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How much stuff did you initially buy for your first doll?

Nov 25, 2020

    1. I actually didn't get anything! I didn't know who she was gonna be yet and wanted to wait for a vibe to settle in before I got anything that I would end up not liking on her anyway. So I had her completely stripped and naked for a few weeks before I made her some clothes, got her some eyes and a wig and she slowly started growing as a character. It was a really rewarding experience because she truly felt like a project.
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    2. Too much. I bought him from Dollmore, and added an extra $200 worth of clothes I ended up not liking over time and selling off of it but like, one shirt and the free-gift pants they sent with my order.
      On one hand I'm glad I had that stuff, or he'd have been naked for a long time XD But on the other hand I could have saved money!
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    3. I saw recommended somewhere that its a good idea to get a doll with two wigs, two outfits, and two sets of eyes at minimum that way you can mix and match a bit to find something you'd like. I think that's a good idea, but I ended up getting my first doll with just a wig, eyes, and outfit. That way they at least could be "complete". Im glad I didn't get extra stuff because I didn't know what to expect, honestly, with the first doll and now at least having it Its a bit easier to visualize what things I want now.
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    4. With different outfits I would suggest getting pieces in colors and styles that work well together so you'll actually like mixing them up.
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    5. Well...nothing actually. As a teen, I only had enough money for the doll itself, and nothing left for other tools or accessories. But it worked out fine in the end. Someone gifted me a doll kimono while I was saving up, and my doll did in fact wear that until I got a basic outfit. I think it's fine though, sometimes you don't know exactly what you should buy until after the doll has arrived.
      #45 Insane-Chan, Mar 24, 2021
      Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
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    6. I only bought him a single outfit other than the default outfit that he came with. Luckily, that outfit suit him perfectly to me so he wore it for years. I also think it's fine to wait and see if any of your plans change once you see the doll in person.
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    7. I bought a single wig and a pair of eyes lol. That was a mistake on my part, I think it was one of the contributing factors to me never falling fully "in love" with her since I couldn't paint/sew and didn't want to spend money to have someone else do it, so she spent a lot of time naked and faceless!
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    8. I thought when I ordered my first that I was just getting one doll, with an alternate Dreaming head I'd switch to once in awhile for pictures... So I prepped for having one doll. A pair of wigs in the same color (one short, one long), a couple of outfits (one Japanese in style, the other Chinese). A spare set of eyes in a slightly darker color in case I didn't like the defaults, plus a few little props and accessory what-nots.

      It turned out to be a Good Thing that I'd gotten those spare eyes and two wigs and two outfits. That "alternate head" ended up having a faceup that looked NOTHING like the open-eyed head's. No way were they ever going to pass for the same individual. So... Yeah. I bought a second body from the marketplace here and my "First Doll" ended up being a pair of twins. One with short hair and a Japanese outfit... and one with longer hair and dressed in Chinese style. My attempt to have "spare items" ended up being just enough. :lol:
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    9. My first doll was secondhand so I didn't have a long wait to order stuff in before she arrived, I ordered one pair of eyes and 2 wigs right after buying her but she arrived first. Also neither of the wigs fit lol.

      I did already have clothes she could wear because she shares with my fashion dolls, and within the first few weeks I had her I bought about a dozen clothing items for their collective wardrobe and some furniture. I also got into wig making after the third unsuccessful wig order, because having a bald doll was making me stressed out and the trial and error was getting kinda costly haha :sweat
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    10. Just a wig and one outfit (a dress and a pair of shoes). I was trying to spend as little as possible so I only bought the bare minimum, but I'm glad I stuck to only a few things. My taste has changed a bit since then and now that I'm familiar with how everything works and know my specific preferences for accessories, especially wigs and eyes, I'm glad I didn't go on a huge shopping spree at first.
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    11. For the first one I just bought one outfit, I ended up not really liking it but at least they weren't naked. Now I tend to go nuts buying things while waiting, which really isn't a good idea unless you are sure of the style you want them to have. I can't tell you how many times I bought things only to realize later that that wasn't the style that works at all!
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    12. I bought a few outfits for her and a wig on aliexpress but they arrived about two weeks after her. So for two weeks there was only a blank doll with no hair in my room, just chillin. I sold all of the outfits after discovering taobao, etsy and instagram sales tho haha. Now whenever I get a doll I need to order clothing first or at the same time with the doll cause I cannot stand unfinished dolls in my home. I still struggle with finding shoes tho :D
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    13. Before my first doll (fullset) came home: a few wigs, eyes, and a little brother (unplanned).

      After the little brother and herself came home: Way too much outfits, shoes, crafting stuff, furniture, more wigs and eyes etc.

      I think it pays off more to wait for the doll to arrive, even though it's hard to resist temptation.
      #53 lyaam12, Mar 25, 2021
      Last edited: Apr 12, 2021
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    14. Nothing. Two pairs of eyes, and some scraps of Tibetan lambswool to make a wig out of. Like many of the above posters, I was a broke teen, but crafty enough to assume I'd be able to make something I liked. Spoilers, I had a naked doll for YEARS orz
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    15. Uhh, not much, I ordered my first doll from the junky spot and the only thing I got for him was a pair of pants and a zip up jacket that were also in stock. I have to admit that even now I have dolls come in without any clothes completely panned so I can make them custom outfits. Unless a doll comes in as a fullset (or even sometimes if they do) they usually sit around in some thrown together outfit until I properly decide what to do with them.
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    16. Just a wig, eyes, and a dress so she wouldn’t be naked. I waited until she came to get most of her stuff, and she still doesn’t have a lot 10+ years later lol. I still haven’t really figured out what kind of clothes work best for her.
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    17. My first doll arrived with 2 pair of shoes, 2 different wig, and like 4 or 5 outfits. I also bought eyes because I wasn't confident that the random eyes the company would sent her with would be the correct color. Of course they were because that's how life works. I also made her some clothes, but I really underestimated her size and they didn't fit.

      I thought I prepared pretty well for my first doll. I had everything I needed. I eventually got her a new wig because the ones I ordered were a little big.
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    18. Once I physically had my first doll (only took about a week since it was second hand, and she arrived with eyes) I bought her an outfit, 2 wigs, and 2 shoes. i never used the second wig i bought her thought because the the first one was perfect for her. i still have it though.
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    19. My first girl wasn't tooooo expensive so I was able to buy her a few basics.
      I obviously got her, from Denver Doll. She already came with eyes so I did not need to get her any of those. I got some Mohair for the wig I was going to make her, I got white and pink. I also got her a bra and underwear set, I bought her two outfits as well. I had to get a bit creative when she first arrived because I didn't have any of the items I bought so I made her a short wrap dress from an old doll sweater and a fabric hair tie, luckily I know how to sow. I have a sowing machine I just need to figure out how to change the bottom string. I also already had faceup materials like sealant, pastels, brushes and that kind of thing.
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    20. Just a wig! I made her a little wrap/halter dress out of a cut-up old t-shirt and she came with eyes and a faceup, so not much else was needed.

      Come to think of it, I don’t believe I’ve ever bought any BJD clothes...
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