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Have you ever renamed a doll?

Mar 10, 2012

  1. Yes! ^_^

  2. No. -_-

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    1. Yup, I've bought a doll with one character in mind before and when he arrived he didn't suit my picture of that character at all despite how much I loved the sculpt, so he very quickly became a different and entirely new one (which isn't all that great tbh when I have way too many OC's to handle already).
      I tend to at least have a loose idea of who my dolls are going to be when I buy them since I tend to buy my dolls specifically to create certain characters so it's rare I'll need or want to change their names but I don't see the problem with doing so, if a new name suits better then go for it, it's your doll and your characters after all, you can change them about to your hearts content.
    2. I've given up trying to name characters before I actually have them in my hands because it is pointless. The names come to me when I behold them and not before. Dolls breathe their own life into what they will become and you cannot make it happen IMO.
    3. I've just changed the name and character of my CD Nia, for the last two-three years he was Nathanial the main character in the novel I'm writing, but over the last two-three years I have bought 5 dolls that are novel-characters and none of them have worked out and Nia is the only doll I have kept, so I'm getting changing.

      Now he is Brayden. He is a new character completely, and I've learnt to keep my dolls and my novel seperate! There is nothing wrong with changing the name, it's your doll you can call him/her a different name every day if you wanted too! So don't worry if you get the name 'wrong' it's not so perminant that you can't change it! :D
    4. Yes and I'm about to change it again. I just can't settle on my MD Ryu's name. It was Edward, then it was Mikal, now it's Evan. I can't seem to settle. I love him too much to ever be rid of him but I can't pin down his name. I'm sure one day he'll have a permanent name.
    5. I've changed several doll's names. I have a short list of names I like, and I choose from the list when I buy a new doll. Occasionally, I find a new name later that seems to fit the doll better, or I buy a doll that fits the name better. Either way, they're my dolls and I can change anything I like. Of course, having more names than dolls is good, because it's a perfect excuse to buy some more dolls, not that I really need an excuse. ;)
    6. I actually am going through this right now! My boy doll was named Ethan before he got here.. that didn't work so I thought he looked more like a Kyohei...but now.. that name doesn't seem to suit him either. So, I'm mulling over other choices in my head and currently refer to him as "Bellini's Husband". :)
    7. I had some dolls that at was selling at one point but they never sold so I kept them and changed everything about them, including their names. Strangely enough with a whole new change they seem much more appealing now!

      I tend to think about the character of the doll, what their personality is (or will be once I have it) and once I figure out what is most important I go to thinkbabynames.com and input that characteristic into the search engine and see what pops up. Sometimes I find a name with the exact meaning, other times I get lead to another name which does not have the meaning but it suits the sculpt better than any of the other names. I've spent days, even weeks trying to find the perfect name for a doll. Other times the name pops up straight away with no trouble at all.
    8. I actually changed my doll's name due to conflict with an ex I had who happened to have the same name. xD Nowadays it doesn't really bother me and he doesn't really mind either name, but on paper he is Orion. His brown fur-wig makes him look more Orion-y and his original black wig & outfit make me think of his old name, Yuuri. I don't think the name changed his personality or anything though, I mean he has "grown up" as anyone would, but he's still the same sweet boy to me. ^^
    9. I've never renamed a doll--although I think my mom would freak out if I tried. She knows my girls as Elodae and Allura and would fight valiantly for them to keep their names no matter what!

      I do always take a long time to name my girls though... Often several months where I just call them by their sculpt names.
    10. I changed dolls' and stuffed animals' names when I was little if the mood struck me, but now I don't. I may try to think of a name before a doll is in hand, but I wait til they get here to decide permanently. Then I think it would be weird to change it because I would have pictures and older stories of them with a different name.
    11. Yeah, when I bought her I had in mind to call her 'Sayuri' then I noticed all the talls with that name, so I came up with a name of my own, that I made up just for her. :3
    12. Have you ever renamed a doll you own?
      Yes, I think I have renamed a few dolls of mine including one of my current dolls. ^ ^

      If so, Why?
      Mainly because when I receive them back from the make-up artist they usually do not fit the name anymore. Somehow I usually receive them back with a completely different make-up from what I have requested.

      Did it feel strange?
      Not really. Even if they mean something to me, they are just dolls after all.

      Did you get tired of the old name? Did it become too popular? Did it not seem like the doll's real name?
      It just didn't seem like the name suited them anymore after I got them back. > <

      Would you rename a doll if you already haven't?

      Not sure how to answer this question, haha. I guess so if there was a reason to? If not I don't rename them out of whim. Usually it takes me so long to find a name for them and sometimes it comes to me in a second. It all depends really!

      Do you feel as if your doll has something of a life of its own, a name it already wants to be called?

      Definitely not, haha. I do the naming and renaming around here. ;) lol.

      Did the personality of your doll change as you got to know him/her?
      Well, not 'personality' per se but more like I also changed the 'style' I have intended for them in the first place. It all really depends on how I get them back from the artist.
    13. Have you ever renamed a doll you own? YES

      If so, Why? I do my own faceups, and often with dolls that arrived with only a potential character in mind can end up changing character and will sometimes require a more fitting name to go with it.

      Did it feel strange? Sometimes

      Did you get tired of the old name? Did it become too popular? Did it not seem like the doll's real name? Yeah, the last one.

      Would you rename a doll if you already haven't? Not sure I get this question. Some of my dolls have names that I would never change. I'm quite content with their names and very familiar with their storylines.

      Do you feel as if your doll has something of a life of its own, a name it already wants to be called? Sometimes

      Did the personality of your doll change as you got to know him/her? Sometimes
    14. I did once. And I'm happy that I did. ^^
    15. I've changed names of a few dolls over time. In the case of my vamp elf yder (since sold), the character just didn't seem to fit - I just couldn't get a sense of his name or identity (I do all my own face-ups and the name usually comes to me as I'm doing them). He got dubbed "Enigma" for a long time until I tried a different set of eyes &amp; wig on him, and suddenly he became Lysande.<br><br>In the case of my Volks Syo girl, she was something of an impulse buy; having finally got my F22 girl, I was on a bit of a Volks kick and when I saw the Syo come up, I leapt at her. She came with an Evenstar face-up which I decided to leave on, but I had problems coming up with the right combination of wig, eyes and clothes for her. I called her Amelie, but I had a lot of problems trying to click with her. Then a few weeks ago I decided to try a blonde wig and darker blue eyes on her - and suddenly I realised she was the re-resined form of Ayame, my first ever BJD (who was an Obitsu). So I wiped her face-up, redid her myself in the same colours I'd originally used for Ayame, and her "new" name completely fits - she is Ayame, and I find myself wondering how I didn't spot it before!<br><br>Sometimes we have an idea about the character of a doll but it just doesn't fit the doll. Changing the name is a simple way to try and discover the character's true personality. It's nothing like renaming a child or pet though.
    16. Normally I invest a lot of time trying to come up with a name/personality combo for dolls I don't already have a pre-determined character for. So much in fact, that I've officially had my Volks F-01 girl for a year already (oops I missed her birthday >o<) and she still does not have a name, or personality. I think, I need to get her re-faceupped and hopefully it will come to me :)

      But, in one instance, with one of my floating heads, my Minifee Karsh, he inspired a character that fits into my storyline really well, but has gone through a couple name changes. Kind of. I never really settled on one until now, though I "referred" to the character by previous names/ just nothing ever felt "set-in-stone" until now.
      He's been David, Edgar, and now he's Desmond, which I like a lot better and I think suits him. I am sure you gamers can all guess where I picked the name from, and he has nothing to do with that character, but I did steal the name from him :P
      Like I said though, the other names really never felt "official", but were there to help me guide this head to a name. But when he gets his own body, I think picking a name (be it Desmond or not), would end up being 100% permanent.

      I'd also like to add that I've had dolls who've changed characters on me, but I wouldn't fully constitute as changing a name, since the characters were pre-determined, it just so happened that I felt the doll(s) felt the character better.
      I'd really only consider "changing a name" when you change the name of that character (pre-existing or not), and not necessarily the doll itself. idk I might be odd
      /walloftext sorry for such a long post

      tl;dr: Kind of.
    17. Most of my dolls tend to name themselves, but their have been a few that went through several name changes before I found one that I actually like.
    18. I changed one of my dolls' name, simply because the character that was intented for that doll is going to another be another sculpt, so I needed a new character for said doll (thus new name~). x'D
    19. Oh yes, I've changed a few of my dolls' names. Sometimes it just takes a bit of time for their character to develop >_<
    20. Not really renamed.. My lola's full name was lola violaine but now, she is just Lola since i do not like her second first name anymore. Lola was given from the company but it fits her good and i like the name.