1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Funniest/Weirdest BJD Accesories/Misc. thread

May 15, 2007

    1. OMG i have that! XD i didnt even think about that doll sized!
      ...probably good that its out of lighter fluid. ^^;
      and speaking of lighters, my doll (now that i thought to give it to her) has a tiki man with glowy eyes. yay for lighters!

      ohh, and if your looking for msd sized handcuffs, buy Thumb cuffs. you can get them at alot of "magic Trick" shops, or places liek spencers, and they fit msd really well.
      ill post pictures of the handcuffs and mr. tiki when i get the chance haha
    2. How about a see through man complete with removable organs?

      I love that accessory......something very informative....too funny!
    3. I don't know how weird it is, but Lucien didn't want a teddy bear, but I came across a stuffed mole in a toystore that suits him perfectly!
    4. Doll-sized mahjong game. That odd enough? Its meant to be a travel size mahjong, but the tiles will sit in an mini doll's hand (though oversized a little). I thought it was cute ^^;
    5. Wow. I really need to get out and shop more! Some of you have some really cool stuff! The only funny things I have are soda cans and icecream pints. They are actually lip glosses, so they smell pretty good.
    6. Hey.....GREAT IDEA!
    7. I found this rocking rabbit at Lowe's in garden supplies.


      And my daughter gave me a miniature version of the San San Kudo sake set she used in her own wedding ceremony.

    8. :Dcool stuff~!
    9. A dolfie size chips bag with little chips in it :D it was a key chain or something, I lost most of the chips by now lol D:
    10. I couldn't help but make this a reality XD


      This is Lucy with my Miku Hatsune figma.

      Other than that, my dolls don't really have any special accessories... I would love to get an MSD-sized upright piano, though... :D
    11. Chae-ri has a pocketknife. A real one.
    12. My weirdest little accessory is my working MSD-scale vitrolla, a key-chain etsa-sketch or however the heck you spell it, and a bunch of rubber dino toys my mother found for me....
    13. Clover has a giant bat she uses as a handglider (working on the holds for her hands, thinking something with velcro or something)
    14. All my dolls have (collectively, I guess) is a strawberry ice cream cone and a little working flashlight. Emma has her own teddy bear, though; I was going to sneakily let her hold onto my cat's little teddy bear toy, but she wouldn't let her. I guess nothing completely weird here...
    15. I have a little Gable from Austin, tx when visiting the capital :D
      its a perfect msd sized just a little long
    16. I forgot that I also got Emma a tiny toy car, as well as a rubix cube which I think is a better size for an SD
    17. I haven't bought them yet, but the little 50s gift shop that's on the other side of the museum I work at (I work in the coffee shop though), has a bank that's made to look just like an old 50s cash register. They also have little Radio Flyer wagons (the real metal ones), that would fit an MSD in it (I plan to buy it and use it for my SDs to use it for their MSD sized daughter to ride in). They've also got a biplane that would be perfect SD sized as well if I'm remembering correctly, too bad that one costs like $300 (I'll most likely never own that one though).

      Oh, also in the coffee shop we've got some little gift items as well, we've got tiny shopping carts that would probably be YoSD sized.
    18. So for some reason i have a bear bottle and wine bottle for Dakota...i also have a fanny pack mine chicklet gum a brain that fits perfectly in his head and i have a mini duck tape wallet my brither made for him.