1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Favorite company?

May 26, 2014

    1. MYou Doll! I love almost all their sculpts, outfits, and company faceups, even their big babies which is a type of doll I generally don't particularly care for. If I had unlimited space and money, I'd shell all 7 Rozen Maidens into MYou MSD girls and buy an Iplehouse 1/3rd boy to be adult Jun. The way things are going I might end up doing it in the future anyway... I think I hear my wallet crying.
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    2. Xaga Doll and loongsoul are probably my favorites so far along with Souldoll, all their sculpts are really appealing to me!
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    3. Right now, my favorites have shifted from 1/3 to mini dolls... so FairyLand Minifee and Bimong Narae make up the bulk of my collection. To me, they are just the perfect size! I also like the Youpla sculpts a lot, and have some 1/3 grails from RingDoll.
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    4. Right now my favorite company is Volks, all the bjds and vinyl dolls I love are from Volks.
    5. Mine always change, but I'd say right now my favourites are Dream Valley, Telesthesia, Doll Leaves and Ringdoll!
    6. Same here! I have two Minifees and will probably stick with purchasing from Fairyland for a while. I do also have a Withdoll Egon, which I love, but there's something about Minifees that just make them my go-to's.
    7. I just got minifee sia fullset and I am so excited to have her . Finally I have a fairyline body to see how mermaid and doe legs looks like on a body soooo excited for my sweet minifees .
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    8. I'd have to say currently my favorite companies have to be tied between Peaks Woods and Luts, but leaning a bit more towards Peaks Woods. I love PW's stylized look and detailed face ups.
    9. Asleep Eidolon is my favorite. I love how sweet they look. Plus their tag line got me hooked.
    10. I have looked through a lot of dolls online and different companies,
      and although I have really found a lot of dolls pretty or cute,
      I would have to say my favorite company is Ringdoll.
      Their dolls are the most aesthetically pleasing to me and they have what I look for in a doll.
      This is why I only own dolls from them, ‘cause I’ve only really fallen in love with their sculpts.
      In fact, the reason why I got into this hobby was because I fell in love with their “Frankenstein” and their other monsters a few years ago. A true shame, I never got to buy or own one though :eusa_pray.
    11. Frankenstein is incredibly cool!! I also got into the hobby because of RD. You might get lucky though, cause every now and again, those monsters pop up second hand looking for new homes!
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    12. Fairyland is my favorite. I love all the options for sizes, the engineering of their jointing, and of course those lovely facial sculpts.

      That said though, Dream Valley is coming up a close second these days.

      Also, I personally don't consider BBB/RS to be cheap... affordable yes, but nothing about the quality of the dolls or their customer service is cheap.
    13. I LOVE Huajing sculpts and factory faceups. I really want one someday!

      Doll Leaves has really lovely sculpts as well, and ResinSoul is affordable and comes in many resin colours.

      And don't even get me started on Little Monica sculpts!

      It's hard to pick just one!
    14. I will probably have to say Doll Chateau mostly because their anatomical choises please me visually so much. Their dolls' bodies are so beautifully detailed and I love the uncanny vibes they have. I have never handled their dolls in real life, though.

      I am also starting to lean towards Popovy Sisters since their aesthetics are also very delicant and beautiful. Their dolls always look so graceful and extremely well made. I love their poseability. Owning a doll like that would be an absolute dream some day.

      Soom's sculpts and concepts are something that I love a lot, but I personally don't like where they've taken their thing nowadays. I used to like their dolls a lot more back in the days. Maybe it's the nostalgy for me. The current vibe they have is just not what I want, but their old dolls have a special place in my heart and they always will.

      Twigling's sculpts and bodies also please me. Their dolls look so different from other companies' dolls and I like that a lot. I would absolutely love to have one of their ladies at some point, there's just something very special about them to me. I also love that they make black dolls, it's very refreshing to see dolls that are not white. We need that honestly.

      Aaand I love Lillycat's dolls! Mostly because of their anatomy. They also have something very special about them, something that no other companies have.
    15. I bought my first doll from Souldoll 10 years ago and they've been my favourite company ever since!
    16. A year and a half later, and Harucasting is still my favorite. The runners up have changed, though. I’m now leaning more towards Lillycat and Black Cherry Dolls. There’s also quite a few more small artists that I’d love more dolls from. I haven’t bought a “company” doll in awhile now.
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    17. Bought my first from Volks in 2014. Ever since it has been my favorite company.:dance
    18. Hello ! For me it is Popovy Sisters, Pashapasha and Marmitesue (doll menagerie)
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    19. All time probably Iplehouse which makes up the majority of my collection other than that I mostly own hybrids… I also love Doll Family bodies and a lot of smaller artists companies heads :D

      My favorite sculpt of all time is probably Soom Sard <3
    20. My favorite company is probably DollZone - albeit i dont think i like any particular fantasy ish company mkre definitely than another !