashed (Ficondoll is more mature and realistic). If none of the above bodies work, I'm giving up and getting a 16-inch Integrity Toys body, I swear.
      #131 MaleficentMrsofEvil, Oct 15, 2022
      Last edited: Oct 15, 2022
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    11. @marxwyn , I have Iplehouse JID, Minifee, Dollmore kids and recently, I got withdoll bodies for my dollmore Fashion Dolls because I'm not a fan of dollmore joints, but love these fashion dolls. Unfortunately, none of them have a small enough neck, though I'm pleased with how the dollmore fashion dolls look on the withdoll bodies. Their heads are significantly larger than Chic dolls. However, it does seem that there are other companies that have made smaller fashion like dolls, but I can't remember names... maybe it was Granado? I would think if someone made a 35cm doll, it might be a good chance of fitting?? I see some 3d printed dolls on etsy, but yah, it's difficult :(

      Oh, I like realistic proportions myself, I'll have to check out those you listed @MaleficentMrsofEvil
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    12. Just adding a photo of my Chicline Lishe - I repainted her face in 2022 but never posted her photos. I painted her eyeballs too as her eyes are so tiny...it's a pity this line is gone.

      [​IMG]Fairyland Chicline Lishe by LyanneNZ, on Flickr
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    13. She's beautiful! Great face up. I've always liked the chicline are they in scale with the fids? If you have any comparison photos I'd love to see them.
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    14. Hoooo no. Chiclines are tiny. They are a hair bigger than a Barbie. Although I don't have a comparison photo, I have years of bitter experience trying to hybrid a Chicline head with multiple bodies. FIDs are almost double the size, width-wise.
    15. I wouldn't say Chic Line are a hair taller than barbie, more like a whole head and a half. Barbie is under 30cm (barely at CL shoulder height), Chic Line are 41cm, I don't own an IH FID, but I believe they are closer to 45cm. So, they would probably not look in-scale, unless one of them was seriously taller, or one of them on the much shorter/younger side of people whiting the same "world/universe." Which is a thing IRL, but the head sizes would probably make the proportions look off in some way -- Chic Line seem to be thought of as having tinier heads (which is my personal preference), than most other dolls around their "size."

      My own Rou, whom I've not photographed in a million years. I need to get to working on my "larger" BJD, instead of just procrastinating... (or full-time-focusing or trying to, on 1:6 action figures) DX


      Edited to "fix" Imgur broken link....*sigh* Double Edit: Darned, they actually keep deleting the image from my albums? I thought it was the "bug" DoA is suffering from in recent years, but it's actually imgur deleting my photo, for no apparent reason, that I could possibly think of....so freaking lame. DX
      #136 Enzyme, Nov 21, 2023
      Last edited: Nov 24, 2023
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    16. I wish FL/CP would continue the Chics. They are elegant and beautiful. I have a tiny posse of them. They steal clothes from Alex and the Tonner girls.

      Nice pics, @LyanneNZ & @Enzyme.
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    17. Thanks @MaleficentMrsofEvil and @Enzyme for your replies. I knew they were shorter but I agree if they're heads are so much smaller then it would just look off. I shall just be content at admiring them from afar :love
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    18. Sorry I'm late back here to reply @Loganberry Yes, like @petiteballerine mentioned they are more in the scale of the Tonner 16" dolls. They don't fit in with the FID sized dolls at all. I also found that they are quite short waisted and so fitted clothes often didn't work perfectly although they can share quite a lot of items.

      In fact I found an old photo where my Chiclines are standing in front of a bunch of Tonner dolls...my Chiclines have both been repainted since...

      Tonner and Chicline

      Rou is gorgeous @Enzyme
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    19. @LyanneNZ Thank you! I hadn't thought to try my Tyler clothes on the Chicline girls!
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