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Fullset or not?

Nov 10, 2010

    1. I got a fullset as my first doll, and it did make it easier for me as a starting point, especially seeing as I lost my job just after I paid the doll off, so I couldn't afford any of the extras for some time. But once I could afford things again I started to change her look.

      I will get a fullset if it is worthwhile for me. I've bought four fullsets over the years, but none of them I have kept as they came. Some I have swapped eyes, others wigs, some I did both. I tend to like my dolls wearing more than one outfit, so the outfit that comes with it is just another part of their wardrobe. In one case, the fullset had so much that came with it, and was cheaper than getting an outfit, shoes, wig, eyes and faceup separately, so it was definitely worth it. In another case, I had no choice but to buy the fullset as that's the only way you could get the sculpt. I gave away the outfit and wiped off the doll's faceup and changed her look completely.

      I think I'm too much into customising a doll to be mine to keep it as is. I couldn't get a doll to keep it perfectly as a set - one, I like changing outfits, wigs, etc; and two, I'm too active in my play with my dolls that their faceups do fade and rub off over the years. Spending that much on something to be scared to touch it seems counter intuitive to how I enjoy my dolls.
    2. My mom is always trying to get us to buy fullset dolls. Not sure why....but I think you bond more with a doll that you 'helped come together '(You know, buy wigs, eyes and clothes for while the doll itself is bald, naked, and eyeless) rather than one that kind of did the work for you.

      Don't get me wrong though. Jack is a fullset and I love him to bits, but buying a different set of eyes for him made me feel all the more closer to him. :)
    3. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      I could never buy a fullset, because I could never justify spending that much more money on it. And usually the outfits they have I just don't feel like they would fit with the character I have in mind.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      I think its a little bit unoriginal, but far be it from me to discourage it. If it fits with what you want, then fine, get it by all means.

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      I suppose I would consider it, if it was super simple and could fit with whatever.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      I do think it would be easier/cheaper for someone who doesn't have the means to make their own clothing or stuff, if they don't have the character in mind already.
    4. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      I have a few full sets. But I don't prefer it as I like doing my own face-ups.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      The three full sets I got were for totally different reasons.
      The first wasn't technically a true fullset but the face-up was company done and he came with an entire outfit. He was my perfect yo-sd doll just as he was.
      The second was a limited luts Geoffery who didn't come without the fullset option. I probably would have gotten him naked with a completely different outfit if I could have. But I love his face-up and hair. I likely wont change that!
      The second fullset I got was the only way I'd buy a Ringdoll girl. I simply don't like their molds except for the styling of Rebecca's fullset. So she will Always remain as she is. I just absolutely fell in love with her.
      I don't think it's 'unoriginal'. If you find a doll that's done Perfectly the way you'd want it done. Why not get it? I still have not found a mold I like as much as Geoffery's in a basic form and Rebecca is probably my favorite doll.

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      All dolls are good to me! I've got a ton more basics and a planned hybrid, possible mod.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      Fullsets are great if you're not crafty and you want a finished doll you can cart around and show off right away.If you Are a crafty person maybe getting a basic doll first is better because the urge to customize is great!
    5. I have bought fullsets from different companys. My main reason for the purchase is that I fell in love with the bjd exactly the way it was, the face up, the clothing, and shoes. I loved everything about it and I wanted that exact look. When I don't buy the fullsets, which is more common, I just want the look of the bjd and I want to customize everything elso myself.
    6. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      I've never buoyed a full-set, and I don't think I'll ever will.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      I like doing my own face-ups, and full-sets get the doll to a new level of price, I live in the "clothing-fabrics" district, so I have plenty to make my own clothing, sure I have some imported suits, but I've never got a full-set because the charge it's almost enough to buy another doll, so if I have the chance to get 2 dolls in stand of just 1 and I can do my own face-ups and clothing, I think it's fair enough... ;)

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?

      if the price it's not so hi I wouldn't care, but the price, and I'm not saying it doesn't worth it, but for me it's a very expencive extra and I have other options, but if it was cheaper...yeah, I will consider it. :sweat

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      Full-setsare great, I agree, but truth is the tax and the price have made me to consider telling people I can help them do their own makeups and clothing even if the stile it's similar to the full-set in stand of paying the one from the factory, ultimately, the one ho decide it's the costumer :)
    7. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?

      Depends on the doll. If fullset is available, and I like it, I'd get it. Despite appearances, though, I prefer customizing my own doll.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.

      I only consider fullsets in limited dolls. The ones I bought I did because I liked the fullset. If I don't like it, I would not buy the limited. Unoriginal? Maybe. So?

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?

      Let's put it liek this. Of nearly 50 dolls in my wishlist now, just three of them are fullsets (old limited ones, DZ Violeta, DoD Delphine and Luts Persi Nine Tails, in case you were wondering). The rest of them are dolls I would love to buy and completely customize.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?

      Hmm... I do consider it easier to get a fullset when you're starting this hobby. My first one wasn't, and I wasn't sure how to start, although I had researched a lot, bought every material I needed, and some of my hobbies are drawing, painting and sewing. I was totally lost :blush

      Though I'm having a great time doing the faceup, body blushing and sewing clothes, when I bought my first fullset my first thought was "I wish I could have done it the other way, and buy the fullset first". It was just because the feeling of looking at the finished doll game me more confidence, so to speak. That, and Xio's body blushing and faceup are giving me the hardest time (I blame it on her being 27 lovely cm :D).

      What I do recommend is to get a spare head, or buy a cheap doll for practice that you won't mind "ruining". That way you can practice modding or blushing or whatever, and be confident that you'll do okay instead of spending hours painting and erasing layer after layer of faceup ;)
    8. People tend to get enchanted and idealize fullsets, and buy on impulse. The fullset holds you from customizing when you fall in love for it. I think that's a reason for so many dolls sold just as the owner got them.
    9. I recently (well in...september) got my very FIRST full set BJD, Fairyland pukifee luna alice! I loved her faceup and sleep plate, and outfit, the wig is cute but messy....i got it as a crhistmas gift! I would have been happy with just doll and sleep plate both with face ups as i do give them other wigs and more casual every day outfits, but its very nice to have:)
    10. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      It depends on the doll and his/her image, but I would put my vote to fullsets, maybe because my first one is a fullset too

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      It depends on the image of the doll. For example I adore SOOM and Doll-Zone fullsets, the character of the doll is really unique, IMHO. Though plain girls/boys with a plain make-up and plain clothes are not my type.
      My Aquatrica is a fullset Petsha. I chose her, because I loved everything in her - wig, eyes, clothes... And now I really can't imagine her without one thing from her outfit.

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      Yes, especially when I loved only the face of the doll and already have some wigs and clothes of her size. But maybe I'd pay for her faceup, not to spoil it with my hands.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      It depends on the person, like everybody said. In my opinion "newbies"should get their first doll as a fullset, not to be scary of a naked body with bald head xDD
    11. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It all depends.
      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      If it goes with the character I have planned out for that doll then I'll get it. If it doesn't, I won't. Personally, I don't think it's unoriginal. It's just some clothes.
      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      Once again, it all depends.
      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]? \
      It's easier for the fullset, but cheaper without it. Easier because you have the clothes, the wig, the shoes all there. Not cheap because, of course, it costs a lot of money.
    12. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      I have yet to ever buy a fullset doll but I can see the appeal to them and if I found one I really like I would probably get it, though for me when I look at fullsets I mostly think ooooh I really like that part or that bit of the outfit but I don't want the rest. Yay for splits right?

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      I haven't done it yet as I have yet to find one I like. And I don't think they're unorgional as most people I know with fullsets do make there own changes to the doll.

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      I'd never say never because I never know there might be that one set that really calls to me.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      I think it entirely depends on the person and there choices and the amount of money they want to spend, cause lets face it fullsets aren't exactly the cheapest way to go about it =D
    13. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      It depends. I have never bought a fullset though, but there have been some dolls that I would had love to get as a fullset just because it's gorgeous. But most of the times I would just get the doll to customize myself.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      I think that most of the fullsets just don't fit what I have in mind for my characters. So I would rather just get the doll and make everything else.

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      Sure, it all depends on if the fullset would be perfect for what I have had in mind, though most of the time the fullsets are way too expensive for me to even consider it.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      It's all up to the buyer and person. I myself would just rather get the basic and then build upon it as I always have characters in mind : ) But for someone who doesn't do characters I guess they would be best off buying a fullset it they really love it.
    14. I, having no dolls yet, would feel like getting a full set is a safer place to start. I would like to eventually brach out from the company's design, but I don't want to buy clothes from somewhere else to find they don't fit! or that they just dont work out the way id hopped (though thats a possibility either way) and I know I can't make the clothes yet, Im just not that good.

      Though I have seen a few sets thay were just so beautiful or perfect that I would have liked it just the way they had it. Like some of the Fairyland dolls, who have intricate designs and clothing. http://dollfairyland.com/shop/step1.php?number=762

      So I may want to buy one for it's almost perfect appeal, but I do also feel like the full sets take away the originality. Like I said I would most definately change some minor things to make it more personalized or original. Like the wig or the face up. Though there are a few sets that I wouldnt want to change.

      If I only bought things to personalize (not full sets) I may end up buying one of those afore mentioned dolls that are so dead on in design, as a sort of mixer-up. Like a breath of fresh air.

      I've been hunting information on a certain doll to find out what the diffrence would be to buy her full or basic.
      So far my research says that it's cheaper to go for the full set. For a firt time purchase it may be advantageous to save that extra hundred or so (depending on any clothing or face up charges of buying sepreatelly) for repairs or storage-such things.

      Another question: What if you wouldn't mind buying a full set instead of hunting down all the peices, but the doll you love comes in a set that you just don't like?

      Would that make you buy seperate outfits and a blank doll, even if you don't like to?

      Or, would you buy the set and hope to have enought money left over to buy a better outfit, or supplies to put the doll in better attire?

      Even if it means you have to suffer through the set you don't like?
    15. Just to point out though Zilvmay, some fullsets clothes sets actually don't fit properly when they arrive, Fairyland are a prime example of this (items being too big or too small) even fullset wigs have been known not to fit very well!
    16. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      I've bought one fullset ever. That's all.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      I usually don't do it because I don't like it. I usually fall in love with a doll, have a set idea in mind, and nope! the fullset doesn't match. I also do think there's a slight unoriginality to it, while none of my dolls will ever be 100% original (there's just too many dollies!), buying a fullset with factory face up doesn't exactly help.

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      I've bought 1 fullset. My brownie. The reason I bought him like that, was because I've owned tinies before and I don't really like changing them around all that much. I also find it very hard to find them clothes I like, and the brownie clothes I did enjoy. So, Hector sits there, not often getting played with, cute as a button, and I'm happy as pie about it. But I really think it's something I'd keep to tinies (if I ever even buy another!)

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?

      I think it depends on a person. If they fall in love with the doll in the fullset, well, maybe it's right for them. And it would be considerably cheaper if they don't plan on filling out the wardrobe. If they fall in love with the doll, but not the wig, or the shoes, or what have you, then starting basic is the way too go. It's something that doesn't fit everyone one way or the other.
    17. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      I like fullsets.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      Instead of seeing dolls as shells for MY characters, I see them as art from the artists. So if it's all put together for me, even better. I'd much rather find a fullset I like instead of a doll that I have to go buy clothes for. I guess I'm just lazy. xD [And I hate shipping.]

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      I would get a basic/hybrid doll if it was going to give me a huge discount, but otherwise, I'd still rather get fullset.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      It depends on what you're looking for in the hobby. If you're looking for characters, go for basic because you'll be buying clothes anyway. But if you're a beginner [and I know I am] I would suggest full set, just so you don't have a naked/unfinished doll somewhere lying around. Having a full set means you can take it places already and enjoy the more social part of it or just be able to have it out. However, people who want to customize the doll themselves obviously should generally go the other route, since they'll be changing it all anyway.
    18. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?

      Nope. Extremely rare/unlikely

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.

      The price is what bothers me most and I do like most of the full set they offers but it'll have to be wicked awesome in order for me to pay that price. It's no unoriginal at all, like I said I like them but don't find it appealing in the long run...

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?

      No....I always go with guts, if I hear no then it's a no.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?

      It depend if that person likes it or not because everyone see things differently and it's very likely they want what others don't want, vice versa. My taste is probably going to be different from someone else and I may like the basic while the other person likes the full set....It's just different preferences so I can't say I should or should not encourage someone to buy them. If they like it then buy it, if not then go with a different route.
    19. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?

      I prefer full sets, if I like everything offered in the set. Unfortunately, that means that I rarely get full sets. In fact, I've only gotten one full set ever - LTF Luna. I wish full sets were offered more frequently, because I do prefer them - I like the convenience of getting a doll with all the basics included, even if various pieces of the set will be used by my other dolls.

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unorginal? Please explain.

      I don't think there's anything unoriginal about buying a full set - this hobby is what you make of it and we all enjoy it in different ways. I like having my dolls come to me with the basics included. It allows me to enjoy her immediately out of the box without worrying what she will wear. I love changing my dolls' wigs, eyes and clothes, so none of them have a set outfit anyway - a nice full set will just add to the wardrobe.

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?

      Sure, I'd get a basic. Like I mentioned above, only one of my dolls is a full set (and, she's not even here yet!). All my other dolls, which are many, have been purchased as basics. Full sets are not released often, and of those released, majority do not appeal to me, so getting a basic doll is the only choice I have.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?

      A full set is cheaper provided that you like all that is included; if there are aspects that don't appeal to you, then it may end up being more expensive than buying things individually. I would most definitely advise someone to get a full set, again, provided that the person likes everything that is included. Ultimately, it depends on individual preference - some folks like hunting for that perfect wig or pair of eyes while they wait for their dolls, others don't want the hassle.
    20. 1. Are you the type who prefers to buy fullsets or not?
      I never thought I would be, but yes. Yes, I am. But I love basic dolls, too!

      2. Why do you do it/why not? Did it just happen to "fit all the way"? Or do you think it's unoriginal? Please explain.
      Well, 2 out of 5 dolls that I will be owning are going to be full-set. To be honest, though, I just like to have something for them to wear while I wait on customizing them to my needs. My Kitten Lance arrived as a full set, and I've already changed out his eyes and clothes. I've stored his other clothes, though, because I like them, and I'm sure they'll fit in with another character eventually!

      3. Think of it the other way 'round - would you consider a fullset even if you've never bought one before/would you get a basic (or even hybrid) even though you're the fullset enthusiast?
      Yep. I'm already in the middle. I'm not getting my M. Kaillar or Soom Shale & Adamelli in fullset! Just my Delphine & Crobi Lance.

      4. Another question. No matter what you personal preference is, what do you think of the general aspect - do you consider it easier, cheaper, safer ect. for someone to get their doll right starting with a fullset or just the basic? Would you advise someone to or against? Or does it depend on [insert reason]?
      I think that fullset allows the doll to have something to wear. Sometimes it's "cheaper" to get a fullset, and sometimes it's the only way to get a certain mold from a company. I'm not opposed to dolls being in their fullsets at all. If it fits a character, then more power to them! I like fullsets, I do. But I think I'd always end up changing them to make them my own.