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For clothing, what kind of closures do you prefer?

Jul 31, 2010

    1. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      I tend to use Hooks and snaps for the most part.
      Sometimes I use lacing too, but that is a lot of work to take on and off, so I don't use it on clothes that I am making for other people, I don't mind having to remove the head ether, but again, I wouldn't use this solution if I were giving away the garment.

      Which seems more professional to you?
      I don't think velcro unprofessional as long as it is well hidden, I think it all comes down to the design of the garment what closure fits best.

      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      As long as it is a well made piece of clothing, that looks good on the whole, I don't really care about the closure

      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      If I thought I could improve the design of a pattern by changing the closer, I would do it without further thought.
    2. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      I prefer snaps in general because they're the easiest to work with. Hooks are fine too. I do prefer buttons for a more realistic look however but they're a pain to work with!

      Which seems more professional to you?
      Buttons; they're harder to work with and the buttonholes need precision to be well-made and not just get torn after some use. Other than that anything that's well-hidden is professional enough for me.

      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      Yep, as long as they're nice clothes and fit my dolls' styles.

      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      Yes, if I thought the piece of clothing would look better like that.
    3. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      I like zippers myself - but it depends on the garment mainly.
      Which seems more professional to you?
      Closures that fit the garment - buttons w/real button-holes, zippers on jeans!!, things to scale.
      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      Certainly - depending on price & my ability to alter it. I've gotten several jeans on sale that don't have zippers (a peeve of mine) & will at some point add them.
      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      I'm doing a winter coat right now w/bound buttonholes ~sigh~ Not that I don't LIKE them but OMG they are hard enough to do on human size garments! But my boy Jason's a fashion whore & would NEVER wear a bargain basement coat.... so gotta do it.
    4. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      Snaps--Good if not visible.
      Hooks-- OK for certain things.
      Buttons--Good. They can be a bit of a pain to put on and off, but if they show, like on shirts, I like them.
      Lacing-- Good.
      Having to take your dolls head off--Forget it! Deal-breaker for me. Don't like taking head or hands or parts off...
      Zippers!!! ---I usually really like these!

      Which seems more professional to you?
      Do you think using things like velcro is unprofessional?
      No. If it's done well-- hidden, not bulky, easy to use, well attached, then it's fine.
      I like a certain amount of ease-of-access--so anything that looks correct and makes putting on clothes easy--that is good. And it should also look right for the outfit.
      What seems slightly unprofessional are attachments that are bulky or that show or that look bad--or missing closures (I've bought trousers without zips or velcro in the fly and sometimes they will gap, which is a big bother!).

      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      If you didn't like hooks, but saw a dress you just had to have, only to find out it had hooks on it... would you still buy it?
      Yes I'd buy with hooks... because I don't mind them so much.
      I didn't buy a piece that had a lot of lacings in the back and was sewn closed in the front where it should have opened... I wanted to be able to open the front! And lacing up the back each time would have been OK on a corset, for the look, but in this case I didn't like it.
      Usually, I would buy because I am OK with most closures as long as they work and they look right.

      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      If I thought the snaps wouldn't hold or would gap or wouldn't look right, I'd do something else, but sometimes a snap is what works best, so I'd do it. I guess I'm not AS picky about the type of fastening... I just want them to look right and work right! And not be incredibly difficult or bothersome to use.
    5. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      Invisible zippers

      Which seems more professional to you?
      Invisible zippers seem pretty professional to me since it blends in at a seam.

      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      I have some blouses with snaps in the front and back and they aren't visible, but snaps can be too bulky

      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      If I were making clothes then I'd make a pattern that calls for a zipper :)
    6. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      Do you like Snaps, Velcro, Hooks, Butons? Maybe lace or no closer at all (having to take your dolls head off)?

      I like snaps, zippers, and functional buttons the most. Lacing, I only like it in certain situations, like corsets. I don't like hooks very much. Velcro, I'm okay with it if it's thin. Some velcros are way too thick for doll-scale work. Clothes that requires taking the head off, I would only use it if the styling is something I want very particularly. I don't photo my dolls from the back very often, so an opening in the back to avoid taking off the head is fine with me even if the equivalent human outfit wouldn't (like a turtleneck or tight t-shirt).

      Which seems more professional to you?
      Do you think using things like velcro is unprofessional?

      I don't really think any of it is unprofessional. It's sloppiness and shoddiness that's unprofessional.

      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      If you didn't like hooks, but saw a dress you just had to have, only to find out it had hooks on it... would you still buy it?

      I would have to want that particular thing a lot to deal with something I don't like.

      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      If you were following a pattern and it called for snaps, but you absolutely hated sewing them on, would you still do it?

      No. I'd modify the pattern accordingly. If I have a choice, I wouldn't deal with stuff I hate.
    7. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      i prefer Snaps and buttons. lace maybe, but Velcro and no closers at all, no.

      Which seems more professional to you?
      working button are the most professional to me because it makes it seem more realistic, as if it's real clothes for little people
      but velcro makes the clothes look cheap to me. it's like buying clothes for barbie and ken dolls. like if im going to spend $10-$20
      on a shirt i want it too look nice and to stand out rom oher cheaper doll clothes.

      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      most likely not. i would get annoyed with it.

      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      not at all. i would try to find a way to use a closer i like to substitute it with.
    8. When it comes to your dolls clothes, what kind of closures do you prefer?
      I think snaps would be the happy medium between quality and ease of use.

      Which seems more professional to you?
      No, not necessarily. Don't we all have a few cheap articles of clothing that we mix in with our high end stuff? ;)

      Would you buy clothing with closers you don't like?
      I typically have to do adjustments to the clothing I buy for my large BJD - Ha Yarn cho from Dollmore. For some reason, nothing ever fits *perfectly*. That said, hooks or buttons spaced a few cm apart would make the clothing more able to "fit," while velcro is just that - unless you want to put more strips of velcro on the closure, in which case if you're making the closure very tight fitting then the extra velcro piece would be visible.

      Would you make clothing with a closer you don't like?
      No, I use a hot glue gun for stuff like that - if I were to sell the item to someone else though, I'd probably just bite the bullet and sew it anyway.
    9. I love vintage dresses
    10. I prefer girly lacy dresses