1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Hypermanic So-Soom question

Aug 7, 2005

    1. Can I ask what size those wigs are?...and what size is your AGA Fairy's head?

      I ordered a size 4-5 wig from All About Dolls for my So-Som...until I saw Cari's post about the size 4-5 being too big. So, I emailed them and asked if my wig hadn't been shipped yet, could they please switch it to a size 4 instead... and they were able to do that for me. However, they said the size 4 doesn't have any stretch to it, like the 4-5 and larger wig caps. So, now I guess I will just have to wait and see if it will fit or not. I may end up making all my girl's wigs.

    2. do you have the link for the 4-5 wigs ? my I-elfs head is much bigger than the Pocketfairy and she needs 4-5
    3. Sure. I found them here -

    4. I agree about the hair thing- most make the wigs puff out so horribly! :P

      I'd love to try those! if you'd like me to paypal you some $$ to send them to me, just email me [check profile] the details! :3
      i think blonde is my sosoms perfect colour~ Tell Josette i said thank you for posing with them XD

      I can't wait until more people get sosom~ i'm anxious for other pictures of her :D
      And mini world dolls has GREAT prices, and cheap shipping on doll supplies~
      http://www.miniworlddolls.com/ I got a lot of stuff for my Fine-W there, an eye beveler, and some eyelashes for my big girls :D
    5. Cari. Why don't you just give me your address,and I will mail them to you to try, if you like them you can pay for them, or you can mail them back. They have smaller sizes to, if they don't work out. PM me your address.

      Shershe my Aga Fairy is exactly 10cm around her head, the wigs are Global size 4-5 and they don't have any give to them, I ordered the Heidi wig again in the next bigger size 4-5 and it is to big. So I'm staying away from the Global wigs for now. It's a shame, because they are 100% mohair.

    6. Hey, I've got that same wig and it fits my ElfDoll!!! Tee-hee...that's cute!!!

    9. The Lait's have really cute faces :3
      I bet the I-Elf would be awesome, because of that waist joint- that was an awesome idea on the makers part.

      I'm actually going to try and bevel out SoSom's eyes more- and get her a few good wigs.
      Your wigs are ADORABLE [i loooove your alice wig] where do you get them??
    10. I know these little cutie pies are no longer available but I'm resurrecting this old thread in the hopes that members who were fortunate enough to get a So Som will spam us a little;) I still pine for this baby!
    11. Hehe, just me again:) I seem to always fall for the rare and under appreciated dolls around here:XD: Anyone got a So Som baby they'd like to share?