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Have you ever disliked a sculpt or company and then ended up falling in love with it?

Jun 10, 2016

    1. When I first got into BJDs I thought Doll Zone Carter was the ugliest doll. Guess who's on the wishlist now. xD
      Specifically, Carter-1, the version of Carter with both eyes open.
    2. Sometimes pictures do not make dolls look all that great. For the longest time I did not care for any Volks doll or Fairyland’s Littlefee line until I saw the dolls at a Bjd meet. The littlefee dolls were so much cuter than in pictures. I don’t have any little fees yet, but I do have an SD and two MSDs from Volks.
    3. I agree! I didn't dislike them, but I wasn't too interested in Peak's Woods until I saw some in person.
      When looking to buy a doll, it's a good idea to look at other collector's pictures of the sculpt you like and see how it looks with different faceups, eyes, photo lighting, etc. It's surprising how something as simple as changing a doll's eyes can make or break its look.
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    4. Originally wasn't a fan of MiniFee mainly because I didn't like the range of motion and how wobbly it seemed. To be fair it was a much older doll and I didn't know any better. Knowing what I do now though I'm a filthy casual.
    5. I disliked Rinku when his concept first came out and the edited "what he might look like" picture, but now that his prototype pictures are circulating I fell in love...and I caved to pre-order him.
    6. Originally getting into the hobby i never wanted minifee although it wasn't because i though they were ugly or anything quite the opposite actually i just though they were too expensive and that there would be no way they were worth it. now though i have so many minifees my collection is now mostly minifee. I find that i am mostly looking at minifee.
      I did have the same feelings for the doll chateau as most people now although i still don't have one they have piqued my interest especially after receiving Gem of doll Rae.She's Queen Bee in my doll collection ... after my MK Lillian
    7. I was 'introduced' to the hobby via seeing Volks in Japan, but for a long time I thought their sculpts really off and went for other doll companies. Gradually though I started falling in love with Volks, and now they are the only dolls I buy. More to keep my spending in check than because I don't like other companies' dolls though^^; Among Volks sculpts the one that got me was MSD F-21...I really disliked that sculpt for years, and then somehow she grew on me and I just had to have one. She was my first MSD FCS :)
    8. This has sort of happened to me! I never disliked Venitu and Fifth Motif, I just really didn't understand the appeal at all.

      For the most part that's still true, but I recently discovered the beauty that is the gesture hands.... They're so absolutely gorgeous that I want a pair even though I have no intention of having any SDs.
    9. I felt this way about Resin Soul. Poor website photos really don't do a lot of their sculpts justice. They're actually pretty nice, and unique in terms of fantasy features. No other elf sculpts have knife ears to rival blood elf's! They're very high on my list of companies to buy from now.
    10. I never used to like Fairyland at all cuz they were everywhere and seemed kind of generic but then I feel in love with the Soony elf sculpt and I have it in Feeple60 size now and I want more sculpts from the company!
    11. At first, Fiona was my least favourite sculpt from Alice in Labyrinth. I didn't like her huge eyes or the shape of her mouth. To me she isn't as realistic as the other sculpts.
      However, the more I looked at her, the more I realized she reminded me of an anime character I like: Cosette from "Le portrait de petite Cosette" This is because of her face as well as the blonde wig and choker used in the company photos. I like Fiona more now and I'm thinking of getting a Fiona head.
    12. I always said I disliked dolls with childlike bodies, but then I saw the adorable unibunny Lamoon by Vilitunes and totally fell in love. Just goes to show that there are always exceptions to the rule and it's so easy for your mind to change!
    13. Yup, this has happened to me, though not from one extreme to another. Like actually quite many in this thread, at first I wasn't very fond of Fairyland dolls. If something is popular the popularity in itself isn't the problem, but sometimes I grow tired of seeing same stuff in my Instragram feed etc. all the damn time. I like variety. Of course in this case I didn't particularly like especially Minifees that much to begin with. I thought the sculpts only seemed different from one another and suffered from the infamous same-face issue. Then again, looking at the general bjd population that isn't a rare problem, even when comparing different companies to each other. Of course now that I've been into this hobby for a while I spot differences and nuances better but there's still a great pile of sculpts I acknowledge exist and I still can't them apart. But humm, Fairyland has quite a fanbase and their sculpts' overall look is what people like. So on the other hand they've created great dolls and the 'same-face issue' could at least partly viewed as well established look.

      When sort of OT there.

      I like Littlefees, Pukifees and especially Realfees right now. I'm planning on getting a Realfee Mari as a graduation gift for myself later this year. I'm looking forward a posable body and a sort of a live breathing fantasy creature to photograph. The posability of FL bodies is a major thing in luring me onto the FL side. Littlefees btw got me into looking closer at yosd's. I'm not that much into child dolls, but I've found myself creating some images and stories in my head a couple of times, sooooooooooooo... :D
    14. This happened to me quite a bit, especially before In started doing faceup commissions and got to see a lot of molds in person. Quite often company pics or default faceups don't do the dolls justice or - on the other hand - give you the wrong idea of what the doll really looks like.

      I thought Minimees were totally creepy, and the first customer who wanted me to paint her MNM had to persuade me alot.
      Today I own 3 Minimees and some other realistic heads … whoops.

      Iplehouse Barahan. He seemed like the most unattractive IH doll ever.
      Then a friend of mine brought her new blank Barahan to a meet, and I loved him! (he became mine 2 years later)

      A lot of the Volks SD molds, especially Michelle and Hasekura. With Volks, it's mainly about the faceups for me.
      The are several Volks molds on my wishlist now - and Hasekura is my current grail. :whee:
    15. I used to really think Doll Chateau were freaky and just *shudder*, but now I really like them! Maybe not sold on all their sculpts, but I really hope to own an Elizabeth one day <3
    16. Haha I feel like we all share the same story about dollchateau.
      Me too. At first I thought they looked little weird and when i saw the spider body I was turned away from dollchateau... eventually it became one of my favourite doll companies and the spider on of my grails lol. Unfortunately I dont own a dc yet but I am looking to get the k12 body! With the alan elf head xD
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    17. Kind of, I really didn't like the Ringdoll K when he was released, but now I kind of like the sculpt.
    18. Doll Chateau is definitely mine! When I first started looking for BJDs I looked at DC and was like "Yeah...no" but then as I kept looking my first doll ended up being from them!!! >< Now I just love the weird look of them!
    19. I had the same experience with Doll Chateau! When I first got into the hobby I thought their sculpts were creepy, but now Amos is high up on my wishlist.
      I actually had the reverse happen as well with 2DDoll. I had one of their sculpts as a grail until I kept looking back at her and realized that she was almost TOO anime and that finding clothes that fit her without going through the company would be extremely difficult.
    20. I wasn't interested in Fifth Motif Venitu at all until I saw owner pictures with different faceups. The way he was styled and painted in the promo pics did nothing for me.