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Giving up other dolls for BJDs?

Jan 15, 2009

    1. I would sell those you can part with first. Take some good pictures so you can always go back and look and remember the doll. I've had so many dolls and still have too many now and am looking forward to thinning some out as I've seen so many wonderful new bjd's - I'm ready to go in a new direction. Be sure to keep your very favorite older dolls, though. . .the ones that tug at your heart.
    2. To afford my first 3 BJDs which I have ordered now, I sold two silicone baby dolls for £1,300 (that's $2,100 USD).
      I realised that, although I loved them, the money I could make from selling them was worth more to me.

      Here's a tip a dolly friend gave me;
      Put the doll you are thinking of selling away in a cupboard for 2 or 3 weeks.
      If you don't miss them, then you can sell them and know that you probably won't regret it! ;)

      Be careful about selling all your old dolls, though. You might miss them when they're gone.
      I hope you are able to get your dream BJD!
    3. I have a small collection of Barbie and other vinyl dolls. Some of them used to be on display but now all of them are in their original boxes in a closet. I had to make room for my BJDs and all the things that come with them. I have not as much as looked at other dolls since I got my first BJD (they're so absorbing - money wise as well as other wise). Even though I can't bring myself to buy another non BJD, I simply can't get rid of the ones I've worked so hard to collect. I still like them, and I think I would regret selling them.
    4. I sold a lot of old Barbies a long time ago to buy my little fisher price doll house. It was one of the first they'd ever made and was very old fashioned and cute. I then sold that to buy more of the collectable Barbies when I stoped playing with them. I also have a whole bunch of those little Madame Alexander dolls. I'm waiting until the economy stops sucking so hard and I'm going to sell a few Barbies, Beanie Babies, and all the Madame Alexanders to put into funds for either my next doll or clothes and accesories. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up all other dolls completly. In fact I'm using some of the money to go into my first Living Dead Doll, which I want a few of.
    5. I had a small Gene & Barbie collection. I sold the Genes and gave the Barbies away to a friend's little girl.

      I still have my Madame Alexanders from when I was a girl, but they were so well loved I don't think their worth anything, I'm saving them for my sis in case her baby is a girl. ;)
    6. i have always loved things that are mostly creepy but can also be cute, so i liked some of the living dead dolls, i got three of my favorite living dead dolls but i sold all of them to get money for some amber hooves (im still working on completing amber, but that was the first thing i needed) to be honest i really miss one of the dolls (the lost) but i think thats just because i dont have my amber yet... and i can always get that doll again down the road. she will be easier to get than amber hooves anyways
    7. I used to collect a lot of stuffed animals. Mostly 'cause they're cuddley. I can definitely see getting rid of most of them, except a few, the ones that mean a lot. And my Pullip Pippin, she's never leaving. But if those animals were worth anything they'd be GONE now :D
    8. Well lucky for me(and I guess unfortuntely for me) BJDs are my first ever Hobbie >< I have a social life, so I didn't feel the need for a hobbie, but now I cant imagine my life without BJDs ><
    9. I started with Pullips then sold them all to get BJD's. I have never regretted it. The variety in BJD land far has far surpassed my expectations.
    10. I'm right on track, collecting Tonners, now want to sell them off for bjd's. It happened to alot of the other Tonner collector's I know. There's a definite timeline in common.
    11. Yes. I used to collect Action Men, he's still my favorite doll in many ways and a big piece of my growing up. But I don't plan on getting more. I have 'the kids' to concentrate on now.
    12. I have a load of Barbies, still in boxes. I'm debaiting selling them, but it will be as a last resort!
    13. I was never into dolls prior to bjds, so there was nothing to sell off or get out of. However, since being into bjds, I find myself more interested in dolls in general. For instance I really like Pullips and Blythes, but if I had the money to buy one (which I've considered in the past), it would probably end up just going to bjds instead since they eat up all my doll money. I have so many bjd related plans, that it's hard to bring myself to put my resources into other things.
    14. I had around 42 Living Dead Dolls, I was extremely proud of that collection. I came across some BJDs in a livejournal that I stumbled across. I was amazed and curious, so I looked them up and completely fell in love. I sold all my dolls except for 4 or 5 and I used the money to buy my CP El Yuuri. I dearly love him, and I don't regret it. I do miss my living dead dolls, but they were just something that sat around. I'm glad I sold them all, plus I've moved like three times since I sold the dolls and just my 5 LDDs are a btch to move.
    15. i used to collect Bratz. i still have most of them. (like 350) i keep them all in a monster sized rubbermaid bucket and every once in a while i get it out and look thru them. i took all but 3 of them out of their packages and "played" with them. you know, brushed their hair changed their clothes...

      but the bratz style really got boring. i dont mean i got bored with them, i mean the outfits and styles they came with seemed to turn into barbie-ish stuff. so i quit collecting them.

      now i give away the bratz to the little girls in my family. to my daughters on their b-days or to my nieces. and they dont really care if they arnt in the original box.

      my husband thinks i will get "tired" of bjds like i got "tired" of my bratz. AGGHHH what does he know!!
    16. i used to collect Porcelain ((gah sp? sorry)) when i was younger, and i still have like three of those in storage.

      It's sad to say but i would gladly give up those for BJD's. i hope that doesnt make me a bad person!
    17. I sold off the bulk of my Tonner collection to pay my layaway payments last year. I just kept those that strictly have characters attatched to them and a couple I couldn't bear to part with. Of those I sold I only regret selling my Jack Sparrow. I would never part with my OOAK 1/6 Volks and Obitsus, though. I love them just as much as the BJDs!
    18. I still try to collect the Jun Planning/Groove dolls, mostly the Taeyangs and some of the Pullips. But I have to admit that my love for the BJDs now come first and for now I need to stop purchasing other dolls in order to save up for the BJDs. I do regret it from time to time especially when I see what's new with Groove, but gah. >> I can't possibly afford 'em all!
    19. I've prepped all the pullips I own for selling as well as all associated accessories (obitsus, eyechips, etc.) to raise more money for my first BJD girl. (still have a bait head I'm working on and intend on keeping though)

      Not sure if I'll regret it, but hey, I'll always have the pictures I've taken. Practically anything that's sellable is on my list now. I guess when the bug bites, it bites pretty hard.
    20. Like rylie26, I used to collect Bratz and had a whole plastic storage bin full of them. I did play with them for a while, but then I too got bored of their style. They sat in their bin in my basement for about three years. Then I discovered BJDs and went down into my basement to see what I could sell to get some money for my first doll. That bin full of Bratz got put on Ebay, and my first doll came home not long afterwards. :)