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How would you feel if someone gave you BJD clothes as a gift?

Dec 24, 2009

    1. How would you feel if your parents, or friends got you BJD clothes but they know nothing about BJDs. They could get you the wrong size, or the wrong style!

      i would be delighted. its the thought that counts and if any of my friends or family thought of getting things for my dolls for me that would be so sweet of them

      Do you prefer for them to just let you pick out all the clothes?

      if i knew about it ahead of time i would show them some of my favorite things in case they needed some hints, if they had already found something i would trust them. it is a GIFT after all

      Would you return it? Regardless of how they'd feel about that?

      definitely not, i might exchange it for the right size but other than that no. especially if that hurt their feelings

      Or would you just appreciate their thoughts (and acceptance of BJDs) and keep the clothes?

      if they thought of my dolls in the first place id be happy to let them have a part of my hobby. my family and friends know my style and even if they got an outfit that wasn't my dolls style it would at least be something I like so i could deal with that =]
    2. I will be very happy to accept and in return, I will show my appreciation upon how i love them and make them look good and useful with it. Well, my mum she usually sew dresses and clothes for my kiddos, so, whatever she sew, I always accept as long as she enjoy and happy. For me, I will appreciate and put on my kids and make them look good especially on photos. My friends, they do get me BJD clothes for my birthday/xmas gift but they allow me to choose. In return, I will buy back something for them that they like. Well, is give and take rule... xD
    3. How would you feel if your parents, or friends got you BJD clothes but they know nothing about BJDs. They could get you the wrong size, or the wrong style!

      If anyone in my life even THOUGHT of my dollies for Christmas I would be incredibly happy. ^_^; I have a Yo, an MSD and an SD, so it would be likely to fit one of them...and even if it isn't perfect for them I know how to modify. ^_^

      Do you prefer for them to just let you pick out all the clothes? (That's what I wanted them to do, I said that I wanted to pick them out.)
      I don't think I would mind either way, thought it would be nice to get something I actually had been looking at for them.

      Would you return it? Regardless of how they'd feel about that?
      Even if they aren't my dolls' style, I would cherish it for the fact that someone I loved was supporting my 'odd' hobby.

      Or would you just appreciate their thoughts (and acceptance of BJDs) and keep the clothes?
      I would certainly keep the clothes. Even if they don't suit an existing doll the characters I have planned have a wide variety of tastes...^_~
    4. that would be pretty awesome. If it was wrong for any reason I'd still hold on to it. Chances are I'd eventually get a doll they would work with. :)
    5. I would love it, Kori needs pants badly at the moment xD;;

      That and it means the people close to me are acknowledging my interest in this hobby, and trying to be supportive in their own way. That's how I see it at least. :)
    6. How would you feel if your parents, or friends got you BJD clothes but they know nothing about BJDs. They could get you the wrong size, or the wrong style!
      My parents aren't around anymore, but if a relative thought enough of me to get Yumi, Zetto or the both of them some threads, I would be ecstatic.

      Do you prefer for them to just let you pick out all the clothes?
      I would not look a Volks or Parabox gift certificate in the mouth, or some money in my PayPal meant for doll clothes. However, if they pick, that's cool.

      Would you return it? Regardless of how they'd feel about that?
      Oh heck no. I'd try to "make it work" with my vinyl buddies, or failing that, arrange a trade with someone I know would appreciate it. For instance, my friend Biff has an MSD-sized doll I adore. If someone got me MSD clothes by mistake, I would give her first crack at it. Then again, I've been thinking of a MDD...I might keep the MSD clothes in anticipation of Yumiko getting a bratty sibling she would have to watch from time to time.

      Or would you just appreciate their thoughts (and acceptance of BJDs) and keep the clothes?
      Oh heck yeah I'd consider that awesomely thoughtful and considerate.
    7. i do not have any dolls atm. but i think i would be pleased that my parents tried to get it right. and keep the clothing incase i get a doll that they would fit on or something

      :kitty2 A.R.N.F
    8. id be so ecstatic if my parents did anything like that, i know my father, stepmother, stepfather, and mother would all ask what size i needed but that would be it. its enough for me that my stepfather is ordering my first bjd in general. lol . even if the clothes were the wrong size i would keep them, ill eventually find a doll in that size i love. lol
    9. I would be so ecstatic! I was actually afraid though, because I thought my mom was going to buy me a fukubukuro and end up getting it in the wrong size or something #_#

      Honestly though, if anyone was brave enough to buy me doll clothes, im sure they would at least ask what size xD And if they did get the wrong size, id probably trade them for something that did fit. After all, if I gave someone a gift that wasnt the right thing, and they had the option to trade it in for something of the same concept that would make them happy, I would want them too! That is the point of gift-giving :)

      But I would hope anyone that knows me well enough to buy a gift like that would also know me well enough to be able to pick the right size or style!
    10. Jolarocknrolla, those dresses are adorable! :D
    11. How would you feel if your parents, or friends got you BJD clothes but they know nothing about BJDs. They could get you the wrong size, or the wrong style!

      Hell, my dolls always need new clothes. If I received something in the wrong size, chances are it would be close enough to one of my dolls to be altered- I have enough of the silly things! As for the wrong style.. pshh. It's clothing for a *doll* and it's a gift.

      Do you prefer for them to just let you pick out all the clothes?

      Well, sure, that'd be ideal. But I'd certainly never complain about a gift.

      Would you return it? Regardless of how they'd feel about that?

      No. Rude much?

      Or would you just appreciate their thoughts (and acceptance of BJDs) and keep the clothes?

      I couldn't care less about their acceptance of my hobbies. I would definitely appreciate the thought, though, and the clothes. As already stated, I don't have as much as I'd like to.
    12. I haven't ever met one single person who didn't think my dolls were horrible so I'd be pretty amazed if someone was understanding enough to buy me something for them.

      I'd keep it and use it, whatever it was.
    13. :lol: I'd be quaking in fear! Just like I quake in fear whenever I see a Christmas present from Aunt Donna with my name on it....
      But (also like the dreaded Aunt Donna present) regardless of what it turns out to be, smile and say Thank You anyway. It's not difficult. :apresent:

      If it's not something that I can use at all, yes, I would quietly get rid of it - give to another friend who has use for it, or quietly sell. It's important for objects go to good loving homes, & not languish unused in boxes taking up valuable apartment-space. Just don't go loudly announcing it, or anything like that. Discretion is also not difficult.

      Then again, I'm having trouble envisioning my parents buying me doll clothes anyway-- especially hilarious trying to envision them buying me the RIGHT doll clothes, shopping for tiny bondage-pants & leather jackets! :mwahaha-- So this is all just Basic Gift & Re-Gift Theory 101. I'm almost 40, my parents wouldn't have the first clue how/where to shop in the first place, and they'd much rather give me a cheque that's specifically marked "to be spent only on doll stuff". :hollyberry

      (But, as fate would have it, this Christmas I asked for a tea-kettle & the latest John Irving novel, so I think that's what I'm getting. :> )
    14. At least in the case of my parents, I think I would mostly be flat out stunned they figured out how to order them in the first place. They aren't the most tech-savvy people in the universe. ;)

      Once I got past that initial brain scramble, I would worry about the rest. They know the companies I buy from primarily because I have everything shipped to their address, and they're crafty enough to go look in the right places at least. (I might be giving them too much credit when it comes to actually navigating the sites themselves, but... )

      Ideally, yeah. They don't know what I have entirely, or what I may already have on order. They also know I gush and whine if I can't get something specific I want or was hoping to get, and if it was in their brains to get it for me for holidayX, they'd ask for a link -- or just send me the money to paypal.

      No, but I might trade or regift (but not sell) it or remake it into something else if it is something I really cannot use in any way at all.
    15. How would you feel if your parents, or friends got you BJD clothes but they know nothing about BJDs. They could get you the wrong size, or the wrong style!
      My mom got me some doll clothes for my Soom Topaz back in April and she did really well :) I gave her a few sites with clothes that I liked and made sure to tell her the correct size to get, and lucky for me my friend who likes dolls helped her to pick out what she got me. If she, or anyone else were wanting to get me some clothes I'd make sure they were given sites and specific directions on sizing.

      Do you prefer for them to just let you pick out all the clothes? (That's what I wanted them to do, I said that I wanted to pick them out.)
      Next time if they want ideas I'll go through and give them a bunch of ideas that way I won't know what I'm getting since the list would be long

      Would you return it? Regardless of how they'd feel about that?
      No, if I didn't like it I'd try to change it (sewing or altering) to see if I could like it, if not I'd sell it on the marketplace (I did this with an outfit I received for my birthday and my mom was ok with it)
    16. I think that it would be really kind of them; they're supporting a hobby of yours and nothing says, "I support this," more than helping someone with said hobby.

      I'd rather pick out all of the clothes myself. It would save the trouble of being worried about whether or not it will fit, suit my doll, etc.

      I probably wouldn't return it, though.

      I actually had a friend who made me a sweater for my doll. It was a nice thought, but I could tell that she didn't put much effort into it and that sort of made the gift seem less sincere.
    17. I would appreciate it anyway. But if it doesn't fit or doesn't suit him, I'll just be honest. Maybe some day I'll get a doll which does match with the outfit or I give it away in a swap or to a friend who needs it.

      But among doll fans here, we make a lot of clothes ourselves and occasionally swaps are organized which is great.
    18. I got BJD cloths for my doll to day (X-mas) and I love them. My doll only had crapy done cloths by me. And now he has pants two shirts and the cutest shoes.I could not re=turn them because "Sanata" gave them to me. (The cloths were in my stocking.) So I couldnt re-tun them because I dont know were they came from. But I love them any way. =)
    19. well, i've explained doll sizes to my mother, to some extent, so I'm not terribly worried about getting the wrong size -- and if something IS too big, then, well, we can sew. it could easily be taken in if i really liked it; if it didn't fit, or just plain didn't go with my doll's character, i think my mom would understand if i re-sold it or regifted. but my mom is pretty in tune with the stuff i like, so i wouldn't be too bothered over whether she'd be getting something hideous.
      yay for moms with good taste~
    20. First of all that's pretty awesome that you Mom "might" have bought your doll
      clothes, and that your Dad was cool about it and telling you too!!!!
      I hope that you're pleasantly surprised to see what you received XD
      Even though I don't celebrate the holiday it's fun to hear people talk about getting
      dolls/doll money or other doll related good stuff. I sadly can't even imagine let
      alone hope that someone (other than my Mom!!) would get me a gift much less
      go through the trouble of finding out what I'm actually interested in and approve
      of the costs. I do still hope that one day my Father will care enough to want to
      buy me something (I actually want too) unfortunately he figures that my Mom's
      money is his money (not true) therefore I'm already getting things from him:?

      I agree with those that said whatever you get (wrong size/style etc.)
      you may be able to use for another doll in the future..?
      If I were younger and hoping for presents of a certain type I would
      write lists and leave them around or leave the computer screen with
      a website/item on it, or talk to my doll and ask it what it needed or say
      "so-n-so would really look great in this"
      Also, if your Mom went through the trouble of picking out doll items
      for you she likely also tried to figure out what would work for your
      doll (size) and would be sad if it wasn't right:(

      Anyhow, best wishes that you get really nice things!! And don't forget
      about all of us who will likely never receive anything:...( Just jk.