1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Granado Tiny Doll Discussion II

Feb 27, 2022

    1. Rime will fit on the Zen body. I asked and they said yes. So an elf dude is possible.
    2. That's good to know! I didn't even think about that possibility.
    3. I’m letting my wallet recover but Rime is gorgeous! I hope they do some kind of holiday sale where she will be available again but I’m the mean time I will look forward to everyone’s pictures :drool an elf boy is genius and hadn’t crossed my mind either
    4. Hey friends, I'm on this struggle bus super hard. Can someone help me find some mature male wigs and eyes for my 32 Evolve Abel? He's so tiny that I'm worried whatever I buy won't fit him.

      ILU, thank you!
    5. The 6.5mm Lab Eyes from Granado work well. I just ordered some 6mm with 2mm iris on esty. I will report on them when I get them.

      I do gt wigs from Granado when ever they offer them!
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    6. I'm not great with wigs (I just make my own) but there's lots of places to get 6mm eyes! Granado's are great, of course, but there's a few others... Heart of a Fairy, Eyes in the Box, Secret Art Studio... There's others I'm not remembering, too, but I've had great luck with 6/2 or 6/2.5 eyes.
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    7. So I have no idea how to make a wig, but the eye suggestions are great. The only wigs being offered by Granado are gigantic. Would a typical 1/6 wig work for these guys, because I feel like those are a little too big (but I could be crazy).
    8. Typical 1/6 wigs are about 6-7 inches. I measured Abel's head at 3.5 inches today.

      Thanks for the eye sources! Some of the ones I've used are now gone.
    9. Typical 1/6 wigs absolutely won't work, "1/6" in BJDs doesn't actually mean 1/6 in scale--it usually means YoSD, so more of a 1/3 scale small child.

      However! There's lots of tutorials on how to make hard cap wigs, both here and on Youtube! Here's a few I really like as far as a 101 goes:
      These are all for hard cap wigs, of course, but I really recommend those at this scale over sewn wigs. Much easier to get the fit you want. If you're going to buy a wig, you want a size 3/4 usually. Those are few and far between, in my experience, but Parabox, Mudoll and Doll-Wig.com all sell them as a starter.
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    10. This post is a god send. I'm actually tempted to try to make my own wig now. Ahaha.
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    11. Happy to hear it! And please if you run into any issues--drop me a line! I'm not an expert, but I've gotten into it so I've got some experience under my belt, at least. ♥ Extremely happy to help.
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    12. Does anyone know what the iris size of the 6.5mm lab eyes from granado are?

      I think I am leaning to getting 6mm/2mm size eyes for my boys, I think the granado eyes have a slightly larger iris size but does anyone happen to know haha?
    13. The Granado iris size has changed a bit over the years. Here are several. The eyes on the left are some older Granado 6.5 eyes. The middle pair are recent 6.5. The pair on the right are custom 6mm eyes with a 2mm iris from makingdolldolls.com. I am going to order some 6/2.5mm now!

      Granado 6.5 older, Granado 6.5 new, makingartdolls 6/2mm custom
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    14. Thanks! This is super helpful, the heads are pretty small so I'm thinking 2mm irises are the best fit!

      There's an artist I'm looking to commission from that I bought from before. Just waiting for them to open at the end of this month, haha!
    15. It’s not apparent on the English site from what I can tell (trying to get to anything through those menus foils me continually), but if you go to Granado’s Taobao they have regular and small iris eyes up for purchase in the 6.5mm size. My first Granado tinies were Ninth and V11 at the same time—Ninth had the regular iris eyes, and they fit him because his eyes are overall bigger, and V11 had the small iris eyes. Both work in the more narrow eye shape, it just makes them look a little more cartoonish/immature.
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    16. Does anyone know if 1/6 bjd shoes will fit for Granado Tinies? Or are they typically too big? There's a pair on etsy I really like, but I didn't want to get them in case they are too big!
    17. If they are specifically being sold as 1/6 BJD shoes, they will be made to fit the YoSD/non-mature tiny type of doll and therefore will not really fit. You may be able to put them on the doll, but they will be far too wide and clunky.

      The Granado tinies are more along the lines of action figures when it comes to fitting.
    18. You literally just reminded me I have to buy shoes for my doll and now I'm regretting my decision because I guess I gotta figure out leatherwork now???? Ahaha.
    19. Look for Obitsu 27 or fashion doll shoes. The boys are pretty easy to find things for because they’re similar proportions to a lot of other 12 inch action figures and fashion dolls.
    20. Depending on the body, shoes can be a challenge. I think it's something that's been addressed for the Adagio boys onward, though. (Someone with a body released after Adagio can probably tell you for sure...) I have 2 of the Vigor bodies and 1 Adagio, and the Vigor bodies are nightmarish to buy shoes for because of the shape of the heel. It sticks out a lot in the back... But yeah I think for the newer boys they're much easier to shoe and fit most standard 1/6 shoes.
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