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House names for your BJD

Jan 5, 2007

    1. I mostly refer to my dolls as to The Menagerie, because they are a rather mix-and-match lot from more than one storyline/universe/wachamacallit.
      Their "place to meet" is usually called The Limbo Room, someplace not linked to place or time (rather like Neil Gaiman´s idea of the Free Houses in his Sandman stories).
      However, all my doll photos are labelled Artificial Sweetener. That´s gonna be the name of my website, if I ever manage to build it.
    2. It never occured to me to come up with a collective name for my gang, but I love the idea. I'll have to think about this one. Thanks for bringing it up.
    3. I decided to call it/them the House of Wings, partially in reference to my screenname ("tsubasa" meaning "wing"), but also because of how people refer to their dolls as "angels". In my mind, they are all living in the House because they have no other place they belong: they're spirits or ghosts or the like embodied in the dolls. If that makes sense...
    4. I don't really have a name for my gang, other than Mystic Messenger I guess. (Domain name/clothing label) :sweat

      They do live in Lucie's (Unoa Lusis) manor house called Birchdale Manor, though. (Named after the street I live on!) ;)
    5. They are my mini army for now... we are trying to come up with a name :lol:
    6. Mine, even though only my first doll is here, is called The Curiosity Shop because they're all curiosities. And I like to make stuff, hence the shop part.
    7. I call mine "Naki & Co." I'm Naki, and they're the Co. :)
    8. I call my little group of dollies 'My band of worriors!' I have a dream of them one day comming to life and helping me take over the world! wa ha ha ha!!! :mwahaha
    9. Mines are "Dirtymoon Dolls".

      They all have related moon names (Lua means moon in galician, Selenneh cames from the greek moon godess, Lilith and Ishtar are also moon godesses...)

      I own both domains: dirtymoon.com and dirtymoondolls.com, in order to create their webpages and my own personal one ^___^
    10. Er...usually, "those goddamn stupid dolls." I should probably come up with something else. But I say it with love.
    11. Mine are sort of broken down into the groups--there's the little boys, the Irish boys, and the girls. As a collective, they are usually refered to as the resin people : )
    12. Fantasical World is what I came up with.

      Bitemarks and Bloodstains is what my friend came up with hers.
    13. They're "the Harem" or "My minions" most of the time. If they were courtesans they would live in the House of Cranes.
    14. I call mine the Tramps..lol..Hubby started calling them that and it stuck..
      Phyllis B
    15. I don't really have a house name as such. When it was just Hayden it was Idiot Faced, because he called everything/everyone idiot face. But that's changed a bit, with the addition of Vin and Eiji. Maybe I'll think of one. It'll be something dignified, because they live in Vin's villa. Lol, dignified XD
    16. I never used to use a house name, but I had an old personal webpage called Nowhere to Erehwon, so the name Erehwon just stuck! Not really original, but it seems to fit X3
    17. hmm this is a good idea. Its neat to have house names to refer to your collective dolls. I guess House of Glass Visions. Visions for my User ID and Glass for my store name "behind glass eyes".
    18. Between myself and Lovevampire, we seem to have three little groups - the faggots ( as affectionately as possible ) consisting of Nukes, Toby, and whoever else is in their plotline whether they are or are not homosexual; Fleamittens, which is Flieder, Mittwoch, and Atsu; and then the kittens - Cola, Sou, Dist, Yosamei, and Denzel. ^^: Not everyone is home, of course...
    19. They are officially called The Supernatural Dolly Show, LOL, which started on my LJ, because I based them on Sam and Dean from the CW TV show "Supernatural" so it seemed like the appropriate name, especially since the other dolls on my wishlist are all cast, or at least relevant crossover cast of some kind, LOL ;)
      Off-set they're just known as my babydolls :)
    20. I refer to mine as two groups, the "Visceral Boys" and the Sinserachiis, these being the members and associated cast of Visceral, the band in my SL, and the elves of Sinsereach, also in my primary SL but distinct.