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IMda Modigli 30.5cm discussion part 3

Dec 1, 2016

    1. I'll be honest, Momo really tempts me a lot. But from what I understand they don't do layaways at iMda, so no way I could afford her without that right now.
    2. I just received the shipping notice for my Choco Modigli! Hopefully, she'll arrive quickly and safely.
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    3. My iMda Simone from 2021 is finally put together and I'm so happy with how she turned out :chibi:aheartbea

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    4. Aah she is lovely! Love the delicate muted blues of her dress and eyes.
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    5. Hello ! I'm waiting for my first 2 Imda 3.0 ! I ordered Amellia in 2022 november, and I just find Modigli, brand new, on the second hand market, in my country ! She will be at home this week. I'm really happy and cannot wait to dress them. Maybe they will be sisters ? Mmmh.
      Oh, and I have a question. There are some eyes on Imda's website which are between anime and classic style (last brown ones for Amellia for example). I love them. Do you know if we can find and purchase this style anywhere else ?
      Have a nice day~
    6. Congrats on your two lovely girls! I have an Amellia at home, you’re going to love yours :)

      As for the eyes, I believe recently the eyes have always been imda’s custom resin eyes to go with every release… which I believe are limited to the same order period as the doll itself? I think they might get re-released when the dolls do but to be honest I haven’t been keeping track. I did buy a sort of similar pair on etsy for my Amellia, I’ll try and find a photo tomorrow.

      ETA: Here's a photo of the Etsy eyes. They weren't quite what I was looking for so Leonie isn't keeping them, but they do look very nice.
      #466 Lelite, Feb 14, 2023
      Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
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    7. Have you seen the new iMda 3.0 Dorothy being previewed on the site? I love how they styled her SO much! Might be my turn to scoop a new iMda girl after a long time (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ her faceup is gorgeous!

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    8. I know, right? She's seriously making me question whether I want her. I don't THINK I do, I'm pretty set on my next girl being a choco Elodie or Coco (yea I know I just missed Coco...), but that eye and lip make-up on Dorothy is to die for.

      I'm also impatiently waiting on Leonie's new (hopefully, final) hair so I can take photos of her cute new miniature fox that I bought.
    9. oh gosh, iMda is offering a head-only option for Dorothy's preorder... I'm SO TEMPTED :fangirl: And the outfit by Tirin & Kattern is so adorable >u<
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    10. I know right?? I hope they keep doing it in the future, because... I might want to pick up a head or two...

      I also keep going back to Dorothy's eyes because there's two colors that are perfect for two characters... I dunno though. I like Leonie's current eyes too. She went to a doll meet yesterday!

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    11. @Lelite she's such a cutie! I wanna pat her head ^3^:aheartbea

      So today, I ended up pulling the trigger on the Dorothy head only option! :fangirl: got her with her amazing faceup too〜
      Made the most of the order and also snagged the Tirin&Kattern outfit, and the heart hands. Not sure when I'll place another order on iMda and I'd been wanting those heart hands since their release - they're just too cute!
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    12. @Dayme Eeee that's so exciting! Is she going to be sharing bodies with someone then? What color did you get her in?

      I also keep on looking to order the heart hands every time they're available in tawny, but never pull the trigger. I really should, and also get a pair for my eventual choco girl, so her and Leonie can do "heart friends" photos ><

      Speaking of Leonie, the wig I bought for her a few months ago finally came in, and you guys, I've NEVER had a doll wig that I actually didn't want to take off the doll like this one. Usually I take it off to avoid staining, and for ease of storage. But I love this one so much, I can't bring myself to remove it. (It's also a perfect *tight* fit on her head with the silicone wig cap, so there's also THAT consideration, but it's like it was made for her). I've been looking EVERYWHERE to get an angora wig in her size, and with all of the wig makers, it's either for minifees or for big 9" heads. None of the makers wanted to take a commission for such an odd size without me sending the head to them. Randomly found this one on Legenddoll for a super reasonable price and added it to my order, hoping they weren't lying about it fitting a 19.5 cm head.
      She has SO MANY TOYS now askjkahfskjsa. She needs some brothers and sisters to share with pronto.
      #472 Lelite, Apr 25, 2023
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2023
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    13. I bailed on Dorothy (she was just too lippy for me and her nose too petite ) although I was severely tempted as overall she was sweet. I did get the green eyes and the short peach wig though for when they hopefully re issue Collette. So the wait is on for both 3.0 Collette in normal skin and Nicole in choco or both in choco depending on face up options.

      I wrote to iMda to ask when they may be released and was told not in the earlier part of this year. The schedule for the second half of the year is still being adjusted but it is likely they will release 3.0 Collette or Nicole (including choco option) then. iMda are extremely responsive if you write a query. Lovely to deal with.
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    14. I decided to write to them as well, and they said they're planning on releasing 3.0 Elodie in the summer (barring unusual circumstances), and she will be available in choco! :D Eeeeeee I'm so excited, been waiting for this girl for ages. She'll be a distantly-related dolly version of my webcomic MC!
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    15. So it's 3.0 Angelique or Collette for May release. No choco but I'm nabbing a Collette if I can. Hopefully later in the year that Nicole 3.0 will be in either choco or tawny.
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    16. I'm always tempted by Angelique! She's such a cutie, but I think I'll pass this time. I'd love to get her in choco. I'm also planning on ordering a 4.3 girl. I've been thinking about a big sister for my girls for awhile.

      My Modigli still needs a faceup. Work has taken up so much of my free time. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it soon. Does MSC go bad? I've had mine for a few years. Haha.
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    17. Same! I always wonder if I want to get Angelique, but I just can’t think of a character for her…

      Also, I’ve been told that MSC apparently can go bad/settle/whatever it does. But mine seemed fine when I tested it after like… a decade. Seemed to spray and dry just fine. But I don’t know. Maybe it’s something you can’t see. :shudder
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    18. Held fast on my Colette 3.0 order as apparently she will be released again shortly with possibly more colour options and clothes, wig, eyes etc. Crossing my fingers!
    19. My iMda Dorothy head arrived :D from the April pre-order. I also got the cute outfit she released with, and the heart hands! The faceup is gorgeous ~ im so pleased!
      Although all the eyes I had in mind for Dorothy don't fit her eye socket... that's never happened with me for iMda dolls! Normally, literally any eyes I planned out for them fit perfectly and I just plop them in when I get the doll. Now I'm not too sure what to do about her, no body and no eyes yet :frownyblush:
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    20. Next up is Nicole ... choco for me. :dance Typical timing. Just ordered a 2.2 Collette and the doll I really really want comes up the very next month. Could have done with a few months to save up but hey ho. :mwahaha:mwahaha:mwahaha