1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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How Many Dolls Did You Buy Your First Year?

Aug 21, 2011

    1. A friend bought my first doll as a Christmas/graduation/birthday gift for me because I was so in love with the sculpt. For a long time it was just him but when I actually bought my own first doll, I ended the year buying about 7-8 of them and now I own 10 and a head with it just being my second year in the BJD world.....A lot of my dolls were being discontinued so i had to sacrifice buying other things so I could have them >_<0.
    2. I got one in December (Solstice present), one in March (valentines present), one in July (4 month layaway/wedding gift), and one coming this September (B-day present). He's gonna be my last for the year though I may gather my Solstice present money and dolify it again. XD

      I usually make sure each guy is comfy and all clothed/wigged before I order a new one with the exception of my 3rd one who I'm having trouble bonding with. :(
    3. If by "first year" you mean the first calendar year, then one. If by "first year" you mean the first 12 months of being in the hobby, then 2-4 (I can't remember the exact timing between buying #2 and buying #3 and 4, which were bought together). I bought the second doll around 6 months after buying the first.

      I guess Harumei is not technically finished, but I want to buy a second Miyu (her mold) before doing the faceup I want on the original, so it doesn't really bother me.
    4. Hahah, I'm really glad there are a couple of others in the thread to go on a doll-binge, as counting up my total was starting to make me feel a bit crazy. ^^;

      I started actively collecting BJDs in February, so I've got a while to go before I finish my first year. In total, I've got 17 full dolls and 4 floating heads (including those that haven't yet arrived).

      I've still got fairly concrete plans of ordering at least 2-3 more dolls by the time this year is up. There are also at least 6 more I'd like to buy once my bank account recovers, but that will probably be some time next year. >_<
    5. I was really surprised when I looked back to see when I got my first boy and saw that it hasn't been a year yet. :sweat I have six now that I'm keeping, and one that I'll be selling soon since he's the wrong size for the character. So far I have a 35cm CH Little Junior, two MSDs, and three SDs that are on the large side - one's 64cm, one's 68 and one's 74. I may get one more before the year is up. On my old budget this would never have happened, but I have a little more spending money these days.

      I try to "finish" my dolls right away - clothes, wigs and eyes are usually all home before the doll itself. If they don't come with a faceup, I usually send them out for one within a couple of weeks. And I try not to buy dolls too close together - it's nice to let the new boy have a month or two to get lots of attention.
    6. I bought two in only the first month. Ordered one, and then got so into the fact that I actually finally ordered a doll, I then ordered another that I had my eye on right away. With my will power and staying ability with making money and also my willingness to please my urges, it is a scary thought to what could happen in even the near further, though I will always make sure a doll is completely set with clothes, wigs, and eyes before randomly ordering another, well except for the first two of course >,
    7. I think I bought 6 dolls that year (three 60 cm range,, 1 msd and 2 Pukis)
      Sold my second one within months
      Sold the body of the first and third dolls only have their heads now - the first one got a upgraded body and the third is sharing body....

      Sold the msd in the following year
      Sold one of the pukis
      the other puki is on loan to another friend for research project


      there were big gaps between the purchases
    8. One! I bought one doll my first year, and loved and doted on him until he couldn`t take it anymore. .^_^

      Then for three years after that I consistently bought two dolls a year, up until about two years ago. In three weeks it will have been a full two years since my last doll. Though I have one on the way now, I guess you could say I`ve always been slow at getting new dolls. I like spending time learning about and getting to know each newcomer. .^_^
    9. It is about a year since I first clicked buy for my DF Linfeng, and I now have five beauties here with me and two on a layway, with a head soon to be forthcoming. I suppose that makes eight.
    10. My memory is a bit foggy, but I'm sure I bought 4 dolls, 4 heads and 1 body in my first year. Maybe I bought 2 dolls and a body on top of that, although it could also have been during my second year in the hobby. I went really fast with buying new dolls in my first 4 years and I sold only a hand full. :sweat
      Things have slowed down a lot when it concerns buying new dolls as I have plenty of dolls to entertain me now. Because I have so many, several are boxed up while I have a few out to play. When I take a doll out of the box, it almost feels like a box opening of a new doll. Like having a new doll to customise without spending the money or having to wait till it ships. :D
      Most of my dolls don't have to go around naked as I have many clothes (and wigs, eyes, shoes) my dolls can share, although some need specific outfits. I slowly finish my dolls and restyle the dolls that I think need a make-over. It's a continuous and slow process.
    11. I ordered 2 full dolls, 2 heads and 1 body the year I started (started in August... I'm sure if I had started in January I would have ended up with more than 10).
    12. My first year I bought 6 of them :)
    13. My first year I got 3 dolls and a head. Frankly I wan't expecting to get them so fast after the first one... OTL
    14. If you do count the paid off Status I think am on 13 dolls and 1 head...
      And yes around the region where I am from, that is quiet insane ^^;;.
    15. I bought 1 doll in my first year, but he still isn't finished. XDD I think my resin:otherthings ratio is pretty good, actually. X3
    16. In the first 12 months I got three dolls plus a faceplate. I wasn't going to get my MSD so soon but the unoa preorder was up and I decided to grab it. Good thing too, there hasn't been a new preorder since then and I got the faceplate as a free gift!I'm trying to keep it at two dolls per year, not inluding the ones I sell in the middle. So far so good :-)
    17. I discovered BJDs in February and by December that year I had bought 2; my Puki Cupid arrived in August and my Littlefee Ante was bought in October (but she didn't arrive until January the next year) Once I had one ... she needed a friend, and then it snowballs! A full year from owning my Puki I had 4 dolls and a floating faceplate.
      I tend to buy dolls when I see them, as they might not be available later. My brother is always nagging me to finish my dolls before I buy another~ I think he worries that I'll get distracted and leave them 'unfinished' but I work on my dolls slowly looking for just the right wig or eyes.
    18. How many dolls did you purchase in your first year of collecting?
      I've been collecting since April 2009. I had 3 dolls in the first three months, and by the first year I was at 10 (I believe) and I'm now at 23 full dolls and 3 floating heads >.<
      I still have my first doll and I've never sold any of them.

      Did you finish your first doll before buying more?
      Hmm yes and no. She came with a face up/wig and shoes and I was lucky enough to end up with some gorgeous default eyes that suited her so well, her clothes arrived just before she did. My second doll arrived a month after her so she was kinda "finished" at the time. However she has gone through about 3 face ups since then XD

      I am a Doll Addict...
    19. I, uh...Well, I'll reach my first year of buying bjds in November. And I've totally bought 16 dolls so far, though three are in the process of layaway. I think a good part of it is that the currency conversion is working massively in my favor. The weak US dollar vs the stronger yen means when I send money back home to pay my bills the amount I get out of it is usually enough to pay a layaway without any extra effort on my part. Also, since I live in Japan the shipping is tons cheaper. I haven't sold a doll yet, but that doesn't mean I won't if something doesn't agree with me. Actually I think it would be hard for me to sell a doll...maybe once I let go of one it gets easier.

      My dolls are not finished! I was really good about that til this month...I like doing my own faceups but it takes time and I'm falling behind. I have four in progress right now. I also like Miyabi/Silver glass eyes and ironically spending so much on the dolls themselves lately prevents me getting the nice eyes. Just recently I've added the SD size to my collection, and I don't have any outfits or wigs for them, basically. Well, other than their defaults. I kind of think I'd like to take a step back from buying dolls soon just to develop their outfits and the like, but we'll see ;) I'm also about to get married next year, so I think I'll probably cut back then just to save money for the move and stuff. But luckily my fiance is super supportive ^_-
    20. I don't remember exactly, but maybe about 4. I had the first one several months before I found DOA and discovered that there were others of her kind, but soon bought more. Of course, I only intended to buy one. Right. In the beginning of my collecting mania, I would finish each doll as they came, but now, they sometimes stack up a bit before I get to them. Sometimes, I buy a doll because I just love their face, but don't have a clear picture in my mind exactly what I want to do with them.