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Flaws, scratches, marks! Oh, no! But have they changed how you feel?

Feb 18, 2010

    1. ...um, wow. I didn't realize this was such a touchy issue.

      I promise never to post any pix of the cats sleeping on Komori's lap, no matter how cute I think they are. =)
    2. For me, it's life. If it happens, it happens. I try to prevent as much damage as I can, but I can't control other people's actions, and I sadly can't control the forces of nature that like to knock over resin and yellow it. I protect them the best I can, but I let some stuff slide; I'm just not the kind of person to need them to be pristine. Although I do hate them dirty!
    3. As weird as it sounds, I'm much more comfortable after my doll's first fall, then I don't have to worry much about 'what if's' amymore. Tobias has fallen 3 times off a desk onto hardwood floor (mostly because my brother tried to stand him up/pose him) and a couple times from a coffee table onto carpet and I've been extremely lucky after all the inspections, no damage. The others have had tiny falls with no damage, but I'm always more comfortable with them after that.

      Of course, if there was damage, I would want it fixed right away unless it was maybe a scar I could work into their characters. They don't sit on the shelf all day, I move them around, play and take pictures but I also care for them while doing that because they're important to me. (and I don't want them looking ratty or too messy). This reminds me, there's a spot where the MSC is missing from Tobi's nose, grrr, I need to fix that soon... >.<
    4. I have a French Resin girl, myself, and although I'm quite scared of her yellowing, she gets as much love and attention as all my other dolls- she just has a bed with drapes that close while the others have open beds XD

      This whole fight is stupid, by the way- not the "flaws and how you feel about them" thing, that's an interesting topic, but the whole "I do/don't lock my doll away so I'm better than you" thing. If I could openly swear in this forum, I would, but I think you all need to just grow up. Neither side is about to change their mind and to those people picking up on frayed edges and tugging, go away and leave this as a peaceful discussion, would you? Honestly, what a load of babies you all are.
      To the guys who lock your dolls up: That's great, I'm glad you're happy with them, I don't really get it, but it's cool, you obviously care about your dolls. Btw, when someone says "good luck with that", it's just because they can't think of anything else to say, in my experience- it took a moment for me to realize I'd written it, actually, before changing it.
      To those of you who play with their dolls: Good on you! It's a resilient doll who can take a bit of a battering. You obviously love your dolls, too.

    5. Oh, my! I really didn't mean for people to start fighting! :( I just wanted to see other opinions and stories! I don't personally like to keep my dolls stationary, but I understand that some people aren't comfortable "playing" with an expensive collectible. Honestly, though these dolls are expensive, I have a hard time seeing them as a pure collectible... because they wouldn't mean as much to me.

      But, then again.. just because my little girl has a small mark.. that does not mean I am careless with her. As someone mentioned earlier, there are variables in life that you simply cannot control. I may be going the speed limit and driving carefully down a road in my new car, but I cannot control another car that is speeding and may rear-end me, can I? No matter what you do, accidents can happen. Some of us are luckier than others, I suppose.

      That aside, my friend prefers to keep her dolls stationary, and I know she loves them very much. She does bring them out to play, but we set up an "area" to play with them in, so everything is safe.. :sweat But, she does love them, very much.

      My point is, everyone is different, and I believe there is no reason for us to argue this further. It's very immature for both parties, and I would like this to be an interesting, fun topic. :)

      Anywho! I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo who doesn't go running to fix every single little flaw! xD My girl is also tan, so she has visible seams.. but this doesn't bother me either, and there is no way I'm sanding them. >_x I'm also aware that I'm more susceptible to flaws, so perhaps that way I'm more... acceptable of them. Anyone else have this problem, or feel that way?
    6. I guess I'm similar in that way, Ashers: Even the tiniest details pop out at me, and though I can accept them, I can't ignore them once I know they're there.

      Now, to answer the topic: Last year, I noticed a small scratch on my boy Rikka's forehead, and I have no idea where it came from. But as much as it annoyed me at the time, I've come to accept and love it (the fact that his bangs hide it helps, too XD ). Also, I bought my FL Nanuri head, Dita, second-hand, and when I was working on his face-up today, I found a small greyish dot or smudge on one side of his nose and near the corner of his eye, and no amount of scrubbing would make it go away. Then once I'd given up on trying to wash the spot off, I decided that instead of hiding the spot behind blush and paint, I'd darken the dot into a little mole. And though that little mole wasn't originally in my plans, I already love it and can't see Dita without it. I think his little beauty mark makes him seem that much more like a real person. :)
    7. Where i begin? despite me trying hard to take care of them..

      Uri- He's had it the worse. He's my first Doll. Dragged him everywhere. He's got a crack in his knee. 4 of 10 fingers have broken off, hes got a chip in his lip, hes yellow. and nothing bothers me. Well except his fingers do a bit.. x.x but its manageable.

      Audrey - Has a crack in both knees and one in her arm. Doesnt bother me.

      And thankfully Keanu and June are both fine XD

      Over all. Its doesnt bother me! i do often feel bad that i ever let them get this way. but it just makes me try harder the next doll.
    8. Honestly, why do you care what direction people choose to take their conversations in the thread? If you don't like people arguing back and forth, don't joint in. There are plenty of other people commenting strictly on the original topic. You say people should stop arguing about it, yet you post all these little insults and passive agressive barbs which would make people want to defend themselves and thus continue the argument. :roll:

      Back to said argument, I don't believe someone who's doll has had an accident is some crazed lunatic who drags their dolls through the mud. I know people make mistakes and accidents do happen, but I firmly believe that 99% of the damage done to our dolls can be prevented through research and proper precautions. (and no I don't mean you have to lock your dolls away in a box or a glass case) I think most "freak accidents" are people just not paying attention, etc...If it's just luck, then why would some people have multiple dolls with heavy damage and others have dolls with no damage at all after years of ownership? Not all people comming in new to a hobby will take time to learn about that hobby, but if your dolls fall off the table if they were standing unsecured on and break a finger, I think most people will learn their lesson and not do that again. It's when a person doesn't learn and all their dolls have some kind of damage that you start going :doh
    9. Well when its kinda GOING OFF TOPIC and taking away from what the thread is ACTUALLY about, I think it's valid to say what she said. Is a person not allowed to care about a topic they have an interest in taking a bad turn because of people riding about on high horses?

      And wow, way to warp an innocent comment way out of proportion. I bet you make the best arguements! [​IMG]
    10. The topic took a bad turn when you posted your extremely mature response to my thought out, polite post. You know, the one where you misquoted me and called me an immature baby.

      No one before that had insulted anyone, and contrary to your belief, nowhere did I actually say that people who are not bothered by damage to their doll are horrible doll owners. I do think differently from the majority of doll owners, but I was polite in sharing it. You've not bothered to show me or anyone else the same courtesy. :daisy Since you are such an expert at figuring out what I am really saying, I am sure you will be able to figure out what that really means.
    11. ...I'm sorry, what? When did I say that? How is that my belief? I never said any such thing! Truth be told I've never cared enough about your badly written posts to care what your belief on the subject is, now even more so. I have been as polite as I need to be, as such I'm not going to show respect to someone who acts superior than everyone else.

      Figure that out if you want, it's of no concern to me. [​IMG]
    12. We can all see that this thread is spiraling completely out of control. There are some truly unacceptable posts/responses here and if another similar type comment is made, the thread will be locked and the mods will discuss Official Warnings. Play nice.
    13. I have collected dolls for many years. I love them ALL. But my antique dolls are the ones I have locked up. They are pretty BUT. I started collectiong the bjds so I could play with them. I love to play and dress them. I have even spent more money on some of my bjds than my antique dolls. I guess I feel bjds can be fixed if hurt for the most part. Although I do have a 1 bjd I dont really play with. She is a full set and I just let her sit and look pretty. ;)
    14. I do my own face ups, so the occassional chip in paint is soon touched up, or else the perfect excuse for a new face-up!

      My Rylin does have a scar, though, on his forearm. The very first day of his big trip to Disneyland last year, he jumped off my suitcase in the hotel parkinglot and hit the asphalt HARD!!! Huge black scuff on his arm and a smudge on his shirt. I tell people he was just so exicted to meet Mickey! When we got home, I scrubbed it good and now you can barely see it, but it's still there. It doesn't bother me because it isn't a tragic story. He also has a few chew marks of the back of one pixie ear from my puppy; I now have a puppy barrier around my dolls. Again, it isn't obvious. Gods know I have plenty of cat-scratch scars myself.

      As for major injuries...? No broken fingers yet *crosses fingers* but I'm a big believer in super glue! I like to get the most hands-on enjoyment of my things as possible, and that usually means damage by my self or --more often-- my cats. Anything can be fixed!!!
    15. I wanted to add something... Almost forgot....

      Rylin (who is my oldest and goes out the most) once broke his wrist! The day after Halloween his hand just suddenly fell off! It was his first major injury, and I was at first startled. Then, I calmed down and reminded myself that I could order a replacement part. But I couldn't stand to see him sit around with only one hand, so I put his entire hand and forearm in a medical-tape cast with a cottonball lining (so he wouldn't get sticky) that he had to wear for two weeks until the part came in the mail. And you know what? He still went out with me, and all my friends and co-workers signed his cast! When I got the part, I carefully cut the cast off and put it in his scrapbook.
    16. my dolls are a constant work in progress, I can never finish them, that is the nature of my part in the hobby, and as such they are developing these little character points, most are hybrids and slight differences in skintone are almost exciting to me, chipped nailpolish never bothers me (looks at own hands) and the occasional smear or bump has never bothered me either, in fact the only things that ever did bother me were when I stupidly scratched Devin's faceup and worried I scarred his nose, he was my first limited so I sort of freaked. I am not so precious with him any more though, I learned to accept him (and eventually had the courage to redo his faceup..this year! the accident happened in 06) and the other accidental flaw that bothered me was when I snapped off both of Corpse's ears. I reglued them but honestly they bothered me till the day i totally resculpted them and strengthened them with steel
    17. ...And can I get an Ayoooha! for those of us who really do just leave our crap laying around? Seriously? Total slobs love their dolls too!
    18. There was this one time when I had a huge fight with someone that led to me slamming the door hard enough to create a backlash of wind that made Suri face-plant onto the table in front of her.

      Now, MW Juniors aren't the best of posers so I seldom let them stand unaided. But the one time I did I was so distraught over the situation at hand that doll safety was the last thing on my mind. I felt even kind of detached as I checked her for damage. Does this make me callous? :sweat

      Fortunately, there was nothing wrong but eh... Lesson learned. Never get pissed with an unstable doll present. xD
    19. I've really only had my doll since the 27th January 2010 and already have a mark on his thigh that I've tried to get off but it's being stubborn. Does that change how I feel about my doll? No, not really. It's barely noticeable and it's a shame it happened sooner rather than later but what can you do? I just make extra sure I am careful when handling him.

    20. I completly agree with you on this. I am always carfeul with my things. Rubs in the face-ups are just irritating. It takes alot of work to do a face-up and it may not be done exactly the same the 2nd time around. I would also hate to damage a doll and then have to be reminded of my carelessness everytime I messed with him.