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How small is too Small?

Oct 14, 2009

    1. Below 25cm/10in is too small for me. I have two girls in that size, and those are the only dolls I plan to get in that size, and I got them because they have slightly more mature, slim, long-legged proportions than most small dolls, which I liked. I don't like too many kid-size dolls because I prefer the clothing and shoe choices of more adult wardrobes. They are also a bit on the small side, and since I want a small collection, I'd prefer to have some of dolls to be a bit more substantial. In my mind, I practically count the two tinies I have as half a doll each, because they're so much smaller and cheaper than MSD, haha.

      But my 'size range' is pretty narrow. I also don't want dolls any bigger than MSD, because I like dolls that I can still easily carry and handle. Also it's less expensive that way, hah.

      <3 ali
    2. Anything bellow 16cm is waaaaaaaaaaay too small!! 16cm are pushing it a bit but I'm okay with them...
    3. Anything under MSD is too small for me.. I've owned a tiny and yo-sd and for what I paid for them combined, I could have bought another SD. :sweat
      I dunno, maybe it's just a mental thing.. but if I'm paying that kind of money, I'd prefer to have something... bigger. owo;
    4. Ditto that ;) I love my teeny babies, and I'll buy them even tinier if I can ^^
    5. Sadly for me, I've discovered the hard way (in other words, through trial and error) that anything under YOSD size will eventually get sold. I bought 2 realpukis...and sold the first one after only a few months to help fund the sudden release of an MSD that I desperately wanted. I still stubbornly tried that size again when the realpuki Pupu came out. She stayed for a year, but was eventually sold when I suddenly realized I hadn't even touched her in 6 months! And the same sort of thing happened with my pukifee too...that one only lasted a few weeks. I love the look of the teeny fairyland dolls but it never works out for me.:(
    6. i think anything smaller than an MSD is too small for me..They'd just be too tiny...for example around 10 inches it's not functional for me..I can't do much with it..i can't go out for a photo shooting, or for play with it, without worrying about losing it..
    7. My whole collection is 30cm or less, so there is no 'too small' for me!
    8. whoops, double post, sorry
    9. I don't, and won't, own anything bigger than MSD....tooooo big is the problem, not toooooooooo small! :fangirl:
    10. I think the lowest height I will go is 30cm.. and only if that 30cm doll is a mature looking doll. It has to look like just a shorty with my MSDs, not a child.
    11. I have two SDs and a 16cm tiny. I would have to say that anything smaller than my tiny would be too small. I will say, however, that my tiny definitely has a different presence that my big guys. It will take some getting used to. If anything, the size I have the most issues with are the MSDs... My friends have MSDs and they just feel delicate to me for some reasons. Like, I'll crush them. But, I don't feel that with my SDs because they are huge and I find them easy to carry in my arms, and I don't feel like that with my tiny. She's chubby, but she also fits easily into my hand, so I can carry her easily too. But the MSDs? I just don't know how to carry them! I guess the issue is that they aren't big or small!
    12. Anything smaller than an MSD is too small- and even that is pushing it for me. The one exception I make is for my Chicline Rou....but he's an exception for a lot of things, tee hee. Suffice it to say, I love my big dolls.
    13. My smallest is an 11cm, and I adore her! I love tinies, they're so cute, and very portable. If I want to take them out somewhere, they don't have to be constantly visible, they're not heavy, and they can safely stowaway in my purse.
    14. How small is too small?! Is there such thing? :0 I love the teenier dolls and the smallest I've owned wasn't even 10cm, I do miss her! I actually prefer smaller over the bigger MSDs and SDs although I have at least one of each size. :)
    15. I think YoSD is my limit!! HAHA I find the rest too small for me! :(
    16. I think my 6.5 cm girl is a nice proof that nothing is too small for me.

      (Of course, I have to be able to see the doll, so they can't be completely microscopic... but I don't think any that ridiculously small exist)
    17. My smallest is 11cm. She's cute and all, but sometimes I think she's just too small. She was free, though, and has found a place in my family of dolls.
      I don't think I'd go out of my way for anything under the traditional yo-sd size. While looking at the set ups some people have of the itty-bitties is fun and happy, they're just not for me!
    18. I have lost micro-tinies, too! *_*

      But I still like them. I think they are a bit pricey at times. I do worry about difficulties in stringing and eye-placement, etc... But if tiny is your thing, then you have to have them!

      I have a tiny fairy house for my micros, so I like to have them because they fit so well in it! I have two Real Pukis that I adore!

      ...I have many more LARGE dolls, though. That is my preferred size. I just tend to like a big variety. :)
    19. When the cost is higher than the dolls height.
    20. I just saw some of the itsybitsies and O.O ... Ok I'm a fan of Pukis but GEESH! 5cms?!