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How do you deal with haters?

Jul 8, 2019

    1. Hi there. I have discovered that in this hobby, a lot of people will voice their opinions, good or bad, on a doll. That doesn't mean that your doll is ugly, but it could mean that that sculpt is not right for the other person's character. But I am sorry that they said it that way and hurt your feelings. Just out of curiosity, which sculpt do you own? I bet somebody else loves him or her. Please don't worry too much.
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    2. Thanks for your comforting! I cant be even bothered any more after hearing lots of support from here, as of the question, this is the exact pic i posted

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    3. Volks!!! Oh my gosh! What a beautiful sculpt... Which one? Ok, I own a Sakaki and a School A, but I seriously love them. Mine have more opened eyes, but... <3 <3 <3. I have nothing bad to say about this sweetheart.
    4. I honestly don’t know what to say. Some people on the internet can be really nasty. Especially in this hobby. A few times, I’ve grown to hate whatever doll was getting so much vitriol and I eventually sold them.
      Most of the time, I just try to ignore nasty people. You’re going to tick someone off in this hobby, apparently it’s unavoidable. Just keep doing what you love. The people who matter will stay around, and the ones who don’t, eventually will move on to the next bit of gossip.
      I’m sorry this happened to you. Even worse when it happens on a public forum.
    5. Thank you! I have a school A too, the F28 series sculpt are all very cute to me, and he is a Lucas SWD, a pretty old sculpt from 2003, i gaved him a sd17 body
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    6. Envy, most likely. Your boy is charming, and the pose and photo are lovely - what's not to like? In my experience, bullies are generally insecure or envious people who try to make others feel small so that they will feel better about some aspect of themselves. It's kind of pitiful, actually - they behaved that way in fifth grade and it elevated them to 'cool kid' status, but they've never matured enough to realize that now it just makes them unpleasant, unlikable adults.
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    7. Lucas! How cool, thanks for sharing him with us here. My two are on the SD13, so a little shorter and rounder. I adore him!
    8. Your doll is lovely; obviously the hater was just wanting to be cruel out of spite. Unfortunately, there are lots of such people online, hiding behind keyboards. Block/Ignore is the best way to deal with such toxic people.

      Even if a doll's look is not something I personally would have for my own dolls, I can appreciate the diversity and originality of other people's styles. I think that's one of the most fun parts of this hobby, honestly.
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    9. I do think it's weird that this person chose to comment about not liking that particular sculpt. That really makes it sound like spite more than anything.
      I think it's a lovely picture. You nailed the look and the pose.

      I don't get that many haters, but if I don't like a comment about my doll, I'd probably delete it and think no more about it.
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    10. Your doll and photo looks like a professional artist company photo, it's very attractive and the overall image is very very beautiful and soft. I could see this picture used as a promotion post for this sculpt, it's definitely envy why they commented you. Your boy is trendy, a lot of people dream of such tender a bit Korean fashion style boy dolls and you bring them some very quality eye candy ;)

      I have a small story and it might make you feel better. I have one doll sculpt which is hard to get but she's very popular. Once a girl came to me via dm saying that the doll sculpt I own is horrible and bad, not worth money and she spoke very arrogantly how she saw the doll in person (someone elses) and how bad it was. She also said she will sculpt her own doll. I only gave her some second hand embarrassment response saying good luck with her sculpting work. I saw so bitter envy. She knew I have the doll and I love the doll, and I have many positive feedback about her looks as well given by the artist herself and also other people so her bitter and whiny lectures only gave me good laughs! ;) ;)
      #30 Adalwolf, Jul 9, 2019
      Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
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    11. I know people have different taste but if I don't like a certain doll, I would never say anything like that. I would focus on a thing that I do like about the doll and compliment the person on that or if I can't find anything I keep my opinion to myself. I think sometimes people forget that behind the screen is a real person with real feelings.

      I was curious to see the doll that brought such vile comment and all I can say is, he is perfect. Love everything about that picture. So sweet and realistic in my opinion. I could not find anything that would get a person to react that way. I find it quite puzzling.

      I'm so glad that you reacted the way you did. With class. Happy as well that you have moved on.
    12. I hear that there is a lot of hate and criticism in this hobby. I mean I understand that no matter what you post on any site there will always be haters, but what I don't understand is why do I keep hearing that there so much negativity in this doll hobby? I keep hearing about people leaving the hobby because of the bullying. I've been in this hobby for four years now and I haven't experienced anything negative on social media. I don't know if I am just lucky or what, but I am grateful! Here on DOA is really good everyone is nice! I hear that most of the haters don't like this site because of the rules and bullying will get them banned. Just like everyone is says delete the haters mean comments and block them and just move on. As long as you are happy with your doll and the way he or she looks, you shouldn't worry about what anyone thinks. Everyone has different opinions and some just have to be rude about it. I really like your doll to be honest!
    13. Mmmm.... I want to take a look at this picture and form an opinion on the matter.

      I've seen really shitty face-ups in my life, but never once I felt the necessity to insult the owner of the picture. Damn, even when a person asks about "constructive criticism" I avoid to post (mostly because I don't know how to criticise gently: I would write something like "those freckles look like acne") and most people react in a negative way to criticism anyway (even tactful criticism), so yeah.... Better stay away.

      Do you think when I see on MFC a new figure for a character I don't like, I go there and leave an insulting message? No. BUT some people left insulting messages under figures of my favourite characters, so yeah... rude people are everywhere. Either block them, ignore them, report them but avoid them.

      As I always say: some people are just lucky they live across the ocean or in another country....
    14. @Demiurgo

      "Mmmm.... I want to take a look at this picture and form an opinion on the matter."

      The picture in question is on this page on the second post.
    15. That nasty person obviously never was taught '' If you can't think of anything nice to say , don't say anything '' The internet throws up an idiot from time to time , sadly , perhaps they are Volks haters . Your boy is beautiful and that is a lovely photo , he looks really good on the SD17 body . I have a Black Cat Lucas and it's always great to see another of these lovely early dolls .
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    16. @Bren OHHHHHHH SHIET! I didn't notice it O_o

      B-But... He is absolutely adorable... And perfect!

      The other dolls on @xiluoxia flickr are perfect as well O_o
    17. People being cruel to be cruel has been a thing long before this doll hobby, long before the internet. It confused me when I was younger, now I merely see these types as sociopaths, simply no empathy. And no filter, they just say whatever pops into their heads. We may all have uncharitable thoughts at times, but it should be learned early on that it is not a good idea to voice them. When I meet folks like this now, I just avoid them or any interaction with them.

      Whether or not one is of any religious belief, the basic tenet of "love your neighbor" in essence means "be kind". Be kind. Be kind.
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    18. If it helps you kinda did get to "bite them back" by deleting the comment rather than giving them any attention. That's the best thing to do. Your social media is your space so you can curate it how you want!

    19. LOL. Sorry, You made me laugh.

      But yeah. reason why I was puzzled on the reason. Lovely. He is jut lovely but obviously that person didn't agree for what ever reason. Go figure!
    20. Some people are going to be trolls or antagonistic, best to ignore them, or block if they’re particularly obnoxious. If you really really want to get under their skin just say “thank you” and move on.

      I will offer the smaaallleest benefit of the doubt, and that’s that for some reason a lot of people take requests for critique as “please roast me”. It’s dumb and a critique situation should be discussion or at least constructive. Try to ensure feedback you give is what you’d want to see, leave less impact for trolls.

      If it bugs you, see if there’s a grain of something to glean and improve on in there for yourself. Early on in my face up learning, I got a comment that I’d “ruined” someone’s favorite sculpt (he was well sealed, fwiw). It stung really bad, but I kept working to improve. I got more patient, better at layering and my pallet choices, Now I’ve got that same doll on my work table about to be cleared of a over five-year faceup (not the faceup that got the comment), and I’m pretty confident I’ll be happy with it.