1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Glorydoll Lucy/Louis & Karin/Karl discussion

Sep 10, 2007

    1. Not loving the eye make-up on the 2nd Ed. :(
    2. Finally they updated basic Lucy and Louis again, but I really really really want the tanned Louis. I asked them on the message board and the said in one month, but that should have been last month already... ;_;

      Oh well, because I've been saving to get him, my bank account is looking pretty happy at least. :)
    3. I did it! I ordered Renewal Lucy! I'm so excited! Does anyone know how long it takes to receive their lovely one after the order has been placed? I did not order a faceup.

      Thank you!

    4. I ordered a Karin with faceup and it took 4 weeks to receive. Be warned--the head arrived in a cushioned plastic bag/envelope. I was beside myself when I opened it, but it was okay. For the price I paid for shipping they couldn't put the darned thing in a box???
    5. Yes mine was shipped in the same manner and I was quite worried too. Thankfully it was fine. But yes, the postage was considerable, given the packaging.
    6. does any know if Lucy head would work with Dollstown elf or Dollstown 13G body?

    7. Lucy's head works wonderfully with the Dollstown Elf body. I don't have a 13G body but I think her head would be too small for it.

      Here's my post of Lucy on the Soph body -- I got the idea from someone else here on DoA who posted pics of this combination.

    8. thanks Marylin, i remember that post. i guess i forgot! as a matter of fact, after seeing that post, i went immediately to Glorydoll and bought my Lucy head! i love the Dollstown bodies, so that is what i will get......eventually!
    9. I have to admit, I've never even looked at the Glorydoll bodies. I was in love with the DT elf body -- it's so beautifully sculpted -- but I didn't really like any of the DT heads for that body. So I was so excited to see that these two worked together.
    10. i agree, i think Dollstown has the loveliest body sculpts. i have a few DT heads, as well as 2 full 7 yrs. dolls, but i think the heads are too large for the elf body. so i hope to get an elf, and a 13 girl when i can work them into budget ( 3 dolls on layaway, gulp)
    11. Is Glorydoll unreliable? I ordered my Lucy months ago. They kept putting me off about shipping, never sent me a tracking number, then said they shipped but she was returned and they needed to verify my address. So I immediately verified my address (via email and Q&A board) and didn't hear anything. So I bugged them again and they said she was already sent and would send me the tracking number in a couple of days. Well, a couple of days came and went and no tracking number and no Lucy. If they had already sent her like they said, she should have shown up by now.

      So today I contacted them yet again and am very concerned I'm being ripped off. Has anyone had this problem? I really want Lucy and hate to file a Paypal complaint but I'm about at that point now.

      Any good advice? Just not sure what to do. I ordered and paid for her in early September and they said she would arrive in a month after my order was paid.

      Thanks for any help or information. I'm really feeling sad about this.

    12. Not sure I can help. I have a Lucy head (which is gorgeous btw) and I had no problems with them. Maybe email them and say if they don't come up with the goods by a specified date then you are complaining to Paypal. That gives them an opportunity to contact you.
    13. Just updating--I finally got a tracking number from Glorydoll. But that was after I sent them an email that pretty much gave a time limit until I contacted Paypal. I hate sending "threatening" communications like that. But it seems Lucy is finally on her way home.

    14. Jay Glad to hear you're getting your Lucy, finally! I've heard a few things about the poor communication from Glorydoll, and it's really put me off ever thinking about ordering from them in the future unless they sort it out :( It's a shame, because their heads and clothing are so wonderful...
    15. That's good news Jay...:fangirl:...I'm glad you'll be getting your Lucy soon, she's one of my favorites. I had no trouble when I ordered mine, but that was a long time ago! I was the first to put her on the Dollstown Elf body, this combo works fine......looking forward to seeing what you do with her.....:)

      xen :)
    16. Good to hear your Lucy shipped <3 It's a shame Glorydoll's not so good with communication :( I really want a Louis, so I'll be ordering from them unless I can find one second hand so I hope my order won't have as much trouble as yours :( Their dolls do seem out of stock at the moment, so maybe they're working on catching up before they take more orders-which is only good :) They make such beautiful dolls, I hope their customer service will improve soon <3
    17. For those with the Dollstown bodies, what colour Dollstown skin works with Glorydoll?
    18. Hi there Shannonc60...I see you are in Aussie too!....I have the older Glorydoll Lucy head that was the Normal skin tone...I think that is equal to the Healthy skin tone....I originally used the Pinkywhite(Freshskin) Dollstown Elf body but now I'm finding the DT Oriental skintone Elf body a better match for the Lucy head that I have.......I'll try take some pics for you in the next few days(I'm off to a Wedding today) and post them here for you........:)

      Glorydoll Lucy head is 22cm and Dollstown Soph head is 8.7inches = about the same.
      The neck circumference of the Dollstown Elf body is 8cm.....

      All the best,

      xen :)
    19. I ordered my Lucy in Milky, so when she gets here, I'll compare her with my Dollstown girls - one in Freshskin and one in Oriental skin. Will be interesting to see if the Glorydoll milky color works with either of those.

    20. Thanks guys, that's really good to know. Need to start saving now!