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How important are doll boxes to you?

Jul 7, 2017

  1. Keep!

  2. Toss them!

  3. Keep if CoA is missing, otherwise toss them

    1. As a buyer, I always ask for the box (COA can be faked but boxes most of the time recasters don't mind). I did throw away the box from my Lati though, it was in terrible shape (just like the doll, uh) and I don't think I will ever sell her.
    2. I keep them because I like them (unless they don't come with them - my DIM dolls didn't), but as a buyer I also look for them. I didn't used to mind as much, but with the recast problem as big as it is, it's a big red flag if, for example, a Soom or Fairyland or Iplehouse doll is being sold without a box....:roll:

      So I keep them, even though our apartment is small and crowded (and between my wife and I we have over 30 dolls, and most of those are SD+). They do stack nicely though, so it's not that hard to find an out-of-the-way spot. And they're handy for keeping extra resin bits safe and away from light.

      I've bought older (unrecasted) dolls without boxes, but it certainly affects the price I'd like to pay.
      #102 redfeathers, Mar 16, 2018
      Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
    3. I love doll boxes, they are very pretty and I'd always like to have them just in case if I please to sell a certain doll. Maybe I would only keep one of each company's box though.
    4. I keep most of mine. They're useful for moving, and I store the pillows or carry bags the dolls came with in them. My dolls are all tinies so the boxes aren't that big. Many of them are pretty and fairly sturdy, like the "storybook" boxes Fairyland sends their tiny dolls in. I got rid of one of the Soom ones, because it was so big I had no way to store it. I've kept most of the boxes for the fashion dolls I collected before I discovered BJDs too. Some of my dolls are from a single artist company, and came bubble wrapped in a cloth bag. The shipping boxes get recycled or mad into doll furniture.

      I'd perfer to buy a doll second hand that has a box, but it's not a must.
    5. Even though I don’t plan on selling my doll, I still keep the box of her because it just looks pretty haha
    6. I'm keeping my box since I rent and move from time to time. Feel it's the best way to pack my doll. And if I ever sell...which I don't foresee, but you never know.
    7. I'm going to keep the box, mainly because for some reasons I can have problems with proving that my doll is legit in the future (there is no information about this doll on the company's site).
    8. My attic is full of doll boxes, some from dolls I sold a long time ago because the new owners didn’t want them, and I’ve broken down some to get rid of in the past because they were taking up too much space. If I could I’d get rid of them all, but there are some that go with bodies (specifically some of the Volks boxes) that I would keep even if I did a big clear out because if I ever sell the dolls they’re helpful to prove legitimacy. Otherwise, this isn’t a “mint on card” kind of hobby, so they’re nice but not necessary.
    9. I always put my Joel in the box although heat in Thailand too strong ( although I try to save him but his skin is a bit yellow ) . When other 2 comes, I put them on boxes for sure.
    10. I dont think they are that important if you plan on keeping a doll. But if you think you might downsize and sell it, its nice to have the box for the next person. Its a little heartbreaking when a seller tells me they wont be sending the box, kind of takes part of the fun away.
    11. I can't help but keep the boxes. They look nice and they hold up well in my case. They're a must keep for me.
    12. I keep all my boxes. Only one of my dolls didn't come with one, and that is because he was secondhand.
    13. When I purchase direct from a company I keep those boxes but when I buy second hand they come in regular cardboard shippers so those get tossed. All my dolls though are displayed on a shelf or in my room so there’s really no point aside from housing large satin pillows lol
    14. As soon as I bond with the doll, I toss the box.
    15. I keep my boxes even though they end up taking up more space than the dolls do! I don't plan on selling anyone so and they don't use them so it shouldn't matter but I think it's part of the mentality of wanting to keep everything neat and in order. I know, despite it being silly, if I was looking to buy a doll second hand, it not having it's box would kind of turn me off the sale :/
    16. I won't sell any of my dolls, but I kept all the boxes and I don't know why
      And when buying a secondhanded doll I really care whether it comes with the default box.
      • x 1
    17. Boxes are just a waste of space. I have too many dolls to keep them. Also, if it doesn't have a COA, a box is not good evidence of it being legit. You can buy boxes (or even COAs!) sometimes; sometimes they have them in the doll care section of the MP.
    18. I like to keep the boxes, great for if you need to transport your doll. Given I mostly buy DODs and thus second hand, I like to have the boxes. DODs don’t have COAs but I’ve never see the boxes duplicated. I prefer the box or be able to trace the doll’s bought/sold history or if I know the doll was a very limited production and wouldn’t have been subject to anything non legit.
      But ultimately I like to have the boxes.
    19. I keep all my doll boxes. I live in a small house and don't have a lot of room, so it's much easier to keep dolls not on display in their boxes.
    20. I don't keep boxes of dolls, if I do not need them for other purposes. My dolls are kept on the shelf. If I sell the doll, I'll figure out what to send it in. From my point of view, the original box does not add value to the doll.