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How much physical contact do you have with your dolls?

Feb 13, 2011

    1. Well mine always sits next to me when watching tv and I play with him
      also when going out, he comes along no case or anything just in my arm :)
    2. My crew is pretty much hands on. I tend to hold or play with my two favorite more then others but they all are general handle a few times a week. Between them and my Transformers I feel I have somthing in my hands all the time LOL.
    3. When I have been on a trip and come home, I like to take my dolls out of the closet and hold them in my hands. Usually I try not to touch their faces all the time even if I wanted to. And of course when I photograph and dress my dolls I handle them physically much more.
    4. I touch my dolls alot- I like to mess with them, carry them around, pet there heads, fix their wigs, dress and redress them, mess with there face up and paint random stuff on them XD When Im not touching them they're usually sitting with me. Last night for some reason I had the urge to cuddle with Dorian so I flopped into bed and just held him for a long time. I almost feel asleep with him in my arms XD Luckly I was able to put him back on the shelf before I crashed. It would be horrible to roll over him!
    5. I do a lot of work with my dolls - from faceups to blushing to sewing and photography, and I just really enjoy having them around, so at least one accompanies me on trips away from home, and I often kidnap one to watch tv or do other such things. There's currently a special ledge on top of my computer desk where one or more sit to keep me company. I have also napped with them - they take up a spare pillow as their bed and I have my side of the bed. So... I guess it's a pretty hands on relationship around here. :P
    6. Vivi is always, always sitting beside me at my computer and I actually play my music on the speakers so I feel like we're listening to it together x3 I don't carry her around that much because I feel like I'm making her uncomfortable.. So we just sit together and she gently watches over me as I do what I need to do in my room / around the house. But, I know that when I get my boy, he's going to be taken everywhere.

      Everywhere. Like, everywhere. Inseparable. I mean, even to school ( I'm extremely careful ).
    7. It's sad but... Almost never. :/

      The only ones that get handled are my WIPs, and even those are only limited to the ears, face-wise. I, for some reason, don't find my dolls very cuddly. Snuggling is only usually reserved for pillows and furry animals in the vicinity. :/
    8. I always have my dolls in settings around the house in every room and many times I readjust them. I change them frequently for seasons and events. I do not take them to bed but they are a big part of my daily life. :)
    9. I only have a pukipuki pongpong at the moment, and I must say it's a size that invites you to fiddle around.
      So occasionally I pose her and dress her up and put her beside some miniatures. But she mostly hangs out on my nightstand.
    10. Heh heh - I was just carrying one of my big boys around the house today. :) (Gotta love 70cm dolls, they fit into the crook of your arm so nicely!) Not a day goes by that I don't change a wig or a pair of eyes. Sometimes I'll just grab one of my boys and sit him next to me so I can sneak looks at him while I'm on the computer or watching tv.
    11. I've usually got one on my lap or on the desk. I'm always petting their hair, touching their legs, I love playing with their toes xD I'm very hands on
    12. Mine all sit on a long shelf above my computer desk, and generally I'll check them over once a day or so for dust, tweaking wigs, straightening out clothes and just generally fiddling them for a few minutes as the fancy takes me, and often I'll pick out one to sit with me whilst I'm working on stuff. if I'm dressmaking then I'll be pretty hands-on with whichever doll is playing "model". But often I'll pick out my current favourite of the moment to fiddle around with, posing on my desk and playing with their hands or hair whilst doing other things.

      I don't sleep with any of my dolls though; that would be a bit weird for a 38-year-old mother of 3, and the toddler would get quite upset if she tried to climb into our bed at 3am and found "her" place taken by a doll! I don't think my partner would be too impressed either. It just wouldn't be appropriate.
    13. I'm not very cuddly with my dolls, but I do like to look at them. Most of the time they're sitting on the shelf in my study looking pretty. Other times, mostly in the evening when the place isn't flooded with sunlight, I have one or two with me in my living room.
      So, usually I have one or two dolls closeby, but since I'm sculpting one, and I consider him a doll too (even though he isn't finished yet) I have to admit that he gets the most attention of all.
    14. I almost never touch them, when I think about it. Once I take pictures, they go right back into their boxes. It'd be embarrassing if someone came over and saw them sitting out. :sweat

      Maybe I could see leaving a puki puki or something, but the others are just too big to keep out.
    15. I have my dolls sitting on the shelf in my room most of the time. Sometimes I pose them and adjust their wigs / clothes, but this is probably it. I rarely carry them around the house (unless it's for a photoshoot) and definitely would never sleep with them - I'm constantly afraid of breaking them ^_^;
    16. I go through phases, but I tend to cuddle my dolls a lot. I'm forever using them [or their heads] as pillow during my 'cuddle phases'. :)
    17. Otavi hangs out on my desk for the most part. That way I can see him and fuss with him and pet his hair while I'm on the computer. I'll sit him on my lap when I watch anime, too (but not when I watch Takarazuka because I'm far too active and I might drop him XD). Haruka, my floating head doesn't get much contact with me. Once she has her body she'll probably be in the sme situation as Otavi... But she might be too big to fit on my desk. ^^;
    18. My boys all have their own spots to sit on my desk and bookcase, so they're always in view and easily in reach to be reposed or cuddled or given a wardrobe change. Like lots of other people have said, I can spend hours sitting at the computer and fiddling with their hands and feet while I read something/do homework/chat/surf DoA. :lol: Also, dolly forehead hugs are the best hugs ever.

      They mostly stay in my room when I'm at home, so I don't weird out my roommates, and I don't usually take them out places unless there's some specific reason to. But since nearly all of my friends have gotten into the hobby and have dolls of their own (or are waiting for one!), I always grab at least one when I go hang out with them. :)
    19. basil is always with me! even when im sleeping
    20. I spend a lot of time with my dolls unless I am busy and I put them in dark bags to avoid sunlight. Other than that, I spend a lot of time with them. so there are lots of physical contact. I do avoid touching their face for sure.