1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Huajing-Doll 1/4 Discussion

Dec 23, 2015

    1. A friend received Thorne on Friday, in tan. It reminded me of Myou's coffee color, at least it seemed like it in the photos. I have a myou coffee doll at home, I expected the Huajing's color to be a little darker. I'm still waiting for mine Bella.
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    2. My body is in the country as of like 8am this morning. Now it just needs to get through customs and to me. Hopefully next week and with minimal customs charges please and thank you.
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    3. @Crissaegrim - I don't know how customs operate where you live but you can use SimplyDuty to estimate how much it will be in advance so you don't have to worry about being surprised with the amount you have to pay. It's been quite accurate in my experience - the courier in your country might add their handling fee on top, still, though.
    4. I've received my 1/4 uncle body last week so I'm here now to testify that it's beautiful and I love the elbow joints, so much posability potential!
      Although I must leave this info if it might interest anybody who wants to make an hybrid.

      Got my Huajing body in normal pink resin for a head in Soom normal. The match is not great but also it's not the worst, or at least nothing that a blushing during faceup can't resolve. Maybe the name pink should have tipped me off :XD:

      Pic taken in natural light.
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    5. I just saw a really nice comparison of the huajing 1/4 uncle body with some other similar bodies, thought I would share: here
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    6. I usually budget for what the full whack of customs fees could be but I also know that a lot of doll companies seem to under-declare the value of the doll when shipping it and I wasn't sure if Huajing was one of those. Of my two SartoriaJ boys only one got caught in customs and even then I only had to pay a nominal charge, no VAT or anything, to get him free when it properly should have been much more than that.

      Having got my boy I can say that Huajing do seem to underdeclare the value (or Alice's Collections do, but idk exactly who shipped it to me) because the declaration on the doll is for a resin doll valued at $15 and there were no customs charges at all.
    7. @Crissaegrim - if you got the AC gift magic eraser in the box it must have passed through ACBJD :) I also never end up paying much when things pass through them, and I think Huajing ships directly only through taobao (when used without a proxy). In any case, great that it got to you well and thanks for sharing the images in the box opening thread!
    8. Huajing posted another teaser for the mature 1/4 girl, looks like they will be releasing a full set! You can see here
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    9. ahhhh she is gorgeous!!!! I love the slightly more mature face also!
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    10. I know, isn't she?! I also love the long nails! I am very excited xD
    11. man Huajing are just churning out new stuff lately huh? It's exciting to see them growing.

      I love that we now have so many body options from them. I need to make a decision and order something for my DIM heads.
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    12. I'm really excited for them, too, but I also hope that they manage to tackle the slowing production times at some point - we all know what happened to Souldoll for instance when churning out new sculpts and limiteds too often :frownyblush:
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    13. Has anyone here bought the Locke? I'm curious about this guy, even though I don't have any in my collection :)
    14. Huajing posted more preview pictures and some body data here! I wish there was a slightly bigger chest size but the body looks lovely! I think they will be posting a video soon as well!

      i also reached out to acbjd about my ver 4 body and Thorne and they should hopefully be done next month, definitely one of my longest waits i think xD
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    15. The new doll and body are up for sale on Alice's to whomever it concerns ;)
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    16. Their new doll somehow reminds me new limited xaga doll in same size. About waiting time, i think its same may be everywhere in this hobby (i waiting for Dollzone doll too, from December. That doll i planned to be present for my mom... but well, i`m not prepared for such long waiting times)
      #496 triniarin, May 25, 2024
      Last edited: May 25, 2024
    17. @triniarin - it seems like that height/type of bodies are popping up every few weeks those days (df-h, evantasy, gem of doll are also not far off) :sweat I'm not complaining! I've been waiting for that type for a while and ordered the xaga one earlier this month :XD:

      As for waiting times - I peeped on huajing's weibo and they said they have the first 30 new girls in stock (sent within 10 days)... I assume they are all gone already as the post is from a few days ago but if anyone is ordering directly from them, maybe you're lucky and don't have to wait half a year :whee:
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    18. @cobaltconduct Well, i have 14 years as client at acbjd, so seems no luck)
      About xaga vs new huajiing, i mean they have similar promo style (some circus like lolita style)

      About Huajiing shipping. Ashley i got ordered via Legend doll (with additional hair and dress, so she definetly go via this dealer, also they added manual for doll)
      I got her via UPS, without any customs (in Germany) and i think from some local company.
      #498 triniarin, May 25, 2024
      Last edited: May 25, 2024
    19. I've discovered to my joy that the resinsoul jointed hands which look oversized on most of my other dolls actually work really well on my boy. The wrist joints aren't oversized and the hand size doesn't look ridiculous. So I'm going to get him a pair of the 1/4 boys hands as I have a pair of 1/4 girls hands in white.

      Does anybody know or can guess what resinsoul resin colour would best match Huajing's normal skin. Or am I going to have to email and try and get them to custom match it.
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    20. Does anyone know if Huajing resin NS matches Leekeworld?