1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Fantasia Doll Elder/Senior Sizes

Mar 15, 2016

    1. Received my girl today! I only had a chance to give her a quick look over before I went back to work, but appears all in order. Must say I'm disappointed in the body, The head is much bigger than I normally like in proportion to the body, and I ordered the 63 S. I almost wonder if they sent me the Luna body but so far I haven't seen any paperwork or COA in the box. The head is lovely but I'm already trying to decide if I should sell her on or try and sell her body and find a better fit :/
    2. The Vivian sculpt.
      I need to get a better look at her, but I'm also regretting asking them to string her because they strung her way too tight, I think if I tried to put her head on it would crack her pelvis. I wondered why they shipped it with her head unattached and I'm pretty sure its cause they couldn't get it on. I don't have all my usual restringing tools with me either.
    3. I wish I could post my pics on forums but since I have no camera or laptop or cloud storage services, every time I upload a photo here, I need to take it with my phone, email it to myself, go open it on my old table computer as my phone doesn't have the imgur app, and upload it to imgur from my email on computer and then link it to DoA. Instagram is so much easier so I don't sadly think I have the energy to upload the new girl here. I will try to shoot a review youtube video today and link it here too, if my man has the time to hold the phone for me!
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    4. If it helps with that at all I use tumblr to upload pics and then post them here. I don't need to pay anything for it and the posts stay indefinitely. If you don't bother to add hashtags or the like no one will see the tumblr post if you don't want them too.
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    5. So I think my Jupiter arrived. I live in an apartment and use a P O box because of that. I'll have to wait till Saturday to pick it up but the package came from Korea and tracking shows it was put into the post on Feb 19th as was promised in the last email.
      I'll post pics of him, I got the Mars body which I'm reasonably sure they sent, but cross fingers the I indeed got the Sleepy Jupiter head I asked for.
    6. Hallo is there anybody with Supia and newFantasiaDoll female body for comparison photo??? Thank you very much.
    7. Those of you who got one body and two heads, did you get one or two CoAs? I got two with my two heads, but another person I heard only got one with her two heads, so I wonder, was the another CoA meant for my extra Isaac head at all after all? Because I did write to Fantasia about getting a CoA for my old Vivian and asked them to send it with my order. Until now I assumed they did not send it because I got two heads and two certificates, but my friend's experience got me thinking if the CoA was meant for Vivi after all and who should I now keep it for.

      I would ask Fantasia how did they mean it, but... well, they do not respond to much now. I had to open a PayPal claim about the wrong head for a partial refund (or delivery of the correct head if they can do that before my PayPal claim expires) today since they did not respond to my email I sent last Monday after getting the wrong head, and i do not want to run out of my buyer's protection. I feel bad doing it knowing my order probably makes them very little profit overall because of the shipping fee increase, and I don't want to burn any bridges, but seeing folk still wait for heads from almost 4 years ago... I don't want to end up there, just to be sure.
    8. I got a CoA with my order, even got the correct head! Only issue is the certificate is Korean so I have no clue if it's actually listing my Jupiter's authencity.
      Here's my boy, his name is Mamoset.

      I'm going to make a full unboxing thread layer with all my thoughts on his construction but right now I'm rather happy. He looks gangly and thin with his head being so big but it works for his overall character.
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    9. @PennyForTheGuy if it helps, I can say the both texts on my CoAs look the same although they are supposedly for different sculpts. Both have the same pictures, too. I would sure love to know what it reads!
    10. I guess I'll just write on it somewhere what head and body came with it. Unless that would ruin the CoA.
    11. I got my girls in yesterday, the weird thing is I seem to have 3 COAs but only 2 heads and one body. Seeing as how they don’t seem to specify what goes to what I figured maybe one for the body? But now I’m thinking they just threw some cards in without it really meaning anything?
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    12. @PennyForTheGuy - Oh congratulations! Nice to see photos. I can't wait to see him with a faceup!
    13. Thank you. Here he is with his imposing wife Ashera. Boy you can see how much bigger the new heads are.

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    14. My doll arrived and she’s so pretty! I’ll post more details later after I’ve had time to string her but I’m really pleased so far.

      As far as the COAs, mine also came with two. Maybe one is for the head and one for the body?
    15. @PennyForTheGuy @vauhtikatti

      With the Google lens app you can hold your phone over anything with writing and it can translate through the camera. The front of the card roughly says

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    16. I only got one coa and i ordered 2 heads and a body
    17. Okay, thanks! Then I will likely not pair the extra CoA with my Isaac head but put it to my old Vivian's box. I believe they sent it for her!
    18. I'm honestly really, really bummed that the size and proportion changes are so drastic. :sighI've wanted a Fantasia Doll ever since I first saw one, but they were out of business by the time I discovered them. Now they're back, and I don't want them because the realistic proportions, and apparently the posability, that I liked so much have been abandoned. It's kind of deal-breaker for me.

      However, I still love the faces, and I might be willing to get the heads alone if I can find a different body that will fit well, so they don't look like bobble-heads. To that end, can any of the peeps who got their new dolls tell me what the head and neck-hole circumferences are? For both male and female?
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