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Haute Doll Exclusive Marie Antoinette-inspired PeaksWood Sky

Apr 5, 2007

    1. Val rocks. it's SO nice to see her get such lovely recognition, she's a VERY sweet lady too!!! I'm lucky enough to have a couple outfits she has made.

      WHEE, val, she's GORGEOUS!!
    2. She is absolutely gorgeously made.

      I'm sure MA fans are gonna go nuts for her!
    3. Hmmm.. out of curiosity, would anyone who subscribes to Haute Doll be willing to help me out and order a pair of shoes for me? (Specifically: HD-28 Peach Shoes $32.00 )They're perfect for an outfit I'm making, but I don't want to subscribe to the magazine to be able to purchase them.
    4. OOOOH!!! She is soooooooooooo pretty!!! Wow....I love the fact that she comes with so many different outfit choices and accessories!! But is it just me or is it weird that the very basic clothes options cost as much as the extnesive and elaborate Antoinette clothing???? or is there something that I'm missing? XD
    5. what a tour de force this collection is! I love everything. but, June is a financially unfriendly month for me, so I'll have to limit myself. grrrrr....:doh

      I'm trying to figure out which undergarments are which. I figure the bustle and panniers are the soft stuffed items and the hoop skirt fabulousness comes with each dress??? I don't see it offered individually.

    6. The wired pannier is indeed sold separately:

      HD-01 Wired Pannier, ties at waist $15.99

      As are the "undercorset with 2 side panels (the one with the stuffed hip pads)" and the "rear bustle pad"

    7. The pannier is the hoop skirt. :-)
    8. thanks so much, Clotho0377 and padawansguide! I knew that panniers were side hoops (baskets) but wasn't sure which items were which and whether they came with a gown. I did finally find the page on HD that shows a breakdown of items. guh! I'm dogearing my magazine already.

      I'd rather make the whole dress myself than more wired hoop skirts - which I'm making for 16" girls right now. :|
    9. I'm in the same boat except I would love to purchase the HD-32 Mohair Wig $35 :aheartbea

      Edit: just wanted to add that I can pay non cc paypal for the wig and cover shipping costs from Haute Doll to you as well and even a fee if needed I just don't want to have to subscribe and turn it into a $100 wig @_@
    10. (Mods, thanks for the move, sorry about that)Hey, I know it may not go here, but those still interested in the marie antoinette exclusive black dress, wig, and accessory. its posted up on haute mag. boutique! I guess they didn't sell out on the limited ed. of 40?!
      Just thought I'd share. its a lovely dress for you Marie Antoinette fans!! Wish I was at the dollectable:( hugs, gg

    11. Man, everything went fast. The wigs were the first to sell out, but most everything else was quick to follow. It looks like a few Sky dolls left, The only "fashion" items left now are the masks and fans.
    12. actually they still have the LE Black dress and wig set, and the Le Promenade are still available, but at the price they are at... yeowch!!
    13. I think I also saw a corset still available too. That was about 10 min ago.
    14. Ohh, I hope the girl I was working with got those peach shoes! <3 I will find out!
    15. wow! I went online at quarter to nine EST and was eating breakfast and refreshing the page. I only wanted a few things, enough for a complete outfit.

      items posted a few at a time which allowed me to grab my choices as they appeared.

      did anyone see that package deal for $2,000? OMGosh. I got the email about it and had to check it out. doll, all the dresses, wigs and shoes, etc. the whole collection right down to the fans.

      can't wait to see which of my dolls the costume fits best. (I"ll probably start with the shoes, like Cinderella) hope people post lots of pix of their outfits. :daisy
    16. I was a bad girl and ordered the whole package. I really couldn't help it; everything was just so delicious.
      Now to explain the credit card bill to my husband /cringe. Hmmm , I wonder if he will buy "The dog did it".

    17. Wow, lucky you!

      All I ordered was the wig with the roses. I have so many Rococco style dresses I've wanted to make, bust I've struggled trying to find a wig/ fashioning a wig that looks appropriate. I have been working trying to figure something out since February. I'm vey happy I was able to get the wig!
    18. OMG. have you seen this? just got it.

      Thank you for your interest in the Exclusive Haute Doll Marie Antoinette
      fashions and accessories. Due to overwhelming response to this collection
      we are unable to fulfill quite a few customer orders. The first
      confirmation email that you received IS AUTOMATED and was in confirmation
      that we have indeed received your order.

      Your final confirmation email for your order will be sent to you upon your
      order being processed and the shipping and handling tallied for your items.
      This email will also inform you if we had sold out of an item before your
      order was received.

      We thank you in advance and wish we had more to fulfill your requests,
      unfortunately the exclusives were limited to 20 each
      fashion/accessory and 40 dolls.

      If, by chance, an order is canceled, we will contact the next person in line
      for that item to see if they are still interested in purchasing.
    19. Yep I just got that too, and I actually was ordering as they were loading up the items onto their sale page, so I KNOW I was there RIGHT on time. I hope I got the things I ordered.

    20. Well,
      I ordered the full set because there were quite a few items I wanted and I wanted to make sure I got them all. I'm not keeping everything, though, it's way too much.