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Fairyland Feeple 65 Discussion Part 7

Feb 22, 2022

    1. @Stormlight Yeah, so my new Nuia faceplates have what may be the same problem but I got lucky and was just able to push (shove) both face plates on and they stay (sleeping and open eye....actually now I'm realizing that I haven't tried the event head, yikes). My Angela V2 doesn't have this issue at all.

      It looks to me like both Nuia heads have a little resin that pooled inside the chin of the faceplate where it connects with the head back and is keeping the faceplate from snapping all the way in. The Angela faceplate doesn't have the extra resin blobs. I'm not doing anything about it since I can get them on still, but it seems like it could be a QC issue. But it also looks like I could grind/sand out the extra resin if I really need to.

      Do you think this is the same issue you're having? I'm so sorry you're experiencing this at all let alone after a custom faceup! I hope you can get yours to fit!

      @Feathered Shadows Thank you!! Her dramatic faceup is making me realize how much I finally want to wipe the stock faceup on my Angela sculpt with her strange eyebrows haha.
    2. Thanks for your replies. I don’t think it’s the head back since the human Rozen plate fits on it fine. Pretty sure it’s the smirking elf plate that’s the issue. I did manage to get it to stay on, and I’ve got a tight mohair wig on him now to hopefully KEEP it there. Maybe it will, I dunno, stretch into proper shape if it stays on the head back long enough? :sweat

      I don’t remember whether I tried the plate on his body before I sent it off or not, or whether it might have warped or something during shipping. But since this seems to be an ongoing issue, I’m gonna chalk it up to poor quality control finally getting me. :roll:
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    3. Question for those who already got their Nuia dolls - can her head wear 8-9 wigs? I know her exact measurement is 9.5 but I have my eye on a certain wig that is 8-9.
    4. I basically only have 8-9 and smaller, and she fits the 8-9's I have so far!
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    5. @Chameleon Thanks! Are any of them Luts wigs by chance? I have my eye on one of their wigs.
    6. Nope! they're mostly leeke truth be told
    7. Can any OG person answer something for me really quick? I just received a F65 Chloe in the mail and I'm extremely surprised to see her (blank and unstrung) rune arm have gaits on them (if I'm using the term correctly). The part that usually gets sanded off that sticks out of the mold, on her arms and stuff.

      Was this something Fairyland made people sand off themselves in the past?

      I have three elf Chloe's now, two of them have default faceups and they are drastically different from each other, and 2 of the 3 have the same engraving inside and 1 has a different engraving, despite them being all the same head. Were their different styles for the Moonlight release and al la carte? The company pictures of her moonlight release looks like a combination of both of my faceups, it's so wild!

      I'm just really surprised and would like any information if anyone has it :) As a note I am NOT worried about anything, just find this very interesting!
      #367 Littlebirdzoom, Feb 8, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
    8. @Chameleon Ah ok. I have a few Leeke world wigs but not in the color I want for Nuia...I need fire red hahha
    9. Ohh that’s so fair! Leeke is nice, but their reds are either orange (carrot) or really deep (wine/dark wine).
    10. @Chameleon They do have one nice wig but it is more crimp than curl...and the Luts one I like is more curled ends than curly...I guess I am struggling with getting a wig that would work. I want my Nuia to look like Leetah from Elfquest.
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    11. Yeah, a lot of the event arms came with the gates/pour tabs still present. Mine did, I had to remove them myself.

      Are your heads all the same faceplate or is it a difference between like OE, SP etc.? I know Chloe had 3 different faceplates, between the OE, SP and limited dreaming plates.
    12. Thank you!

      And no, they're all OE Chloe elf, but only one of them has her name above the other engraving.
    13. Hello all! I am debating with myself should I buy a Nuia or not since I first saw her. But I never saw a picture (with face up) where she looks straight into the camera, her head is always dipped one way or another. Could someone who owns a Nuia show such a frontal shot of her face? It would help me alot! Thank you :)
    14. @Ashemanu I just saw this last night! Here are some straight on pics that I hope help - lemme know if I can take any others for you!

      I love her! I do wish she had a little bit more of a chin, but that's my only real critique - I think that's why she looks so extra good with her head tilted down. Her face up is spot on and looks just like the original photos (mine's just NS though instead of Tan).

      I can't decide if I've tilted her eyes inward toward the center too much because I've been looking at her for too long lol. Or maybe it's the gold dragon eyes....

      #374 Ctrowbridge77, Feb 14, 2024
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2024
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    15. @Ctrowbridge77 Thank you VERY much! This helps so much! You are right, her face up is really stunning! :love
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    16. @Ashemanu Yay! No problem! Glad it helped!
    17. Love the brows on your Nuia @Ctrowbridge77 !!! They did lovely work painting her!

      My Angela2 has returned from being painted and is back on her modded body.
      I opened her eyes just a little bit and sanded her nose before sending her away
      for painting. I made the nightgown from a scaled down people pattern - it’s
      actually for my Feeple60 gals but fitted Angela2 well enough while she awaits
      her Edwardian lingerie.


      • x 12
    18. She's stunning painted this way and well done with the mods! Glad you have her back - she's gorgeous!
    19. @Robyn_in_WA She looks so much better with a less pointy nose! Your modifications to her fave and body are fantastic! She is a beautiful, custom doll!

      @Ctrowbridge77 I agree, her chin looks rather small, perhaps because of her larger lips. I do like her looks though. She has that “otherworldly” look to her. I love your gold dragon eyes!
      #379 Dollquest, Feb 19, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
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    20. I regretted not buying Nuia because after the Miwa incident, I was too nervous to buy. But when owner pictures started circulating I was kicking myself so bad. She is GORGEOUS. I managed to snag one of the designer sets on DDE and I'm so excited :D She definitely broke my budget though lol. Still paying off some other layaways with FL, so I'm nervous about the new release announcement in the next few months.

      Definitely going to get my Nuia a custom faceup though because her lip paint is not my thing. Her eyes are gorgeous though. Can't believe it's Fairyland!
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