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How small is too Small?

Oct 14, 2009

    1. I have a puki, he's 11cm. I hate making clothes that small. I thought that I would sell the puki and get something bigger. But then I tried the pukisha, and found that he was alright. Cats don't have to wear pants ^ ^
      I can't imagine the 9cm and smaller ones! I think that I'd be more comfortable with 27cm sized, but I'll keep my puki for now!
    2. I don't think I'd be willing to spend so much money on anything smaller than a pipos doll, and that size only because they're mostly interesting animal molds.
    3. I keep hearing people say "I wouldn't spend that much money on something so small."

      Most tinies are considerably less expensive than larger dolls made by the same company. Pukis are pricey, but brilliantly constructed and cheaper than Fairyland's larger sizes, which all can definately make a wallet cry. Unless the doll is a special limited or make, this pattern sticks for all of them. Heck, an 11Cm, double-jointed Felix Doll Brownie fullset is as cheap as $70.

      But I guess if one would prefer owning a larger scale doll over a tiny, money doesn't really count. I don't want to spend $400 on a larger doll, even if I love the sculpt, since it would pretty much become a shelf baby stuck in my room for nearly all of it's existance, whereas I could take a tiny anywhere, with little trouble. I also like the cute factor that most tinies carry, too, which puts off a lot of other owners.

      I just love adorable, little things. I guess the only BJD that would be too small for me is one that could only be strung with thin thread.
    4. My 30cm doll is the smallest doll I'll own for sure. xD The 15cm looks too small for me!
    5. there's not a "too small" for me if they're well sculpted :fangirl:
      the only thing that I would change is the price but I understand they're not easy to produce so it's ok though
    6. I think anything smaller than Yo-SD would be too small for my tastes. I used to think that even Yo-SD was too small until I found one I loved and bought him. You'd think that would happen with smaller than him, but I don't think so. I'm not really attracted to the itty bitty ones, and I don't see the attraction to Pukis (but that's just me. I'm weird), either.
    7. Yo-SD is the smallest for me; anything smaller is too finicky to sew clothes for. ;)
    8. I use to own a PukiPuki and I loved her. <3 I did misplace her a lot though, but I have a hard time remembering where I put my purse, keys, and I.D almost every day and those aren't small. Well the keys ad I.D are but anyway...

      As much as I love small dolls I probably won't get another PukiPuki any time soon. I'm looking at getting BJD's that are Iplehouse B.I.D sized or Fairyland LTF size, which ever ones fit the characters I have in mind.
    9. I love the tinies. I have two FL pukipukis at home and they are just the sweetest, cutest things! But I think that is as tiny as I'll go...

      The big dolls are beautiful, but I don't have any desire to get one.
    10. I love my tinies to bits - I've got a Leeke Honey (20 odd cms) and a Lati White (10cms), both of which are amazing for just sticking in a bag and taking out to photoshoots.

      I don't think there's such thing as "too small" in this case. You have to be a lot more creative when you clothe the really small tinies, but they can carry off really luminous and outre clothes without being eye-bleeding, which some of the bigger dolls have trouble with.
    11. My tiniest are Pukipuki and Felix Brownie. It always depends on the place you have to settle them down ;). When you have a little house or something like that, it's the best decision. But its really hard to sew for them thats right. I prefer Yo-SD size, but for my little creepies I have an own floor in my Billy.
    12. I own tinies as wenn as SD sized dolls. Nothing under 6 inches for me, though.
    13. it depends on the doll. Size means nothing.... it's the doll, that calls to me.
    14. I prefer larger dolls but I do have two characters that will have to be in the tiny category. I think it depends on what u like and how small is too small in my case is how hard is it to see the doll (I am visually impaired). So that makes a difference. But honestly I think it comes down to do u like the doll or not.
    15. I am really starting to like the cutness of pukis and the middle-ness of yo-sds, but I don't own any. I'd be afraid to own something around the size of a puki, because, to be honest, I'D SO LOSE IT. It would just get misplaced ALL the time. I can't misplace my MSD, she's too big for that. Maybe someday I'll get a Yo-SD, but I'd put a pukifee into a glasses case (which is a great carrier) and then just place the glasses case somewhere and totally forget about it, or it might even be mistaken for someone elses' glasses or even thrown away without someone looking inside it.

      As for too big,... anything 70+ would be absolutely ridiculous to own, imho.
    16. Anything smaller than a PukiPuki! I think they're a great size and plan on getting my hands on some one day. <_<
    17. Frankly my MSD was too small for me so I bought his character an SD size doll. But I haven't been able to sell the MSD so he sits on my book shelf overlooking my room...
    18. I'm about to get my first actual tiny, so I'm going to find out soon! I have a Yo-SD and I LOVE HER TO DEATH! :D

      This one is about... 5", so I'm hoping it's not too bad!
    19. i thought my puki was small until i got a real puki! she makes the puki look chunky!
    20. As an admirer (with a couple on my want lists) I like the more mature, manly head molds (Heath, Bermann, along those lines). So the bigger dolls are definitely for me. The 60's, the 90's, all of them. Some of the more animal like tinies are cute, but the others are more like super small baby dolls for me, and I'm not all that interested.