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How 'alive' do you treat your doll?

Aug 1, 2007

    1. Beautiful observation!
    2. I've scolded Valentino before for dropping his wig while in the mall. I think he was angry at me or something...

      Also, I keep him in his box at night as if he is sleeping, and change him into his pyjamas. If I'm putting him away, I say that I'm "putting him to bed".

      Whenever I can, I strike up a small, pointless conversation or I let him watch videos on YouTube with me.

      Back when I actually was efficient in getting ready for school, when I'd flat-iron my hair I'd pose Valentino with a hairbrush as if he is doing his hair also.
      Goodness, I'm going insane.
    3. I talk to them in my head, but it's more towards the character, I guess...? They're alive to me in the sense that they're my characters and my characters are constantly interacting in my head or I'm coming up with new ideas to illustrate them (I have 90+ original characters and I'm almost always drawing, which requires me to develop them. My school kind of forces us to). We give life to our dolls.
    4. I talk to a lot of my pets, belongings, computer, etc. So why not my doll? All three people in my family own one, so I talk to all of them constantly. Neither my mom or sister are very fond of them, so they get refered to as either my dolls or their names. In fact, I ended up scolding Sha sue to the fact he was 'picking' on Chen-wi. (he had really just fallen over on him. He's too loose.) But otherwise, we have littlecoversations in the mornings and evenings since he sleeps next to me.
    5. I'm completely ok with those who talk to their dolls, I know I'd do it. But I've always been sorta iffy on people talking "through" dolls. When people personify their doll while talking to others, doing the 3rd person thing, and they do it as a cutesy attention getting device. It definitely crosses the line when they start to say their dolls deserve to be treated as any other human. But most of the time it's not worth making a big deal about.
    6. i treat my kou just like other things maybe put little bit more caring and love to it ^^
      when i'm alone in my house i usually play with him or just put him on my laps , if i google for doll clothes sometimes i just talk to him like
      'oh this clothes looks nice , do you like it?'

      etc etc xD
    7. I talk to them more than I realize. LOL I took Quinn to work one day and had him on my desk and needed something and said "Quinn, baby, I need you to move, please." and my boss just started laughing. When I realized why, with a sheepish grin, I said "I might be crazy, I talk to them like children..." but he likes my dolls and said it's not any crazier than how he talks to the cat....to which I said "But the cat's alive, the doll isn't." and he replied "but the cat can't understand most of what I say or reply to me."

      I talk to them, ask them what they want...if they look sad or happy or like the cat that ate the canary, I'll ask them what's up. I cuddle them, I spend time with them, I buy them things for special occasions. They have rooms to hang out in. A big part of it is that they aren't JuST hunks of resin, but also role play characters, so they DO have a personality and "life", even if it is just in my head. Also, I have no kids or pets, so I take my nurturing maternal instincts out on the dolls. I also spend a lot of time home by myself (my work schedule is opposite of what everybody else in the house works) so the dolls keep me company while I do housework or play online or whatever.

      So...I'd say I very much treat them like living beings, until it comes time to redo a faceup or restring or mod. THEN they're just resin because I'd rather not think about pulling eyes out or popping a head off of a living thing. LOL
    8. I don't treat my dolls very human. I treat them more like breakable things. I am careful with them, but not because I fear that I will "hurt" them. I'm mostly just worried about breaking something or damaging a faceup.
    9. I as of yet don't have my own BJD. However I am trying to get Pixiu soon.

      It is highly likely that I will make them personal characters with back stories just for fun. I do speak out loud a lot but I don't think I will talk to the dolls. Nor will I make them alive. I will just add them to my own fantasy universes that will more than likely never get written down. I want them more for eye candy and to display.

      However I have nothing against those who do treat them like they are Alive. I am sure I do things that people aren't too keen on but that's what being Original is all about. Kudos to those who know what they want to do and like to do and don't let anyone stop you (Only if its within reason and Legal though XD)
    10. I will also admit that I talk to them sometimes when I am changing their wig or putting a new outfit on them. I do have a horrible confession as well...one of my beloved dolls fell off a shelf (up high) and hit my daughter on the arm on the way down. Neither daughter or doll was hurt, but I was probably just as worried about my doll as I was my daughter.
    11. The only time I ever talked to a doll what's when I knocked over my Dulce. "Sorry," just slipped out of my mouth. They're really just models/playthings to me.
    12. I second this!!
    13. I talk to mine a fair amount. Usually if I'm trying to make them do something I'll yell "stand still!" and if they're being noisy (they creak a lot) I'll tell them to shut up. Or I'll just have little conversations with them, ie: "I need to suede these joints. You're so floppy. It's pathetic." Yeah... I'm actually not very nice to them!
    14. Depends what mood I'm in, sometimes I'll say phrases like "Good morning" or "Good Night" or "Be good" when I'm leaving. I usually mentally talk to them unless I'm in my 'let's talk out loud' moods. I totally agree with starlady though!
    15. I agree with most people. My doll is still a doll, she doesn't need air all the time (hence I don't mind that I put them in boxes a lot).

      I do, however, say "good morning!" sometimes if I'm having a great day and whatnot. I'll talk to them sometimes, but only as if I was talking to myself. "Don't you think this color looks better. Yup, it does."
    16. When I got into this hobby, I had heard a lot of people saying that they talk to their dolls to some degree, and figured it would be kind of neat to do the same once I got my doll. I have two dolls now, and I find that I'm not really interested in talking to them. I was never someone who talked to inanimate objects (though I do vent my frustration to things like my computer and my car when they don't work when I need them to).

      I don't consider my dolls pseudo-family members, or human in any way, though.
    17. I tend to talk to Aubreigh a lot when I am sewing. Especially when she isn't trying to squeeze her butt into something I just spent 6+ hours on. D:

      Not a whole lot other than that. She sits with me when I'm on here sometimes though, and sometimes I watch TV with her.