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How important are doll boxes to you?

Jul 7, 2017

  1. Keep!

  2. Toss them!

  3. Keep if CoA is missing, otherwise toss them

    1. None of my dolls have been from companies with fancy boxes qwq I wish i had them though, they'd be nice for storing clothes and stuff
    2. i find this an interesting topic, it is also quite personal.

      in my situation i don't own many dolls, usually between three and seven. still they are SD sized boxes which take much space. i have gotten rid of the brown mail cardbox and only keep their pretty original company ones. these past years i've been decluttering all my belongings; i find my room to be quite empty, therefore it was easy to simply store them in my closet. i don't think i could get rid of my FCS boxes at least. it's important to mention i do use them to store my dolls safe whenever i am away from my room for at least some days.

      enjoy the topic :blush
    3. I didn't keep the boxes my Resinsouls came in, but I kept the protective cases inside the boxes. I kept the box my Camelia Dynasty doll came in because it was really cute, but the box my PlumeDoll came in was really generic, so I tossed it.

      I don't really plan on selling any of my dolls, and boxes take up a lot of room. If they've got a lot of character, I'll keep them, but if they're boring or if they were damaged in shipping, I'm not interested.
    4. I rotate my dolls, so when they're not out for display, they're sleeping in their original habitat. So while I have no particular interest in rectangular cardboard boxes, they are the perfect vampiric nesting places for my dolls who are not currently in the limelight. Useful objects overall! I keep the boxes for that reason, but hey, if I ever decide to sell, it's also nice to give the buyer the option of owning the original box.
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    5. I usually tend to keep the boxes my figures come in and I doubt that will change for the dolls. It is great for storage and the myriad of times I've had to move. Plus some boxes are just as pretty as the item in them. Also as a collector, keeping the box comes with the territory so the habit is kinda ingrained already. lol
    6. I kept my Leeke box because that's where I keep my dolls. It has seen a lot, so it is not in good condition.
    7. I used to not really care too much about doll boxes. I mean, granted, I kept all of mine because I had the room, but once I had an unfortunate trade transaction and having the box would've made things easier.
    8. Since I buy dolls secondhand I am used to not receiving dolls in their original box, so I guess it’s not very important to me. However, if I receive the original box I will not throw it out. I feel like having the original box is important to some collectors so I couldn’t see a reason to throw it out unless you really don’t have the space!
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    9. I spent yesterday trying to stack my boxes together to save space and MSD went well. it's like wooo resinsoul fits inside dollmore and yaaay df-a box will go in a myou box! then I get to SD and it's like "ah the obitsu 60 box is really thin it must fit inside my AoD b... oh it's too long. And my off-topic doll box is... the exact same size so neither will go into the other. *sobs* oh no wait! I'll just put the MSD boxes in the SD boxes, they're smaller so they MUST.... ALLL BE WIDER?" but I'm kind of a hoarder so I'll probably still keep them all.
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    10. I think that boxes should - in general - be kept, unless you truly don't have the space. If you ever move, then it's far easier to have the boxes for your dolls, and they're good for storage. And if you do ever decide to sell the dolls, it adds a bit more value to have a box. Some of the boxes are also quite beautiful and make everything seem even more special. Of course, it also depends on the company. From what I've seen in unboxing videos, some companies don't have boxes worth keeping - they're just plain doll-sized boxes - so the only value of keeping them would be for storage. It's up to you and your needs in the end.
    11. I`ve chosen the third option because I bought my dolls in 2007 and then nobody gave nor asked for CoA, so now it's useful to have them...
    12. I grew up in a family where we kept every box that belongs to anything - because specialized boxes for items makes moving easier. :) Especially if it was a breakable or collectable item. (makes us sound like hoarders, we aren't! Just always priviledged with a garage of some sort).

      Slightly because of this, and living in a small apartment, I store my dolls in their boxes when not in use.

      Since almost all my dolls are a decade old, and I've lost most proof of purchase over time, it's helpful to have them now since most of mine don't have certs.
    13. I never been one to throw away boxes, I still have my laptops boxes and my consoles!
      So my dolls get their boxes and they dual as beds until I make them their dioramas. It's honestly just good practice because maybe you want to rehome your doll, you want the buyer to have that exciting unboxing that you had. <3
    14. I would keep the boxes because that's what I would store my dolls in. I know some people like to keep their dolls out on a shelf or desk or something, but I am way too paranoid. plus you never know what might happen in the future. you might move or want to rehome a doll. keeping the box if always the safer bet.
    15. I kept the official doll boxes. Although I don't store my dolls in the boxes, I keep them in case someday I need to make a move or sell the dolls. However, If I have many dolls, I think I'll just keep a few.
    16. Some matter, some don’t. My UNOSS box is signed and dated and she’s a full set so even though I never foresee selling her, I’ll keep her box. Most of my dolls have their CoA or I can trace a strong provenance for them with receipts so unless I just want to keep boxes for storage, there’s no real need to unless I may eventually sell or trade one and need to ship them strung. I don’t like to keep any extra cardboard in the house or storage areas honestly because we live in a damp-ish climate and I’ve heard way too many bug-nest stories about cardboard. :frownyblush:
    17. They are nice, but take up too much space imo, especially with a bigger collection... I only keep mine in case I ever choose to sell any of my dolls, since they are important to some when considering a dolls authenticity. I know for myself personally I too would feel better about buying a secondhand doll that comes in it's original box.
    18. I have a large collection of dolls and yes I have all their boxes, including shipping boxes except for dolls I bought in person at a dealer's store. I just like having them - I can use them when and if I move or have to sell a doll. Yes, they take up space, but as a collector who likes "gently used or like new or never opened" merchandise, I keep everything when possible.
    19. I keep mine! They live in their boxes when I'm not doing anything with them cuz storage space is at a premium in my apartment and I don't have anywhere else to put them. Still, if I get a like, cabinet for them or something, I'd probably continue to keep the boxes in case I move, or I can use them to store clothes and accessories and such.
    20. I keep every single doll box I receive, with the one doll I sold being the exception. I still have the box from the doll I gave away. I used to keep the shipping boxes but they've all been recycled now. I even have a few boxes from dolls I don't own or have never owned.

      I do not keep them for authenticity proving purposes, but because they're part of the doll experience to me. I always want to have the box for the doll and I even kept a box that was extremely damaged in shipping because it was shipped without an outer box. I am very put off from secondhand listings that do not have a box, and not because of legitimacy reasons. I just really want that box.

      I also do not have enough dolls that they take up way too much space and I hope to keep my collection small enough to be able to keep them manageable.