1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Fairyland RealFee Discussion Part 7

Apr 10, 2018

    1. Oooh, which? They're so sweet.
    2. the red one was from chapters, the others were all from london drugs
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    3. Here's a little snapshot of my not-so-new baby Mari. I adore her so much. She'll need a new face-up eventually but for now I'm enjoying her as is. She has the cutest little jellyfish on the side of her faceplate.


      She's just begging for a brother or sister though so I've been browsing the market. Can I just share that's it's been very discouraging that everytime one pops up it ends up being a recast? It really worries me. Is it because Realfee aren't available all the time that they're a popular target?

      I also want to say I really love this size for some reason. Mari has been my go-to girl for outings. What made you fall for these adorable ones?

      Does anyone perhaps have some Ena/Rian profile shots? I haven't seen too many photos of them and I'm really partial to noses and pouts on sculpts :3
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    4. I don't have those 2, Siara, but here's an older photo of my lovely Nimue, lady of the lake! She shares a body so doesn't get out much.

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    5. she is very cute!

      i think anytime a doll is limited or unavailable it makes it a popular target for unscrupulous people. and buyers probably think that since the doll isn't available who gets hurt?, so the cycle continues.

      i love this size because they are big enough to make stuff for and pose easily, but small enough to take with me easily when i leave the house for photo shoots. what made me fall for them in the first place though was the fantasy parts, and the ease of changing from fantasy to regular legs. i had wanted a doll with faun legs for ages, but i like that it is versatile and doesn't always have to be a faun
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    6. I also fell in love with the size and their fantasy potential. Plus they could share that lovely body with pukifees with no big effort! Here's the rest of my crew.

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    7. i got a couple of the faceplate adapters when they sold them, but have never gotten around to using them. i need to one day as i really like the scale of the pukifees on that body
    8. I found a few of the pukifee faces a little too large for the pukifee body. Here's Cony and Rin on their RF bodies.

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    9. i like those proportions. i also like the variance in height you can get by mixing and matching the pukifee/realfee bodies
    10. today cricket tand the pukifees wrote their letters to santa
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    11. cricket tried sledding for the first time today, and found out it was a lot harder than it looked!
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    12. yeah, she spent more time off the sled than on it, :lol: but at least she was still smiling :)
    13. Oh no poor Cricket! xD
      Your letter writing photo is also great ^^

      I managed to find a new Ante faceplate for my dragon girl so hopefully she'll not have a much darker face soon xD
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    14. thanks,

      are you using a pukifee face? or did i miss the realfee ante faceplate?
    15. No I'm using the pukifee plate ^^ All my realfees have pukifee faces.
      Realfee Ante would be cute tho!
    16. @El BJD Nimue is such a beautiful Mari. My girl was happy to see she's not the only one who likes lakes and water in general.

      @auntbear Oh no, poor Cricket. Good to hear she still had a blast though. That's such a beautiful sled and she seems well dressed for the occassion.

      @Snow Ante is pure love. Honestly I can't have too many Ante ever. It's that I can't find an adaptor second-hand and that I'm not used to the proportion on the Realfee body yet or all my Realfee would be turned Ante. Well, maybe not all...but many...haha~ I look forward to seeing your Ante come to life.

      @spih Aw, look at that face! Your Rian melts my heart. He's such an adorable (ice?) dragon. You did a great job on him.

      On that note, I have the best boyfriend ever. He texted me saying he found a legitimate second-hand Realfee. Unfortunately he wouldn't forward me the price nor the sculpt except that it was still better than paying customs for a new one. I hope to drag more information out of him once I get home though.
    17. maybe he is getting it for you for christmas?
    18. I so much enjoy all the posts and photos here! Thank you everyone for sharing! Here’s one of my own darling Grannybelle. I went on a wig making binge and had way too much fun...so she got new wigs for Christmas.:)

      #520 PoeticSoul, Dec 18, 2019
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
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