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How important are doll boxes to you?

Jul 7, 2017

  1. Keep!

  2. Toss them!

  3. Keep if CoA is missing, otherwise toss them

    1. I prefer to keep the boxes. They may take up room, but they are good for storage and moving. I would like for a doll to have the original packaging if I am making a purchase as well.
    2. I like to keep my boxes for storage and sometimes for bed props.
    3. I want the box. It's part of the experience! And they serve as a nice spot to put all my accessories and extra parts. I'll always know where they are.
    4. Eventhough SD(1/3) bjd boxes take too much space, I still keep the boxes of all my dolls just in case I want to sell them.

      I have a lot of Iplehouse dolls that I have bought from the second hand market and I always look for dolls that come with COA and original box. Extra points for dolls that come with their shipper box for more security during transportation. For some reason, the original owners of the dolls have kept their boxes, and I have a sense that the dolls lose even more value if they don't.
    5. They don’t have much value to me, but I always keep them in case I ever want to sell the doll.
    6. I plan on keeping all boxes and as much of the shipping stuff as i can. That way if i ever sell any dolls, i can wrap them as safely as possible, in a box specificaly designed to keep dolls safe. I dont even have my first though so I will have to see.
    7. I'm a hoarder, so I keep everything. But since I keep all my dolls out of boxes and don't have plans to sell the dolls, I really should get rid of some of the boxes.

      The boxes are good for when you want to sell a doll, or store a doll... It probably adds to worth of the dolls. But other than that, they probably aren't a big deal. I'll keep the boxes until I start really needing the room!
    8. I only have one so far but I intend to keep all my doll boxes even if it gets a bit cramped. I just really like the boxes and it's a safe place to put them when I eventually move out of my parents house. Plus if I was ever in a dire situation (the only situation I would ever sell them lol) and needed to sell them I could send them to their new owner in the box!
    9. I think it's a much easier choice to make if you're like me and you only have 1 doll, but I absolutely would never want to throw away my box. I'm super paranoid about damaging my doll (I have a perhaps inflated perception of her value), so even though I have no intention of ever selling her I appreciate having a perfectly-sized box to house her in. It makes her fell somehow more secure, and it's a good place to store all the extra items associated with her that I might not be using at the moment.
    10. i always keep the boxes to store the dolls in, if the packaging's nice it's an added bonus.
    11. I collapse them down and store them in a bin along with my fragile porcelain dolls that are too big for display at this time. I have no intention of selling my dolls, but if anything happened that a family member would have to sell them, I want them to be sold as the full package, I think boxes are important for resale value, but if you don't intend to get rid of your dolls then you can get rid of the boxes.
    12. i couldn't vote because my answer is really depends.
      I normally will keep the box but due to my life matters i move alots from countries, so sometimes i had to do leave them behind.
      And when i buy dolls and i know i will not sell them again, i request that the doll sent in smaller box to save on shipping lol xD
    13. Welp... I keep my boxes under my bed, filled with most of doll stuff that I rarely use. (Most of them are stuffs that I don’t want to bother selling or throwing it out). It helps keeping the box because I do think it is a great way to store your doll or doll stuff. Also it is great for moving.
    14. I keep my boxes just in case I have to store them for any reason or If I sell a doll, Even if its not their original box, they are nice to have for shipping.
      So as far as personal value goes, I dont think its necessary to keep the boxes if you dont plan to sell your dolls,
      If you do plan to sell or end up having to sell or store, its nice to have the padded boxes to keep them safe.

      So far I have only resold my impulse buy dolls.
    15. Ive kept all of mine so far. Like others have said I flatten the ones I can and put them out of the way. I even kept all the foam and bubble wrapping because if I have to move them I know ill have enough.
    16. I don't have the space to display dolls so I keep the two I have so far in their boxes when I'm not taking pictures of them. They're MSD sized and narrow so not a big space problem. It's also good to have the box for shipping them off to get someone to do a face up for me.
    17. I keep my dolls in their boxes, especially because I intend to move within the next five years or so.Lets me know what's where. :XD:

      Once I find somewhere I want to stay long-term, though, who knows? But it does create a neat little area of "This is where the dolls are kept", and nothing else goes there. I like that a lot. :kitty1
    18. I have 20+ dolls, several of which are either SD+ sized or came with a lot of fantasy parts (like my Luts centaur). Keeping all those boxes used to be feasible, but it isn't now. I still tried until a basement flood destroyed a good number of them, at which point I realized I really didn't need 'em. Now I only keep the smaller ones since I'd be able to ship the doll inside them if I sold it, and the ones for dolls who never came with a COA.

      As for receiving dolls, I really prefer shipping boxes over the original ones, because I'm pretty experienced at doll stringing and it's way cheaper. I do prefer to see that the owner has them, though, because that helps establish legitimacy.
    19. I always keep my bjd doll boxes. Not only is it the only proof my bjds are not recasts, but it helps preserve the doll's resale value. Boxes have always been important in the larger doll collecting world for the same reasons. COAs are too easy to copy.
      You can carefully flatten your boxes to save space, but make sure you can reassemble the boxes when needed. You never know when you'll want or need to sell a doll.
    20. I keep all my boxes, but I have little space. My home is small:|