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How much stuff did you initially buy for your first doll?

Nov 25, 2020

    1. i'm still waiting for my doll to ship but i have already bought 2 wigs, a pair of glass eyes, 2 pairs of shoes and several outfits for him so he can be nice and presentable when he gets here, lucky i already have all the faceup supplies already just from general art equipment and customising fashion dolls so i don't even need to think about that aspect.
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    2. My first doll was a full set, but if that wasn’t the case...knowing what I know now...I would make sure I have eyes, a wig and an outfit at least. For any new incoming dolls now, I try to have a wig and eyes....it feels weird when they don’t have that. I don’t mind the nudist dolls so much anymore LOL
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    3. OOooooh he had acrylic eyes, a cheap fur wig, a pair of underwear and some chunky faux-leather boots. I had a teddy bear with a raincoat that semi-fit so he borrowed that for a while too. It was a LOOK. :XD:
      After buying him I had very little money left, so I focused on the essentials (hair, eyes, something to cover his weird doll penis). I apparently had almost $40 left to splurge on shoes so I could have gotten him a shirt and nicer wig instead....
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    4. I had absolutely nothing ready for the first bjd I owned, as she came secondhand with her own wig and a basic outfit that I was more or less alright with. I did eventually get her different clothes that I thought suited her better, but I didn't think it was important to rush anything, especially since I made a lot less money at the time than I do now.
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    5. When I got my first I made sure she had an outfit and a wig. I thought maybe a nude doll would kinda turn me off the hobby so I wanted to make sure I had her fully decked out so to speak. I still love the outfit I got with her. I too wanted to craft everything for her, but I realized very quickly my skills are... very lacking for what I want, so I resigned myself to just making sure very doll I get has at least one bought outfit so they dont end up wearing only a blanket for months.
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    6. I bought one wig and two pair of shoes with my first doll. She came with eyes. Other than that she was blank and naked.
      I did have some eyes and a few wigs from my own doll making, but not much that was the right size, so it hardly counts.
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    7. I did not have anything in advance. I bought everything separately, got her head with face up & eyes first. Followed by wig, body, outfit and shoes roughly in that order.
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    8. I've ordered her with one pair of shoes and a wig. But I quickly started sewing different outfits for her after placing my order :). In a way it made me more excited and more impatient at the same time :aeyepop:. I just had to make sure to chose clothes were the measurements didn't matter too much.
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    9. Just a wig! The eyes and faceup came with the doll. I'm holding off on getting clothes til I can actually hold the doll in my hand and figure out what would fit the body! And I want to sew some stuff... even if I'm not the greatest at it haha
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    10. For my first doll, I ordered the company faceup, a couple of wigs, and a pair of gray glass eyes. I had promised myself (and my wife) that I would make all the clothes myself. I also bought a pair of shoes a bit later. Hehe. Because shoes are hard to make! :lol:
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    11. I knew I wouldn't be ready to make anything for my doll when she arrived, so I ordered a very basic outfit (track shorts, tank and hoodie), a wig, and a pair of eyes to arrive around the same time she would. It was quite helpful to have each of those to try on, especially for the first doll! You can get an idea how things fit etc. and if you can find good deals it won't cost too much.

      Interestingly, I found that my doll can rock a bald look! :lol:
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    12. I actually didnt buy anything before the doll arrive LOL, I wait till my doll finish his face up and prepare everthing based on the style of face up, this save me some money cause some of my first choice is not fit his style at all.
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    13. I'm waiting for my first and I've bought three wigs, a pair of resin eyes, and one outfit, including shoes. I have another outfit in mind, but it will have to wait until after New Year.
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    14. At first nothing at all except eyes because of budget reasons. I figured I would make everything myself. I even tried to make my own wig but I was not happy with the result, and not really my sewing result either. So I ended up buying wig and dresses from Etsy and also shoes and was much more happy with what other people made. I have since found a good solution for low budget clothes however, to buy porcelain dolls cheap with clothes I like. With some modifications they fit my bjd!
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    15. I’m still waiting for my girl to arrive, but so far I have only gotten her a wig that should arrive before she does! I have a few outfits lined up for purchase, but I’m waiting to figure out her measurements. Not many seamstresses make clothes to fit her.
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    16. I bought so much, and a lot of it didn't arrive on time wich was a real bummer. I had been doing some basic amateur sewing at the time so I then just bought bunches of fabric. It was a lot. Over time you learn to temper yourself but the options and ideas can at times still get a bit overwhelming.
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    17. I find it easier to be content with my purchase when the doll has some clothes, a wig, and a set of eyes. I did the whole "buy a doll and let it sit around naked before you buy its clothes," thing for a few dolls and it only made me regret them. I know I might be in the minority with that, but I think coming up with a basic look and gathering all the materials for your doll to live in once it arrives definitely helps things to "click," if that makes sense.
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    18. It all swings on what I've got available to work with in terms of capital or even the vague idea of who they might be.

      Oft, you try different colors or types of clothes and the one you are making at home could ultimately reject what you thought for them initially....
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    19. I bought several clothes but when they arrived I realized that I ordered some of the wrong size lol
      Besides that, I made a wig and a few pairs of eyes
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    20. Eyes and a wig. I already was sewing for OT dolls before I got Lu, so I have tons of fabric that works at small scale, and that went toward clothing her.
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