1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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How do you open your box?

Oct 16, 2010

    1. I would just rip right in when I'd get a doll. I take pictures. But I'd really like to do box opening videos. I may do one for my Luts dolls whe they get here.
    2. It depends-- sometimes I take pictures, but not always. Normally it's just me on the bed or on the couch opening the box.
    3. I used to do box opening videos with other dolls I've collected, but now I find I enjoy the experience more if my girls and I just open it together and take pics if we feel like it, and don't bother if we don't. We take tons of pics later. We have been talking about making it a tradition to take a pic of each new box with the other dolls around it before opening, so we may start doing that with our next doll later this month.
    4. Sometimes I make a video, and every time I take pictures. ^-^
    5. From the top where it's sealed usually.

      I use my box openings as photo-stories assisted by my pal Nibelung (Doll Chateau Ada). Sometimes if I'm busy though a box will sit. My Peaks Woods Tristan Vampire sat sealed for four months before I did the story. I ordered a Fairyland Minifee Mirwen and I received her last May and I still haven't opened that box. She's going out for a full body cosmetology treatment this spring so I probably won't open her at all until she gets back from that.
    6. I've never done box opening photos or videos or anything. I kind of like it to be just me when I open them; I just prefer meeting them one-on-one, silly as it may sound.
    7. I wanted to do box opening pictures when my first doll arrived... And then the box actually arrived. I tore into it as fast as possible :sweat I don't think that trend will change anytime soon.
    8. With my BJD I opened the box very carefully, probably cause if I did it too fast I was scared I might hurt her, since she was so tiny. The next doll I get I'm going to take a video probably though.
    9. Slowly and carefully, taking photos of the box opening and squealing inwardly with an ecstatic (almost crazy looking) grin on my face haha!

      But there's one thing I insist on when doing a box opening. I've got to do it when I'm alone so I get the chance to have some time with my doll and get to know them first before showing them to the world.
    10. I usually open my boxes very carefully and wear gloves when taking them out.
      Box opening post in my own blog is a must for me, and recently after watching a few funny box opening videos, I am thinking of doing one next time.
    11. I try to always take videos of my doll box openings. Sometimes I post them, sometimes I don't. It's more for my own personal gratification. And sometimes the conversations with my roommate are too hilarious not to share...
    12. I am very slow at opening! I normally wait at least a day. I have to be in the mood! I have been known to wait a week.
      Note: if this is just a head (no body) with a default face I will open it the same day it arrives.
      I might be rare in this. As a few have said it's the moment of first connection and I want to be in an open minded good mood :-) and with nothing else that I have on my mind. I like to be alone, don't want anyone to influence what I feel. I then open with a long sharp kitchen knife. I go slowly just grazing the tape and then use my hands to open the box. I always keep in mind the original box might not have anything between it and the cardboard. I do not want to start off with a giant knife mark on the box LOL! I then unwrap and very careful about the face cover! don't want to scratch the face.
      Once open I normally gaze at the face paint and the overall sculpt. Get out my eyes and wigs and go forth! Then keep going back into the room with fresh eyes to see the doll. :-) Once I have a feel for the doll it's clothes time! this can take a long time. Might also include wig changes and eye changes. If this is and older doll that's been handled a lot I also always give the doll a clean avoiding the face. I love doing this it's like starting the doll off anew. Hopefully that is not more detail then you needed....!
      #112 TreeLore, Mar 12, 2016
      Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
    13. I open the shipping box slowly and very carefully, taking peeks when I can to see what the doll box looks like. Once the beautiful box is liberated from the shipping box. I take my time enjoying every moment of the final reveal.
    14. I usually take pictures, not to share but just for my own records. I always open the box from the bottom. If I have to use a knife or something to cut the tape I don't want to risk cutting the inner box on the top.
    15. Carefully and savor every moment - but would never photograph the session