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"Finishing" A Doll Before Buying Another?

May 18, 2010

  1. Finish one doll/character before buying another.

  2. Buy as many dolls as I like and finish them as I come across items/resources.

  3. I have no opinion/I don't do either.

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    1. I don't really believe that a doll is ever finished. I'll always try new clothing styles, or maybe change up a wig. I will try to make it that everyone has something! Luckily every doll I have planned or am in teh process of getting has come faceuped, clothed, eyed an wigged, so I have a starting point. But I am in the process of getting a head from a split, so I will be frankenstiening that doll fast!

      I think I will prioritise. Whoever is the most incomplete gets the resources.
    2. I like to finish one doll before I buy another. Finished to me means they have a nice wig, set of eyes, their own shoes and a few articles of clothing to call their own. I've found that if I don't spend the time to finish a doll before buying another one I get overwhelmed, and then I don't bond. This results in the sale of dolls bought too close together. ):
    3. I ought to complete a doll (defined as painted, with at least 1 outfit, wig, eyes, shoes) before I acquire another, but sadly, my greed for dolls outstrips my time to play with them. I'm working on my time management skills and hope this will improve.
    4. If I liked a doll I came across very much (and I can afford it ^^; ), I am likely to get that doll first, then work on the style.

      To me I don't think my doll will ever be "finished". Granted, he may have a basic, main look I have in mind, but as time pass, I may add on to his looks, modify it, or play with different styles. So "finishing" a doll is more like a permanent work in progress. XD
    5. I opted to finish enjoying the doll first before getting another. I ordered my 3rd (Soom Sphaler) and 4th doll (Luts Howl) together and I really did not have time to digest the 3rd doll Sphaler, I am not able to spend enough time with Howl and the event head after I've enjoyed Sphaler. Now, I'm suffering from indigestion! I don't have appetite for another doll. I should have gone slow. One dollie at a time.
    6. I tell myself that I'm not going to buy another doll until I've finished the ones I have, but then there's this super fabulous limited time offer... and if I have the money, I order.

      I have sworn to myself AGAIN that I won't buy any more dolls, but... but... I keep being drawn to the News and Marketplace here on DoA. Heh. I should just stop logging into DoA!
    7. Haha... See, I have so many different concepts I want. I'd have trouble not collecting bits for all of them in the future while waiting. We have two dolls at home, one of whom just doesn't have proper clothing that I consider nice enough for her. I have one doll I've ordered, for whom I'm already collecting things even though he won't get here until August. And then... I bought a blouse and a pair of glasses for a doll I intend to get but haven't ordered yet. Eheheh. But then, my dolls will never really be finished, because I'll always collect clothes and accessories for them, and I just might still someday replace the hair or something long after I thought I was done, so... what's "finished"?
    8. I like to have a completed doll (faceup, blush, wig, eyes, outfit) before I buy another. I get too overwhelmed with lots of items all at once and I also need to conserve space in my apartment since I share it with someone else. Though I would like to have one floating head to practice faceups on.
    9. I have two dolls now and the first one has a fair wardrobe by now, but my girl still has to make do with a half finished kimono and borrows Shinta's stuff. Thing is I don't have much time right now for sewing. But I'm planning to stuff some project (swap gift I need to finish before Dolliverse in june) in my vacation luggage.

      Too bad I can't take them with me. My own decision since camping out with a relatively small tent isn't practical with dolls in tow. In a month or so, I'll have some more time for sewing.

      And I have some ideas I'd like to realise, like my Drow elf. I have my eye on a Weylin for sale at the market and if necessary, he can wear some of Shinta's stuff too because they come with the same standard boy body. But it might be till Halloween till I can easily get some spidery stuff (even though I reckon he might be done with Loth as he is with his matron).

      Besides, they're all developing characters. There's just one idea for which I'll try to finish outfits as much as possible. He probably won't need that much I guess.
    10. I tend to buy dolls as they become available and buy things for them when I've got extra funds (which is rare =__=). While I don't believe I could 'finish' any doll of mine, I have started to pay more attention to getting the right wig for each character, and the right eyes. I want to pull my gang together more- I'm actually a little ashamed that my poor dollies can't even be photographed because they don't have decent clothes or wigs >.<. So basically, while unfinished, I am working on at least getting the basics- and taking more pictures of the results!
    11. Hmm... this is actually a good question xD
      I guess if the doll has a body, then I feel as though that "completes" them and I can go on a work on other dolls.
      However since I only have two, I must say I feel more obliged to completely finish one doll before going on to another O:

      That way their character gets more developed and won't die, which would be a really sad thing to have happen ;3;
    12. If I had posted an answer to this 3 months ago, I would have said 'finish one doll at a time'.

      And then Soom put out the Appini limited doll. She was so adorable, I had to have her. I thought, "Fine...but I won't get the Elf Sabik until the end of the year for my other character."

      The next month, Soom's Monzo went on sale, and he fit the character even better thn the Sabik. So...I put him on layaway. >_<

      Curses! I don't even have my first doll's clothes exactly as I want them!
    13. I would love~ to finish my dolls before getting other ones, but everytime I have the money to buy a little something for one of them I just think about how I could put that money aside and keep it to get the one I really want to get!
      Most of the time I sidetrack from that and buy little things to get closer to finish one of my dolls..... but my goal just makes it a little slower xD

      Maybe when I get THE doll I want I will stop buying resin and just get to the customization but for now I am trying to get another doll and sometimes buying something for those I already have when I think they absolutely need it xD
    14. "Finishing" a doll based off of an OC is a process that is... pretty much ongoing for me. Generally speaking, I do tend to focus most of my attention on one doll until it's in a semi-complete state, or as near to it as I can manage. You know... right body, the right eyes and hair, the right face-up. Additional tweaking and shuffling just happens as it happens after that, but until I've got the cardinal points covered, I've never invested in another doll. I've never actually consciously limited myself this way, it just seems to happen. Funny, now that I think about it, it seems kind of strange. But I buy dolls pretty spaced out, so maybe that's why.
    15. I don't think my dolls will ever be "finished" - eventually, I'd like to have a large wardrobe for all my dolls, and even with wigs I think it's fun to have some options. I mean, sometimes I have short hair, sometimes long, and sometimes I dye my hair - so why shouldn't my dolls also change their hair sometimes? :)

      I try and time my wig/eye/outfit purchases to at least coincide with my new doll's arrival - it's a bit sad to have a new doll and not be able to do anything with it! But it's not the end of the world if that happens, heh. Their stuff will turn up eventually - the doll's not going away while I wait!
    16. I have to finish the doll first! I fixate on it and obsess over it until it's done. I can't imagine getting another doll before one I haven't deemed 'perfect' to my standards. It would stress me out so much lol.
    17. For me, it depends on the doll. Those I've brought home so far are just regular people, so they have a pretty fluid "look," and I don't really anticipate them every being 100% "finished." Of course, it's important to me that I not have blank, bald, naked, or eyeless dolls at home, so I wouldn't buy another doll if I hadn't met those minimum requirements for the last. Rada is on her 3rd wig since I got her (now 2.5 years ago) and I'm still not totally satisfied, but some of those wigs it's taken a while to decide how I feel about them. I don't feel like the effort I've put into that has taken away from the dolls I've bought since, it's just whatever I'm prioritizing for now.

      However, there are a few dolls on my wishlist that have been pushed back a couple of times because their "look" is way more important to who they are. They're more specialized types of people, and I don't want to bring them home until I'm in a position to get them the right faceup, commission the perfect outfit, etc. And when I do bring them home, I'll want to make sure I'm totally satisfied with the choices I've made with wig, eyes, and other details before I move on to the next character.
    18. I'm definitely the "one-doll-at-a-time" person. I bought my first doll intending to just spend time with and slowly working on him, but that plan (not surprisingly) got thrown out the window and I ended up getting three more secondhand over 6-8 months last year. I don't regret doing that, since two are uncommon limiteds and all were at good prices. But having four dolls in various states of completion was somewhat overwhelming and a cause for much angst. To the point that I put all of them away, and was actually considering selling, because I didn't had the bandwidth to devote to all of them at once. Thankfully all are going to stay. :)

      There are other dolls that I like, but I'm totally done buying resin for a while -- in fact the thought of having yet another doll coming home is so unpalatable that I'm turned off from buying! So I'm going to focus on getting the right look and clothes for my quartet. Of course they'll never be absolutely 100% complete, but when they get to a place where I'm satisfied then I'll think about adding to the family. Now I know - going slowly keeps me from being "psychically" overwhelmed and thus getting angsty and frustrated with the hobby. Yeah, I already find 4 dollies an armful. I don't think I'd ever own a large family! :lol:
    19. My dolls are never finished. :( I'm determined to finish one, though. Strangely enough my newest doll. As much as I love my other dolls, this one is special because there's something about his mold that resonates with me. He's a JID Jerome. He looks so real. Even without a faceup and clothing, he looks more than just a doll. I really should buy some more Iplehouse, methinks.
    20. Oh lord, my dolls take forever to complete it seems. Some of them which I thought WERE complete ended up getting changed around to suit my interests even more. I've had Loa for almost 2 years and I just got her right a couple months ago. My first doll, Blisdon, has changed molds 3 times, changed bodies multiple times, and recently he got another body only to give it up to another doll... again! I've had my Sard the longest of any of my dolls, and he still isn't quite right. My Yugiri completely changed genders after being a girl for a freaking year. Some of them have definitely been completed much quicker than others, but I guess it just all depends on how quickly I can strike just the right combo of wig, eyes, faceup, etc. Perhaps my dolls just transform often. :)