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Has a particular doll sculpt ever scared you or creeped you out?

Dec 22, 2016

    1. Funnily enough, my grail girl who I now have two of used to freak me out xD. She's a Lillycat Kitty Jolie and I vividly remember being confused and then intruiged.. and suddenly in love hyper obsession :mwahaha
    2. Oh, I forgot about this... Doesn't really creep me out but one head like that can single-handedly ruin a whole collection for me, if I recognize the celebrity.
      It's a real-world intrusion like someone using a smartphone in a fantasy movie.
      #202 lutke, May 12, 2024
      Last edited: May 12, 2024
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    3. I'm fine with gore, monster sculpts, real people sculpts, just about everything... but there's this one 1/4 girl sculpt I saw on Facebook once that creeped me out SO bad. She was pretty normal looking, but she had this big toothy grin that just unnerved me, especially when I imagined her in my house, smiling at me like that all the time... :frownyblush:
      I wish I could remember the sculpt name or anything else about her, but I'm kinda glad I haven't seen her often enough to remember them!

      EDIT: and then I scrolled up and someone mentioned the company right in this very thread! AoD Mu Yanzi! Not an MSD, but a 58cm! She's just as scary as I remember. Something about seeing both rows of teeth like that takes her smile from cute to something that reminds me of a chimp's threat display. I hope she's not ALSO one step away from horrible violence....
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    4. I was afraid of the supia hamin, something (I think the smile) made me upset! Today I see her with different eyes, and I think the way the face up is done makes her look scary or not.
    5. Worry not: as with all dolls, the victim is your wallet.
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    6. i don't actually think it's part of the sculpt, but the teeth on the company faceup for Honey Delf Schnee has always really really creeped me out... in general i really don't like dolls with teeth and open mouths, especially if the teeth are like individually defined... no hate to anyone who likes it, of course! but i just find it unsettling to see D:
    7. Yes, Russian sculptor X-Ann dolls look very creepy.

      Idk if that can count in by that trend with fake smile on dolls that people make on Instagram is very weird too and gives me shivers.
    8. I try to appreciate all dolls even if they aren't my taste, but sometimes ones with really realistic teeth kind of unsettle me haha
    9. There are some very realistic gore or horror theme dolls made by companies which freaked me a bit and I try to avoid threads with horror/gore themes but otherwise no I find all the rest dolls beautiful but I prefer cute faces!!!
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    10. Doll chateau dolls...I get that they go for a really unique, creepy vibe and I think that's great. It's just that the body portions are so off putting to me.
    11. This doll jump scares me whenever I click on Angel of Dream at Alice's Collections.

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    12. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets jump scared by Mu Yanzi on Alice's Collections :sweat Its the teeth. It has to be. They just seem slightly unproportioned to her mouth and so uniform. Gives me the shivers.
    13. I joke about Mu Yanzi but with the right faceup she's genuinely adorable. It's incredibly difficult to pull off that kind of toothy smile in sculpture. I hope AoD comes back and the hiatus isn't permanent...
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    14. Sorry irrelevant
      #214 Agnes-Agatha, Jun 27, 2024
      Last edited: Jun 27, 2024
    15. My girlfriend adores Mu Yanzi and other toothy smile sculpts, while I tend to joke about them. That faceup is legitimately gorgeous though, I can see what she sees in the sculpt now!
      Another sculpt that kinda wigs me out is 5Stardoll Jadeite, but specifically in normal resin. I find the doll really cute in green, but in a pale fleshy tone it looks too much like The Fly for me.
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    16. when i saw the pic that Zacarias posted i was horrified bc that was exactly the kind of thing i was talking about finding creepy, but i'm absolutely shocked at how good this faceup makes her look. huge props to that faceup artist! completely changed the vibe of the sculpt lol
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    17. I think it's less the faceup and more the eyes - AoD's product pics look like she has fully black demonic eyes while she looks like a cute human with smaller irises and visible eye whites :sweat
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    18. You think so? :mwahaha
      But seriously she's an incredibly versatile sculpt for such a specific expression. I love this one too.
      I'll stop with the Weibo spam... But poor Mu Yanzi needed some support :3nodding:
    19. okay I'm also in the boat of "I always thought that sculpt was horrifying" but the two examples you showed have proven that she can be freakin adorable and I kinda love her now!
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