1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Have U seen this? New Aoi Tuki - Otohime 54cm doll

Dec 3, 2007

    1. wow how cute! I want to see more:D Oh, I almost forgot, CONGRATULATIONS!:)
    2. Congratulations. Cant wait to see more photos when you bring her home. Be interesting to see what you can find to fit her curvier body.
    3. I really like her body! It's so curvy and...different from most other bjd-girls.

      I think I might have to add these dolls to my watchlist, they interest me.
    4. Very nice, it seems they have changed only the knee joint to me, cause my Aoi-Tuki Izayoi has the same body at all, but the new joint is a nice thing, looks similar to the souldoll one ^^
      Aoi Tuki has one of the best bodies around ^^ so sweet!
    5. I want her for my cat girl!!! She is a tad shorter than my current girl and the body is all curves and if the blushing is done right, muscles (the shoulders, thighs...) Ooooo!!!!!

      Though unless there is an eaiser way to get her, I don't think I will be able to. Besides... I have been officaly cut off from more dolls. :sigh
    6. for those of you with this poseable girl, can she do an arabesque? stand on one foot and lift her leg up towards the back? (see my avatar) with those ball joints lower than her buttocks, I'm thinking maybe she can - a little.

      I love to pose my dolls as dancers, but bjds can't life their legs past their butt! :lol:

      she's shaped like U-noss. big girl with HIPS.

      linakauno: I want an elysia head and was looking for a good body for her. your girl is beautiful.
    7. wow.. I didn't realize it was an entirely new body. I noticed the new joint in the upper arms on Y!J but thought they'd just updated the aoi tuki body again.

      I really like the new body.. I might need to acquire one at some point. I already have an Izayoi but two girls with gorgeous hips would never hurt. *_*
    8. more pix please..... i have an elysia ns head on domuya flexi body. but didn't like the body & been looking around for sometime.
    9. Waaah, that body is amazing~ so we basically can't order anything unless we use a shopping service? =P meh. I think i need to have that amazing body xO
    10. I think Celga can order these dolls.
    11. I think you can order these dolls through Celga.
    12. Im not sure which of the bodies I prefer... the original one seemed more muscular in the legs where as the new ones seem more stumpy.... like mine. lol.
    13. Her breasts are a little too small for my liking, but I love the rest of her body! She's pretty well proportioned and I love her tummy. I want one. ;w;
    14. Ooooh~ So unusual yet appealing at the same time. Really different from the standard long-legged types. o.o

      It makes me want one just for the sake of the body. ^^;;;