1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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How does your family react to the hobby ? - Part 2

Jul 3, 2016

    1. My family is very conservative Islam and in our religion, dolls and other realistic humanoid things are 'haram'(forbidden). It saddens me that my parents ask me to not display my dolls and keep them in a closet out of sight, if I should buy them at all, but it's my hobby in the end and I'll do what I please with my money.
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    2. In my experience you find the people who love everything about it and even get pulled in themselves and then you have the people which often seems to be family who don't understand it once they've seen the price tag, which is just unfortunate. But it is your own business in the end what you keep and spend money on at the end of the day if it's your own money. So I always say just don't let people bring you down about it! Love yourself, love your dolls! Don't hide it unless they might be in danger through someone's actions.
    3. my boyfriend thinks it's super cute and super expensive lol, but he's supportive :aheartbea
      #83 rex, Nov 30, 2016
      Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
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    4. @jobvirata Like @Mister M Im very selective on who I share my hobby with. I guess I'm just really shy about it. Btw, I love your profile picture you are so adorable :D (assuming that is you lol)

      @rex what an awesome boyfriend you have!
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    5. @krystina yes i definitely do, thank you! :3nodding:
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    6. I am 26 and still living with my parents, so I do feel self-conscious about the hobby at times, especially when I'm getting ready to buy something (anything, really) doll-related. It's funny, when I got my first doll, I expected my dad to find it more interesting than my mom--but it's my dad who totally does not understand and my mom who thinks it's cute. However, when I told my mom I'd bought a new doll a few weeks ago, I could tell she was silently judging me. . . From what I've noticed with my family and friends' reactions, it's the cost that most people can't wrap their head around :/ It makes me think, 'Gee, was spending all this money really worth it? Shouldn't I be saving for more important things, like my own place??' :doh I go on a little guilt trip sometimes. But, darn it, this is something I really love. It's not the money but the time spend with the doll, creating the character, and getting to know them that I truly enjoy.
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    7. O man the feels. I totally know where you're coming from I was in the same exact situation. I bought 2 expensive dolls at 26 (while living w/ parents). It helped me through my struggles with my diploma getting and job obtaining. I got my house and sweet job at 28, and more dolls lol. But the first 2 dolls helped through the rough stuff, so you need something like this hobby that will make you happy and inspire and push you. You'll get there, so stay happy :)
    8. It is me with the sad face snapchat filter, LOL.
    9. Most of my friends are either neutral about them or think they're interesting. Two have dolls of their own.

      Mister Brightfires doesn't *get* the whole doll thing, but is happy they make me happy.

      My mom thinks dolls in general are a bit creepy, but still wants to see everything that I make or sew for the crew.

      My mother-in-law has an Elf Shiwoo named Sam.

      My brother just laughs when I say anything about the hobby being expensive, because his is MUCH worse. (He buys and restores vintage sports cars for fun-)

      My niece and god-daughter are both "doll people" themselves. (BJDs for the later, American Girls for the former.)

      My nephews? They still believe in kooties and say that dolls are "girly stuff". XD
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    10. I've been lucky enough to have friends that are really open to the hobby!
      People have generally really been supportive of the creative aspect of owning a BJD, and when they see my boy, they really see the hobby's appeal. That, and I guess I'm known among my friends as the eccentric one, so that might be a factor.

      My mom was rather put off by it at first, but at this point, she's pretty used to it.
      My sisters love it! We used to play with Barbies and my Souldoll Vito, and it would be a grand ol' time. Although now, I think they've grown out of their Barbie phase. Who knows, maybe they'll end up wanting to join the hobby too. Although they know the price, and sometimes it's really intimidating to them. :sweat

      My roommate said to me today that she was glad that my doll was sitting near our table; she said that it's like having company around when I'm not at home. :lol:
    11. I can tell my mom is fascinated by the dolls, but because of their price tag she's quick to joke "I still say that's a lot to spend on a Barbie doll!" (Explaining the difference would take a while and be totally pointless) So I jut sort of laugh it off. My dad is more interested in the accessories I make for my dolls than in the dolls themselves. And I got lucky because my wife also collect them ^^
    12. My parents are the only people that know about my various collections, as they're the only ones to visit my place.

      They tend to like them, and the "you have enough" comments are generally more about running out of physical space than anything else.

      I have my own money and live in my own house, the money issue is really none of anyone else's business.
    13. I live with my parents and little sister still. My mom, sister, and boyfriend are the only ones who know. Unless my dad somehow knows? But I haven't mentioned anything specific to him or anyone else yet. I'll cross that bridge when I get there if need be.

      My mom was a little shocked at the prices at first but then I started showing her more dolls and started to gush about how cute they are. Regardless of how much they cost she doesn't really care because it's my money and she's happy as long as I'm putting at least a little bit away for savings. My little sister seems to think they're at least vaguely weird but it doesn't seem she's formed much more of an opinion beyond that. My boyfriend is just happy that they make me happy :)

      If I ever come across negative reactions I'll just brush them off- people spend a lot more money on things they don't need all time. It's just a matter of pointing it out to them.
    14. I hated dolls when i was a kid too XD but then bjd's made me think that if thats how dolls looked i might have been into them anyway XD (although i'm not sure .__.)
    15. Well my husband is the only person that I live with, so as such, he is the only family member who knows so far, as I have just gotten my first doll almost a month ago. He is very awesome about it. At first I thought he would think it was odd, but he didn't at all. He even helps me pick out outfits and wigs to buy. He is such a genuine person and he's just happy that it makes me happy. He even paid for 1/2 of my most recent purchase, a fairyland body for a floating head I have purchased that hasn't gotten to me yet.

      I don't plan to hide it from my family at all, but since we live in entirely different states from them (husband is in the military), it makes it so I wouldn't have to if I didn't want to. I definitely wouldn't share the prices with them, since even as an adult I am still on the receiving end of "how you should spend your money" lectures.
    16. My brother is completely freaked out by them and just goes, 'ugh' when I show them.

      My parents are more accepting. They understand that it's a creative hobby, as well as the artistry involved in the sculpting, casting and painting of BJDs. My mum is starting to quite like them, and I think my dad is interested because he likes looking at how they're made. Both my parents are quite laid back about the fact that Iker seems to live permanently in the sitting room! I'm autistic, and I've always been creative and odd, so I think they just accept it. They're just glad I'm not into reborns!
    17. Aww i'm sorry that your family reacts that way :( especially since you let them in on it and they just look down on it..... Thats kinda the reason why i'm a bit secretive about it... I once had a doll out while my dad was visiting but he either did not see her ... or ignored her completely o.O
      My sister knows and luckily she thinks if it makes me happy that i should do whatever i want.
      I hope you know that you are not alone and we're here to support you ^^
    18. My mother thinks it's a waste of money, but she still wasn't trying to stop me when I told about my plans to buy a doll or anything. But my dad surprisingly enough loves them! when I first told him he was stunned because he "didn't know that a doll could look so human, but still not like a human at all". I showed him more pictures and told him more about them, and he then asked me if I'm ever gonna buy my own doll. When I said yes, his eyes almost lit up, and he told me that he definitely wants me to come over to his house and show him my new doll when it arrives. It's still a bit amusing to see my dad, an extremely muscular, 49 years old and 190 cm tall man get so excited over dolls. But he was an artist in his younger years, so I guess that he just recognizes beauty when he sees it :3nodding:.
    19. My mom only dislikes when I spend so much money when the cost of living is so much in my city and student loans. She doesn't think my dolls are creepy or anything and she understands that they make good photography subjects since she used to do photography in college. My significant other is cool with them too since he's really into photography too and seemed to really like using one of my tiny guys as a subject when we go out on photography outings together. I have a lot of expensive hobbies that he is tolerant with so I'm pretty blessed. (:
    20. My family's reactions have been mixed. My sisters think they're cool and have been pretty understanding because my grandmother collected porcelain dolls. My mom thinks I could spend money on better things and whenever I'm in a financial bind, her first thought is to sell them. My friends were pretty cool but when they came to visit me, they requested they be put up while they're sleeping. My old roommate thought they were pretty cool although, I think he found them sexy and that was the appeal for him. My boyfriend has been the most supportive. He's going to help me build a room box and is always suggesting I play with them if I'm having a bad day. Whenever people ask me why, I always reply "I just like pretty things!"