1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Gem of Doll Discussion

May 8, 2020

    1. @Hikari-chanXx:

      He can stay like this without my help but as you can see leans forward and the ankles and knees don't bend more than that so his butt isn't directly resting on top of his legs and you'll have to turn the toes sideways when seated on an even surface. The lack of ankle mobility is actually one thing I don't love about this body but then again it also means his ankles don't suddenly decide to plop the whole doll over.

      He holds poses in general really well and doesn't fight against you and for me most importantly can touch his own face and stand without any support rather easily. With a little balancing I even got him to stand legs crossed and even with just one leg(!) Never managed that before with any of my dolls, at least not as fast and easily.

      What I actually hopped here to say though is that my tan Nymph shipped today :abambi: Probably a week or three and she'll be here! Time to start prepping yarn for her wig and think about how exactly I'm going to make her clothes, the fabric has been gotten already, I'll just have to decide how to use the colors and what kind of style in general and then get her exact measurements for it. :dance
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    2. The 1/4 scale mermaid is not quite 1/4 scale when fully stretched out! My Gem of Doll Coraline (tail requested to be made koi-colored) just arrived today. Wig and eyes temporary.

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    3. My Carlos is here! He’s absolutely gorgeous! I’m horrible at taking photos but maybe if I find the time I’ll post some more pictures :D Also got his extra arm and human legs but I love his hooves some much, I might not use them :whee:


      Spent some time fiddling with his ears, horns, and tail tho as they kept falling off because of the weak magnets :sweat might try to get new ones
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    4. I received mine too last week. For the horns: I did receive two extra magnets and it helped a lot to put those on the horns magnetes. (so that you have 2 magnets on each horn) It helped the horns reaching into the head magnets better.

      Are your magnets inserted at different levels too? My left horn sits quite lower than the right one :(
    5. Here's my tan little Nymph:
      Messy hair is on purpose, I wanted it to look like she just woke up. :XD:

      She surprised me and came with extra (normal) hands and feet - which is awesome since the default ones both had very long nails (and the feet were for healed shoes) and the character I'll make this doll into is more of a dirt digger type than fancy manicure type so for a second I was thinking that damn, I'll have to buy new feet and hands for her and pray the color isn't too different, then noticed the extra box containing both and relief washed over me :sweat (awesome from Gem of Doll to include them since I didn't realize that she has special hands and feet and I would have been pretty annoyed with them.)

      I was pretty worried about the skin color since before she shipped they sent me a video to show that she had been made already and she looked pretty damn orange in it so I was really worried about the color. In the end it's slightly darker than I thought it would be, but it's a pretty color and I actually really like it.
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    6. Popping in to say that I just bought a Taurus Carlos through Alice’s Collections~ He is my first doll from Gem of Doll, so I’m eager to see him.

      I was so enamored by the beast version because his design looks kind of Mesopotamian which is relevant to a story I’m writing, but I only saw his human version listed on Alice’s. Thankfully, they added the listing for the beast version back after I emailed them ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
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    7. Help I'm in danger, they just posted teasers of two new dolls at their weibo. I see that cute tongue expression and I already know I will need Tazz.
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    8. I love that they're trying such a different style than their usual!
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    9. Hey all! I'm looking at getting the 45cm 1/4 grace girl body for a DIM hybrid, since I think I want my Larina to be a tall girl :love

      Says it's offered in both Normal Pink and Mia Pink on Alice - anybody have any idea what either of those look like? Trying to figure which is a better match for DIM NS.

      Thanks! <3
      #129 Panbow, Apr 17, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
    10. Gem are quite good at replying on facebook. I asked them last night about their green resin which they'll do on request apparently. Which is great because it's a decent match for doll chateau's green. Not sure dc heads will fit the bodies without mods though. I'll have to get my girl down and check.
      But if it works that'd be a nice option for a less skeletal body.
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    11. Thanks for the info!!! Turns out I didn't even have to message them because I found a resin sample photo that includes all the basic colours. I'll post it here in case it helps someone else!

      Resin colours from Gem of Doll facebook:


      I'm thinking mia will be a good match for DIM since normal pink looks the right colour pink but a bit too dark.
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    12. I'm also thinking Tazz will be perfect for a character of mine, but the gem doll boy msd body isn't childish enough for me. I'll prolly put him on a DF-H body or something.
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    13. I just finished paying my layaway off for my Ares fullset, I couldn’t be more excited! I’m hoping she ships out soon. :love
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    14. Pretty boy is home!

      Still waffling about regarding clothes and stuff, but I love him!
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    15. I finally made Ayris' wig (my tan Nymph)

      The black hair tie will be removed later, it's there to force it down.
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    16. Gem of Doll's Ann sculpt has REALLY caught my eye lately... but im kind of torn... I usually prefer 1/6 size dolls, so she'd be bigger than what I'm used to and I really didn't like the last large doll I had. That and I love her rock star face up and full set but idk if i have a character idea for her at all, so even if i got her blank idk what i'd wanna do with her. I'd really love a doll i could dress in cute frilly dresses and that wouldn't fit very well with her style. Altho i do like her style.... i am so conflicted... has anyone else bought ann?
    17. Also... is gem of doll's resin very prone to yellowing?