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Fantasia Doll Elder/Senior Sizes

Mar 15, 2016

    1. That would seem to be the sensible interpretation. So, $795 for a complete doll. That is still $145 more than an EID, and Iples aren't cheap. I wonder if they have settled on the right price point for these, given the state of the market. They are very nice dolls, but too much for me.
    2. It's $795 with one head and heel feet. Not inexpensive, but not a bank-breaker. However, given that an Iplehouse EID with regular and heel feet is $650, I'd say they've set their price point a little high for an untested product.
    3. Their skin options are very limited right now, but perhaps if they didn't charge extra for the non-default skin tones, it'd be about the same?
    4. Uh oh, it sounds like they've got the Dollshe syndrome. >_>
    5. I hope not. They estimated ship time of 90 days which would be sometime very soon-ish.
      I do like how Vivian looks.
      $675 for a SD doll doesn't seem outlandish to me. If they turn out as good as they look.
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    6. Looks like they dropped their price, as the cost for a doll minus high heeled feet was $730 earlier today.($795 with heel feet.) Perhaps they are watching this thread? (I would be, if I were them...) or maybe they meant that to be the price of their male dolls, which should be heavier and therefore take more resin to produce.

      Comparing apples to apples, the new price is still a bit more than an EID, as the Iplehouse basic comes with heel feet, so $720 versus $650. But the new price is an improvement.

      I really like the muscular body and I'll be interested to see how it poses. But barring pictures from the company, and sale of separate bodies, I'll be waiting a while, as the two facial sculpts don't quite do it for me.
      #26 sakuraharu, Jul 5, 2016
      Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
    7. That's an interesting development and a step in the right direction. But I agree; they are a new company and need to beat the rivals' prices to be appealing. Iple are the ones to beat, so I would have liked to see something around the $625 mark, with heeled feet, as a maximum. I still wouldn't buy as I have to be totally obsessed with a doll to pay Iple prices, but I would think that would grab more people. In fact, doing an opening offer of substantially below that would be a good idea. Once dolls have come in and some reviews have been done and people can see this is a good product, they might be able to pay full price. But, yes, $625 inc max for me for these.
    8. I wonder whether Fantasia's planning the same release (and pricing) strategy that they used for the male dolls? First there were two Elder men for sale, Jupiter and Jin; the next release, Isaac, had lower event pricing during a short preorder window. Maybe there's a third Elder woman in the pipeline, with an event price?

      Vivian really appeals to me -- she looks like a 1940s Hollywood star -- but I'm already waiting for Isaac, and there's no more doll money in my pocket. :pout:
    9. That release event for Isaac was pretty sweet. I'm totally in love with their male body sculpt, but the faces just don't appeal to me. :\ Still, 530 was what I felt to be an extremely good price for the quality.
    10. I'm in the opposite position -- Isaac's face looks just right for the one character I want to shell, but the character is a lean, lanky fellow, so I'm not in love with the body at all. Still, the event made the experiment worth trying!
    11. Aw, we should've shared a split order or something. XD Ah well, looking forward to seeing your pictures!
    12. I've never seen these before--but it's great to see the diversity in body types! Females with actual abdominal muscles--how neat. I like their resin colors as well--how new is this company?
    13. It is a brand new company- started taking orders April 2016. I hope to show pictures of the posing ability of the male body as soon as I get him. But the preorder for the girls may be over before then.
    14. Pricing is still settling out, it seems -- as of this morning, the Fantasia site shows $675 for the blank doll and a $45 extra charge for heel feet, so $720 vs. Iplehouse's $650 for a blank basic EID Woman. This is not helping me say no to Vivian . . .
    15. That was what it was yesterday. The price dropped after our discussion about how expensive they are versus EIDs. They are certainly now more realistically priced, but I wouldn't say competitively priced.
    16. Absolutely true! Still, I guess I don't expect a brand-new company to start out with a loss leader -- they need money to keep their business afloat, and most likely they won't make it by selling huge quantities right off the bat. Good luck to them -- I hope they survive, and I hope they can fulfill the orders they already have in a reasonable time frame.
    17. I am in two minds on that. Some small doll artists, who seem to favour exclusivity over popularity, charge high prices from the word go. As predicted, not many people buy them. However, the dolls gain a cachet that perhaps they wouldn't have got if they had been cheaper. However, the dolls need to be very, very special for that strategy to work. Other new doll companies start out with special offers to get some dolls out there and get their name about. It is a flooded market and it must be pretty difficult for a new company to make a mark, so that is probably a sound strategy.

      For these, the bodies in particular are good enough to compete with the best in the adult/realistic mainstream market, imo. So, a realistic price might be all they need to gradually become known. It depends on how many they want to sell and how quickly, I suppose. I will watch with interest. I am not on the market for ANY new resin atm, so the issue of start up pricing is pretty academic from my personal perspective. However, if they sell bodies separately and for a good price at some point in the future, I could see these being considered as upgrades for my EIDs.
      #37 MadamMauMau, Jul 6, 2016
      Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
    18. I hope they focus on getting these early orders out reliably. Besides, I want to see @Therealwalter 's review. :)
    19. I L O V E female muscle body, period. If i can i would buy right away, despite of the head that is not my cup of tea, sorry but so realistic bodies with such stylized faces/expression *speaking about females ones* but i came from three years of layaways and i need a stop, maybe i will try to save and then get one full doll from them, hopefully they will put for sale some more sculpts.
      The sculpt reminds me a lot of the toned Classy Doll body, which is own and it's great, but Fantasia Elder female body is better in terms of sculpting and details.
      I don't see really comparison with Iplehouse, but i'm not a fan of the company, i own a SID Mari which costed approx $1000usd and i do nothing with her, i dislike everything from resin quality to mobility to color resin. Still know nothing or so little about Fantasia but i would surely buy from them while i will never buy again from Iplehouse.
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    20. I emailed the company to see about when my order would be ready to ship. They say that it has been delayed for 3more weeks because they are revising the joins on the male elder body to be like the joints on the new female bodies which they feel are more able to hold poses. They have a video up on their site demonstrating the new joints on the female body. The joint demonstration does look good so, again, hopefully worth the wait.
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