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Grumpy Tiny?

Oct 11, 2007

    1. Dollmore painted my Banji with a grumpy face.
      #41 bakayaro onna, Oct 14, 2007
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
    2. Awww what a cute grumpy! Can't quite imagine how the four Pink Palace Pals will react to Pfft! Though it does cross my mind that they will keep out of her way and watch her from a distance.

      Liz, thank you for the suggestion, but I would really like to give one a new home. There must be one out there that would love to live at the Pink Palace. Coowee tiny grumpy Pon... want to come and play at the PPP's house? *evil grin*
    3. Fair enough :)

      Oh, and as for a "P" name, if you don't like "Pfft", how about "Pickle"? We call Freda that when she's been cheeky :)
    4. Or, you could always call her "Pissy". Since, that's what she'll be.
    5. Thank you both of you. She may well end up being called P. Now you can't get a shorter name that begins with P than that! I don't know, will see what she thinks when she arrives.

      I've been offered one!! A Naripon Pansy grump is coming to kick everyone out of the Pink Palace and the dogs out of Daisy cottage and Rusalka out of her cabin, no doubt, but... she hasn't bargained on ME!!! She will be horribly spoiled, of course and told off most sternly with lots of kisses afterwards. Better go and hide all sharp implements now.
    6. :o Now that is one angry looking doll!! I think I'll be having nightmares now!

      Congrats on finding and adopting your very own Pon Valli, I'm sure you'll make her feel very welcome, I'm sure she'll demand you do!

      You know something Sher, I thought of little Juniper when I was watching The Addams Family movie on T.V. last night, especially the bit where Fester asks Wednesday about her Halloween costume. (I may not have the wording exactly right)

      Uncle Fester to a normally dressed Wednesday: "And where is your costume my dear?"

      Wednesday: "This is my costume, I'm a homicidal maniac, they look like everyone else!"
    7. Bruny, thanks for the link. That is one very angry face! LOL

      Blod, I'm so excited. It is Christmas, nearly! The Addams Family - how true!
    8. I bet you can give her something that looks dangerous but itsn't - like child safe scissors (the plastic kelly type maybe) - give her a sense of power without the actual danger to help manage her anger.

      P...Pissy is funny...Little Miss Priss - wait she was Little Miss Bossy (found this website with the Little Misses: http://www.mrsneeze.com/mrmen/meetlittlemisses.html)

      Ha! you are going to have so much fun - but then all of use do with these tinies.
    9. Thanks Rosa. That was so cute! All the Little Misses. I'm giggly and naughty!

      Pfft! Pickle Puss is on her way. Just wait till you see all the goodies she's coming home to. I tried explaining her name to someone today and gave up! It's jolly hard to say... Just like a Naripon to have a difficult name.
    10. Well MY Pansy is Ennui Storm--pronounced On-WEE, it means eternally bored. And I have a Dilly Pickleton,(Daisy) she is not as grumpy as Ennui.

      I am REALLY excited for you to get her home!! Any idea when she is coming?
    11. I'm glad you explained how to say Ennui's name as I've never said it right until now! It's such a good name.

      Pfft! Pickle Puss is in transit. She may arrive sometime next week. She may surprise me and get here this weekend. That would be favourite, but I've no idea with our current postal strikes. Things are trickling through at least and not just sitting in the warehouses.

      *twiddles thumbs impatiently* What am I doing up at 4:30am? Too excited!!!
    12. Hi, Valli... I keep on checking the tracking update page to see if she has landed yet. At least she is out of the US. I'd imagine the next note we will see will be that she is in Customs. Hope she arrives very soon!

      Teryl ;)
    13. Loo loo is definatly grumpy, but then again what guy wouldn't be..
      An oldie but a goodie!
    14. LOL
      He looks about ready to smack you one with that flower for dressing him like that Spampy!
    15. Oh no! You're in for the chop, Spamy. That is one very angry tiny resin lad. Good thing that flower doesn't have spikes!!

      Teryl, I expect she'll just turn up without being registered through customs. They are so far behind, that some things aren't being done properly. On the good side, she'll be here very soon, I hope! Yippee!!!
    16. I love the look of my Naripon:



      Did everyone see the Easy Bake Oven?? Just loved that toy as a child.


      She has such attitude.
    17. i really want that easy bake oven.
    18. Ooooh, Valli... I see she has cleared British Customs today (10-22-07)
      You will have her SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :) :fangirl:

    19. Mary Lee... I just love your pics.. and I had an Easy Bake oven tooo in the 1960s!!! Who knew that a light bulb could cook such great goodies!!?