1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Haute Doll Exclusive Marie Antoinette-inspired PeaksWood Sky

Apr 5, 2007

    1. Didn't get the shoes :( Alas.

      Grats to everyone who got something nice!
    2. I was just reading some comments in the news section, and I'm not sure if I understood them correctly. Have people already been notified that their orders were cancelled or that items that they wanted were no longer available? Or is it only people who have called or emailed HauteDoll that know their order status? And if only part of your order was cancelled, are you not going to know that until it ships if you haven't contacted HauteDoll directly? I hope that someone can clarify this. Thanks.
    3. Oh no! Does that mean that our orders did not go thru?

      I was sent an email that said :
      Your total for your order with S&H is $1980.78 and will ship today
      upon approval from your credit card company.

      I was under the impression with this email confirmation that my order had been placed. Should I email them to ask?
    4. she is vary pretty, but i not fond of of her. the cloths rock thou, i like that time era for the guys cloths they always look really hot.
    5. Lyssandra, did you order the full package? By the sound of the email you received, your order has been accepted and will go through - at least for that particular item.

      I think those who ordered the individual items are waiting to hear back on their order status.

      sunflowerdoll - I'm not sure about the answers to your questions :(
    6. Yes, I got the whole thing. I was afraid if I took the time to pick and choose, it would be all sold out. Now I am really glad I took that bold step.

      If and when she arrives I will try to take some pictures and figure out how to post them.
    7. i wanted a couple things from the sale. didn't get nuffin'.

      my own fault for being at work when they went live, and unable to go shop! dang.
    8. Sher: well, I think all you missed was aggravation and disappointment. :| I haven't heard a thing yet. and now I suppose everything's closed 'til Monday?

      Lyssandra and ThinkPink! had the right idea (and the credit LOL)

      hopefully, with such a positive response, HD and their team might do this again - with a better shopping cart system. *_*

      *doll collecting is too stressful! I think I might take up bungie jumping instead*

    9. Gah... severely limited stuff really is annoying...

      'Woke up early, but not early enough (I'm out in CA, miscalculated time--I know Eastern Time, but not Central, apparently... Just not used to the time zones!) But even so... I refreshed and refreshed and never saw any listings aside from the fans and masks until an hour or more later... :(

      Heheh... And got the "You may not have got what you ordered" email when I ordered the fans and masks. *sigh* *_*

      I put up a WTB thread... but who knows what'll happen, since people still aren't sure what they have yet (aside from the lucky Complete-Set people).
    10. How odd! I placed an order for one wig, and I was probably the first person to get it in my shopping cart, and proceded to check out IMMEDIATELY. I was thinking about getting more then one item, but did not want to risk missing my "MUST HAVE" item.

      I have not gotten any of the "you may not have gotten your item" e-mails, but I did get one saying
      "your total with S&H is $48.00 and your order will ship early
      next week upon approval of the charge to your credit card. Have a great
      weekend." Just like (only the amount is MUCH lower ;) ) Lyssandra's e-mail.

      I wonder if I got it or not!?!?!

      Wow, I realy hope this issue works out for eveyone.
    11. I only managed to get a doll and I got a reciept and was charged for her. Also when the other corset popped up later I ordered that seperate. I got one of the not sure if we have enough letters, so I am not sure if the letter refers to both or just that.
    12. Hey man, if anyone is willing to sell those peach shoes ... :wiggle
    13. I feel certain that once you have received an email with a shipping total that you are getting whatever merchandise is included with that invoice. So Sterling and Lyssandra, I don't think that either of you need to worry. It sounds like you are two of the lucky ones! :)

      I am still waiting in limbo, but the more I read about this, the less confident I am that I will be getting anything. I wish that I had realized that I needed to use the "Volks After Event" strategy in order to get something. ;)
    14. Here's a kicker! I didn't even get my subscription until the day AFTER the exclusives were sold out.

      Way to go Haute Doll. Subscribers first, I don't think so!
    15. Hmmm, I did place an order for the complete set. REceived the email that most folks received, not saying I got it and not saying I didn't. I did not get a confirmation that my credit card was charged. I wonder how they 'picked' us. I placed my order at 8:01 am....
    16. That's horrible, being left in limbo like that, particularly for such a major purchase!

      I hope HauteDoll sorts out this thing for everyone who didn't get a confirmation soon! I know I'd be going nuts, not knowing.

      I ordered the fans and masks, since they were the only thing I saw on Friday morning--and I got one of those "we aren't sure if you got it or not" letters--which is odd, since when last I checked, the fans and masks were still listed as available on their website!!! If they aren't sure about those, you'd think they'd take them down... Luckily, the fans and masks were mostly a consolation to me for not getting anything else--so I'm not as stressed about them! But I definitely feel for those of you who are waiting on all those cool items!!! Good luck!
    17. Wow, still no resolution? I'm realy supprised at how this is working out for people. How frustrating. I almost wish I had picked up another item for someone else, but then maby thats what the issue was. In the 30 seconds it took to add a second item to your cart, the first item sold out.

      Has anyone else had their credit cards charged for their total amount beside me and Lyssandra?
    18. I haven't gotten resolution yet either...was sent the limbo email...I only ordered (well, hope I've ordered LOL) the purple gown, panniers and purple shoes...

      The thing that annoyed me, as someone who has been a subscriber since their first issue, is that someone could become a new subscriber at the same time as placing the order. That's not cool for those of us who've been long-time subscribers and I actually hope they take that into consideration when sorting this mess out.

    19. I am thinking the delay in confirmations may be due to the weekend. Perhaps they will send out more emails on Monday.
    20. Oh, I wasn't aware you could actually do that. I do hope they will disallow the orders that were placed at the same time as the subscription.