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Girls view on guys who own BJDs

Oct 26, 2010

    1. Caring for a small humanoid teaches nurturing skills, daddies need to learn to care for babies too. I don't care who doll fans are. When I have a child I don't want them to worry if it's a girl's toy or a boy's toy, I'd rather have them be happy when they play. Kids don't know and don't care. For every doll I have there's a Hot Wheel and action figure hanging around.

      As for the naughty dolls and figures that's a male brain thing, they're very visual and have been in to things such as "French postcards" forever and will continue to be. There's probably a few girls out there with big busted scantily dressed lady dolls too. ~won't go in to a long thing~
    2. I've been trying to get my boyfriend more interested in the hobby for a while now, so I think I can safely say that I like boys who like BJD. ;) He and I are slowly but surely moding a doll to be his long-standing D&D character. Admittedly his taste in dolls and mine are totally different. I like adorable, while he goes more for weird and spooky, but it's still fab that he and I can share the hobby together.

      Edited to Add: If I had to bet on which one of us was more likely to get a Dollfie Dream Dynamite and dress her in lingerie my money would be on me. I think those girls are a lot of fun and it's my boyfriend doing the eye rolling.
    3. IDK. I'm gender neutral, so I guess I don't count but. Basically I don't see it as a gender specific hobby, but I was never raised with traditional gender roles heavily enforced. I don't think you nessicarily have to be gay to like dolls, either. Would that make every girl that owns a female doll gay? Likely not. ~
    4. It's a hobby, open to all, so I think it's great if guys want to join in the fun. I'm kind of glad, though, that my husband isn't interested in them because I'd just as soon keep him in the dark about certain things.
    5. I've only had really uncomfortable experiences with guys and their dolls. Unfortunately for me, it has only ever come across as a sexual thing in my limited experience, which freaked me out a little. I know that there is a branch of this hobby which celebrates that aspect of BJDs, and I don't have a problem with that, but when guys my age (I'm 21) and younger go on forums where it isn't appropriate to do that, and parade their girls around in entirely unattractive clothes (or no clothes) and unflattering positions, it becomes seedy and awkward.

      I definately don't believe it's a matter of sexuality either. The males I am personally aware of in this hobby are most definately straight :/

      I honestly wish to have much better experiences with the males in this hobby. They can bring fresh perspective and ideas, I just haven't had the pleasure to view the results :(
    6. I see this hobby as a creative outlet of sorts... and creative expression of any kind does not 'belong' to any one gender.

      Plus, BJDs shoudln't be viewed and 'girl' dominated, if there are male and female dolls, then male and female owners are expected. I think the main obstacle is society's perception. Its always the way, if a girl is into a guy hobby, she's cool. When a guy is into a girl hobby, he's not.

      When I show my husband photos of dolls and customisations, he is always really impressed. When I have my dolls out, he will actually sit and marvel at them and even play and discuss with me.
    7. It's cool with me. It would probably make me giggle a lot in the beginning as I'm not used to seeing guys carrying dolls around, but I would forget about it after a while and start a conversation about how fantastic BJDs are with him XD
    8. For me, the only difference between a doll and an action figure is what you call it. :3 I have several X-Men "action figures", a Vincent Valentine, and of course, my BJDs. My ex actually really liked the BJDs I collect, and since we've remained good friends, he still asks about what's new in the "dollie world". I would have no problem with a male collecting BJDs as well. I watched a clip the other week about a look into Super Dollfie, and the first few people who were interviewed were men. They weren't creepy, silly, or anything negative. So I say, go for it guys.
    9. I love it !!! I think there should be more guys who own dolls ^^;;
      I myself have never been girly and I even used to pretend to be a boy when I was younger.... -fail- so when I got into dolls it was a shock to a lot of people :P SO I guess I can understand how a lot of people would be like "Woah you're into dolls?"
      But this is different

      Bjd's are really more than dolls, hence the first name 'dollfie' (doll+figurine) they're more of an art project, an expression of ideals of beauty and such, you know?
    10. It's very interesting to see how many people have that 'knee jerk' reaction or are uncomfortable with men owning or appreciating a certain type of doll.
      Makes me a bit sad, truth be told. I like to think that if I'd been more male I wouldn't be looked at strangely by other members of my hobby.
      Personally? I think it's WONDERFUL to see guys in the BJD world, whether they're young or old, love Puki's or big busted Dollfie Dreams. Having a male presence in the hobby gives it a fresh perspective-always a good thing!! And I like variety, both in people and in dolls.
    11. I wouldn't mind either way. I don't see why somebody's gender should dictate their hobbies.
    12. I think in the opinion of western culture any adult having "too much" interest on dolls is considered a bit odd, and that probably makes it a bit difficult for men as hobbyists. But I hope people don´t mind about that, if they are interested on the hobby, it would feel quite sad if someone couldn´t take part in the fear of being neglected some way.

      I myself see the bjd hobby very close to arts and creativity, which makes me think it´s more likely being hobby of people who already find artistic things interesting. From this wiew I see no difference between male or female hobbyist. A big number of important people in art, design and fashion are men; also doll sculptors are often men, and hardly anyone feels that odd in any way. I think if a man had a doll presented as a model to design clothes in miniature size everyone would feel it just cool, but the reaction might be different if there would be a man carrying a doll around in public places, even still there isn´t anything wrong with that. Men are used to be seen as artists, designers and creators rather than plain hobbyists, I guess.

      Sadly, I think the idea of men owning a doll like bjd makes many people in western culture (meaning those which aren´t in the hobby themselves - I think it´s rare inside the hobby to think so) think first that it´s a gay man if owns male dolls or there´s something suspicious if owning a girl doll (specially when it´s big breasted). Just like adult women may hear that child dolls represent baby fever etc. That fo sure shouldn´t be so! Why wouldn´t any person own any item that she/he considers being beautiful and interesting? But I think the culture is changing all the time and for next generation things aren´t what they are to us at the moment or others before our time. It also depends a lot about the personal being of each individual; I must admit I know men that having a bjd wouldn´t make me surprised at all, as they do appreciate beauty and art (and it has nothing to do with being a gay) or collecting things, but for example if I´d see my dad buying a doll for himself I´d for sure think first he´d probably lost his mind, as it wouldn´t be his style at all. He would buy a beautiful painting or lamp or table or decorated tool, but closest thing about him and dolls might be a "hunter and his dog" -sculpture he once bought.

      I work in day care and have noticed, how little girls and boys do play with the dolls just as much as any toys; they take care of a baby doll, feed and put it to sleep or take the babies in their imaginary adventures. Children themselves do not think if that´s a toy for a boy or girl only - if there´s an issue, it´s learned from home. I´ve seen some parents saying to a little child, that he should play rather with some other toy because "dolls are for girls". Luckily it´s just few - times are changing and in this area to be better way.

      I hope all men in the hobby would follow their heart and if they like bjd:s (or other dolls) they would be able to be in the hobby without anyone watching it oddly. :)

      At the end, I must add, that still I wrote about the existing stereotypic visions in this message, I didn´t do it meaning to hurt anybody´s feelings. I have noticed before that the discussions about men in this hobby often make people feel bad even still the idea would have been to say it´s fine and nice. Many just want to concentrate in the hobby, without girls squeeing it´s cute when guys have dolls, or others telling the obvious facts of the public thinks about it.
    13. Dollfie Dream Dynamites are particularly man friendly. I have netfriends who are guys and are owned by dolls. They are usually Dollfie Dream fans because they are very closely tied in with a lot of anime. I don't especially like the "daughter" thing, particularly when you consider the outfits some of the DDs who own guys look like. But still, it's great when guys show up at doll meets, it's great when guys stand up for other guys who have dolls. And Danny Choo in particular has done awesome work in showing other Otaku that it's ok to like dolls if you're a guy.
    14. Indeed...probably better than getting a dog for that purpose!
    15. I do feel people forget that we females who like to get boy dolls can be no different than guys wanting big breasted dolls to pretty up! XD

      Personally, I dont think there is any problem with guys wanting dolls. I grew up wanting boy's toys and gadgets (so this hobby was a shock to the family. This and the my little ponies) so it's basically the same. It's sad that society has double standards when it comes to these things. We can wear 'boy clothes' and do 'male jobs' and buy 'male items' without anyone raising an eyebrow but if a guy wants a doll people think there is something wrong with him.
    16. Men sculpt dolls!
      It's cool when they collect them too!
    17. I think unfortunately it is one of those things where if you see a girl with a doll then thats socially accepted as fine, and if it's a boy holding the doll then the sexual orientation is automatically questioned! That's the programming of society though, there will always be little prejudices that come out instinctively whether you voice them or not.

      For example age changes things too- seeing a grown woman with a doll is seen as weird or bizarre outside of the doll community, but change it to an older guy playing with dolls (regardless of their collectibility) then the reaction in people is much much stronger. I think alot of modern people have barely got their heads around the idea of metrosexual guys (guys who like to take care of themselves, often using a whole range of products and male make up, which are traditionally seen as female traits), let alone the idea that actually they might want to play or collect dolls, much in the way that girls can like things that are seen as boy toys.

      My personal opinion is that yes I can admit I am surprised when I see guys with dolls, I do question it, but only through curiousity over something that happens quite rarely near me. But having said that, I have also come to realise that people are people and dolls are dolls, and if you like something and you aren't hurting anyone then you should be able to do what you like ^.^ This is how it should be seen for all doll collectors, regardless of sex, in a perfect world.
    18. I think I'd like a guy who collected bjds, it's not something you see very often, but I think it'd be kinda cute. (Hear that guys? Ladies love pretty dollies XD)
    19. As long as he doesn't say : " Hey there, want to see my pretty dollies? " O_O
    20. I think it's pretty awesome for guys to own dolls, since if it's something they really like and are brave enouh to push past that "weeeee dolls are for GIRLS" thing to be able to collect something that makes them happy, GO THEM! :D I love it when people aren't entirely confined by gender stereotypes.

      My boyfriend actually got his first puki about a month ago (Pongpong!) and he's enamored with the little guy. He likes to put him in martial arts poses like Bruce Lee (Hahaha, so cute). It helps that both him and I are artists, so there's the art aspect. It's also nice to have him share the hobby with me, and we can talk about bjd stuff without it being weird.

      Basically, I find it a big PLUS in guys! Seconding the aforementioned statement of The Ladies Love it! LOL!