1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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How did you drop the bomb on your parents / loved ones?

Mar 31, 2010

    1. Well, technically my family isn't all that pleased that I am considering a BJD xD I'm currently waiting to make a final desision on which doll I plan to get, but I they're trying to convince me to do something else with my money; something I'm really too stubborn to do.
    2. LOL! I love this "bait & switch" way of introducing them!

      For me, I'm into so many different kinds of dolls that, for most ppl in my life, BJD's are really just another one of my dolls. :)

      If/when the price comes up I mention things like "made of resin", "made to order", "fully jointed", "customisable", "well-made" (I think the 'quality' aspect really shows when you look at different companies, too!).

      Also, I'm crafty like whoa, and I intend to make clothes for my dolls (as soon as Akando gets here!) & will likely eventually sell clothes for them on etsy, etc. I think that makes it easier for people to see them as an 'investment' that way, rather than as an expensive bauble.
    3. I've droped it a million times but they don't believe me!!!!!
      I won't drop it anymore... Because tonight it will explode!
      So... wish me luck and I'll come back later to tell you the details ^^
    4. My SO and I both support each other's nerdy hobbies. The only thing I could think of checking with him is if I planned to drop a lot of cash all at once ($500+). He would do the same for me. If we have adequate savings in the bank for emergencies, then I don't see an issue.

      I generally don't spend that much all at once anyway. I'm a huge fan of splitting up my costs in layaway plans even if I have the money outright. That way, if there's an emergency, I'm not boned for cash.
    5. It wasn't so much the fact that it was a doll that wierded out my mother, it was the size, realism and cost. >.< But, here's how it went;

      Step one; I showed her pictures of the really amazing ones(A bunch on here), "Hey Mom, aren't they cool?"
      "Oh yeah, kinda neat..."

      Step two; I brought my friend with her gorgeous SD over, "Look mom, this is Kai. Isn't he cool?"
      "What would you think about me getting one?"
      "Oh? Uhm...maybe someday..."

      Step three; "Hey mom. I'm saving up for a dolly!"
      *Almost chokes on coffee*
    6. I never really tell anyone. They just see them when they come over. Reactions to them are usually a little different. I don't have my BJD yet. He'll be here next week. Most of what I have now are dolls in coffins. Living Dead Dolls. So I get an entirely different reaction. "Are those children?!" "Why are they in coffins?" "Those are.... cool." The only reaction I really care about is my girlfriends and she loves them. She's actually pretty excited about the bjd I ordered. Maybe more excited than I am.
    7. I was like "So mom.... caaaaan I get this doll?"
      "how much is it?"
      ".... about tree fitty"
      "....Well f*** me. *sigh* Yeah, you can get it."

      I didn't expect her to say yes right away like that. (I would have saved up for it myself, but it would have taken a while so I just asked compulsively.;;; ) So then I went to two of my friends and cried that my mom was getting me a $350 (er.. $362. before shipping.) doll and I was dying of guilt, and they pretty much told me I was a horrible person and my mom would have to sell her house and move into a cardboard box./wrist XDDD;;;

      Buuut then my mom was all cheerful about it. She was like "so when's you're doll gonna come??" so I wasn't so sad anymore. My friends still think the whole BJD thing is a little silly cuz they're so expensive, but I think they'll be more impressed once she gets here and I fix her all up and stuff. Many of them have shown interest, it's just the price that irks them. We're all poor college students/graduates.
    8. I guess it would depends on the individual parent and how they are likely to react to the news. My first doll... for my mum, I showed her pictures beforehand and expressed my wish to own one (thus preparing her for it lol) while for my dad, who is more conservative about finances, I waited till the doll arrived then got him to join in a little in the box opening. In both case when they asked about the price, I will just give them a "toned down" amount, for example, just the price of the doll without clothing, wig, etc. (And most of the time, I leave out the USD in the price) lolx. I think both of them are pretty cool about me owning dolls, just that they will baulk at the prices if they ever know the "real" amount. Maybe one day when I'm more comfortable telling them about the actual prices I will do so.
    9. I haven't gotten my doll yet, I'm not even close to getting my first doll, but I did drop 'the bomb' in a way. Kinda.

      I just dragged my parents to my computer to show them the doll and said "Look at the doll I'm going to get! 8D"

      And that was it.
    10. I told my mother my doll was going to fit Kelly clothes and she went crazy buying them off of e-bay. So I paid for the doll but now my puki will be fully dressed!
    11. My father hates my obsession; the first thing he said when I showed him my dream-doll was, "What is that?? That thing is creepy. Why would you want something like that?" (Pretty sad that I've memorized it.) And that was that. My Mom is pretty okay with it, however. She likes dolls. She just complains about the amount of money I've spent on them. Anyway, I could care less about what anyone thinks of my hobby--it's my hobby. If people don't like it, that's really their problem.
    12. Its like coming out, BJD collectors version. lol XD

      For me it basically went like this:

      Me and mom on the way to school, 'bout a month before my birthday a couple years ago.

      Mom: So what do you want for your birthday?
      Me: Uh...this thing called a dollfie (I knew like nothing about the BJD world so yes i called them all dollfies)
      Mom: Oh?
      Me: its like 600$
      Mom: not happening.
      Me: yeah... figured. One day though?
      Mom: sure, when you save up.

      She was pretty cool about it. Ended up finding my boy, never would have realized he was for sale if she hadn't pointed out the tag. And she was his transportation from the seller to me. I think part of it was he was about half the doll I looked at originally XD But yeah, that's how it happened.
    13. I never understood why people would be nervous to tell others they have BJDs... Everyone has their own interests & if you (in general) are afraid of the worlds reaction, maybe you (in general) dont love your hobby enough and should not spend a lot of money on something you might end up letting go of because of other peoples reactions. I have a lot of interests & hobbies that honestly, most people I know dont even know about and might think oddly of me or my interests but I love what I love & if no1 is being hurt, then be proud of what you love.

      It is almost impossible to keep your parents from being upset if they dont have expensive hobbies themselves so just shrug your shoulder and smile if they get horrified by your decision on buying a BJD. Just remember! You own the doll, they don't own you! This hobby can get expensive & addictive rather quickly so make sure priorities are in check xD.

      My mom thinks Asagi is horribly scary but thinks my other dolls are beautiful. She thinks its dumb to spend so much on dolls but thats when I point out my sisters 6 Prada purses that my mom never complains about. My dad... is way more accepting. He bought my 1st SD boots xD. But tends to make the following face at my dolls: >__>;;;

      Oh yea... I dont live with my parents so I guess its easier since I dont need to hear their nagging BUT I do visit for months sometimes & boy does my mom complain about what I do. But other then my 1st doll (xmas gift from BFF), I pay for ALL of my dolls, doll clothes, doll accessories, etc. (well unless Im doing a trade or get gifts).
    14. The postman did it for me. One day a large box showed up while I was at work. They were confused on what kind of large doll was hidden in the box. But I knew my parents wouldn't get upset about it anyway. I have been old enough to control my own money for years now.
    15. My mum actually thought they'd be much more expensive than they are, so she wasn't too bothered by the price. My dad was a little bewildered that I would spend so much money on a doll. But what can he do about it? ;P
    16. I showed my mom some pictures for a little while before my doll was going to arrive, and she thought they were pretty but "really sad-looking." I put off telling her that I bought one for as long as possible. (Until it was stuck at the post office and I had no choice.) She seemed indifferent about it, to be honest. Although she still doesn't know how much they're worth. (I don't plan on telling her!)
    17. There are some people who get creeped out by dolls... mostly guys, I noticed. I posted pics of dolls on my wishlist on my FB, and some of my guy friends (ironically they were the first ones to comment) reacted negatively by saying it was creepy or hella pricey for what it is. I like technology too and would let my credit card handle purchases like a laptop or new phone or new ram or cables or things like that and that would appear perfectly fine =\ but what many people don't know is that they don't really need all that stuff. They'd pay extra to increase their computer's memory, get the best video card and all that... but then use their computers merely to check emails. Sure, they look all smart having all that stuff and being able to put it all together, but what a waste (same goes with cars and everything else) >< People also tell me that it's an issue of "practicality"... I'm afraid that my mom would disapprove and say that one doll would make a month's car payment (or something like that). But I'll end my nonsense rant... LOL like what everyone says, it's my money.

      Anyway, I found this thread really useful... hopefully I get my doll in a year or 2 :)
    18. Haha...fun thread. I drooled over the dolls for weeks, then finally decided I could live with spending lots of money on them. fortunately for me, when I first told my mother I was going to save up for one, I was looking at a Kid Delf, so the figure was only $200-ish. She was shocked at that, and really skeptical, but they're so pretty! I just started saving, and the fact that I went from saving up $200 to $462 for a minifee instead...well, no-one noticed. And by the time I went to buy the doll, the money was all mine anyway, so no-one could really throw that much of a fit. Although, my boyfriend won't leave me alone about being obsessed with dolls and DoA. :| I don't even have my first doll yet...
    19. If I remember correctly, I told her about them in passing. Kinda a
      Me: hey okaa-san D=
      Mom: Yeah?
      Me: I wanna show you something. Look. ::shows picture of doll:: Girl or boy? ::gigglespaz::
      Mom: o-o; I'm guessing boy since you're laughing. Pretty though.
      Me: Yeah, He's someones doll. They're mad expensive though. like $500 or more
      Mom: ...
      Me: I want one <.<;
      Mom: ...Guess you better start saving up..

      And that was that. Course it slipped my mind for a while. Then we went to Anime Boston, went to a BJD panel and we both came out wanting one xD
      She could understand WHY they were so expensive and thought it was totally worth every penny.

      So I guess I kinda eased it on her, not really dropping the bomb on her xD
      cause I'm finally ordering my doll in a month or so~
    20. I haven't bought one yet, but I have told my mom exactly how much the dollie I want is. She doesn't mind. It's my money and so long as I'm happy, I'm all set! Good thing the worst part is over. :P