1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Iffy auction?

May 5, 2007

    1. The seller has only just become active too. As of May. This month. I'd be dubious about spending on a doll when someone has only become active in such a short time frame. I've been buying and selling on Ebay for years and at first to build up feedback I brought little things to get in the positives so I didn't look dodgy! A lot of people do that to show they are trustworthy ^^;
    2. Yes, it's a shame that they seem so dodgy is'nt it? I shan't be bidding on any of their auctions until i hear what Dollzone has to say in their reply to Uneide about them - even so, it's a lot of cash to take such a gamble with.
      Still would love to know if anyone has seen that boy before though.
    3. Honestly, I've never seen that 1/3 boy -- and he is GORGEOUS.
    4. I fink i am in wuv with him too Uneide:aheartbea :love

    5. I usually agree with this, but I've also gone against that rule once to buy a fullsdet doll from Cherishdoll when they were brand new and had 0 feedback. It all turned out fine and I had my doll in 5 days for a fantastic price. So, sometimes new legit comapnies do introduce their dolls on ebay as the first way we can buy them - and usually at a lower price.

      I do hope this company is legit as I love the first girl on the 1/4 page of their site.

    6. wow, those dolls are really cheap o.o' 590 yuan for a 1/4.. :3 And they're really pretty too. But the doll listed as 60cm on ebay says 46cm on their homepage..?
    7. I'm torn between that gorgeous boy and the first girl on their 1/4 page. I so hope they turn out to be a legitimate new company. *_*
    8. I emailed them and asked for a nude pic of the girl. I'm wondering if they are just selling the head? I"ll post as soon as I get an answer.
    9. Yeah, i emailed them too asking loads of questions - if they are dodgy i might have frightened them off!
      I hope they are legit - i do i do i do
      Some of their dolls are lovely.
    10. The way I read the description on the boy, they say he is a SD called Ming. Of course there is no such thing. Could it be they take dolls and do their own costumes and face ups, then rename them?
    11. edit: deleted
    12. Hmm, this is so interesting. If that's the case, what doll is 'Ming' really? A couple of dolls on their website remind me other sculpts but i can't for the life of me think of the dolls they remind me of.
      By the way if anyone wants to visit their website for a looksee the URL is...http://www.aoddoll.com/

    13. Thanks for the link:)
      Hmmmm.... I 'm getting a twitchy feeling that they are Knockoffs.One of them looks like a Unoa to me, and another one looks like Peakswood. They have put wierd eyes and wigs on them..... which makes them looked disquised.:| Notice how the wigs are low on their heads partially covering their faces?
    14. Another thing...Look at how the head connects to the neck, and compare that to how Dollzone heads connect to the neck...The way the head and neck join look quite similar... >.>
    15. I just checked out the website again and all the heads look a different colour to the bodies - or is that just me?
    16. And, is it just me, or in the pictures where they show the whole body, the heads look too big for the bodies? Almost like they are putting larger doll heads on a smaller body. Also, the skin tones look slightly off with the head compared to the body...
      For example in these pictures:
    17. Yes, I caught that too.
    18. Personally, I would never buy from a foreign country when the seller doesn\'t have any feedback. Before selling anything, people should try to build up their feedback to at least a 10 by buying stuff.
      But I don\'t think that it\'s fair that people automatically assume that the auction is a scam. I know that in the past there were lots of copycats, but now a days when there are so many new dolls coming out, there are bound to be some similarities. I am not sure how it is in foreign countries, but here in the US, if something is at least 30% different from the original, it\'s not considered a copy.
    19. edit: need i explain?