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IMda Modigli 30.5cm discussion part 3

Dec 1, 2016

    1. Very excited, after a long wait, my choco Nicole 3.0 is ordered. The company face up is just beautiful. Hope she is as lovely in real life. Now to think up names for the two girls.
      #481 Inka'sfriend, Sep 20, 2023
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
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    2. Congratulations on your girl! Nicole is adorable. I can't wait to see pictures of her. Hopefully, you don't have to wait to long.
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    3. Thank you. I'm terrible at doing pics of my dolls. None of them are on here. When she arrives I will try to work out how to put pics on here.
    4. After giving up bjd for three years and selling all my dolls and their clothes I have bought my first bjd again. The journey begins with a Fepe.
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    5. Did you order the latest girl? The kimono she has on in the company pictures was just gorgeous but there were only 3 and very expensive.
    6. Congrats, @Walkergirl ! I was also mostly out of the hobby until an iMda pulled me back in. What skin tone did you get? Did you get any of the company accessories, or are you pulling it all together from different stores?
    7. Yes I ordered the latest girl and got her a wig. She will be in normal skin tone! I’ve tried the other tones before but always fall back into the NS tone. Everything else I’m hoping to build up and start collecting again clothing. Bjd clothing usually is very expensive so I’m used to having to spend money to get them custom clothes.

      Does anyone have advice on what to buy for 3.0 clothing? I’m searching Etsy for some cute items.
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    8. Yes, the kimono form the last preorder was really pretty +_+

      About Imda 3.0 clothing, I usually make them by myself with Yo-SD sewing patterns I find on Etsy or I draft them.
      Which style are you looking for ?
      On Etsy, I really love Tirin & Katten dresses.
    9. I was too late for the kimono but I’ll keep an eye out for what other clothing comes out in the future. Honestly I’m stalking Etsy for any clothing in yosd size that could work for these girls at the 3.0 size. I’m horrible at sewing so I have to buy everything online. I like very casual clothing on dolls and want her to look comfy and cozy.
    10. YoSD clothes totally fit these girls, with the caveat that their torsos are about half an inch longer than the average Yo. And their butts are thicker, so anything super tight-fitting around the hips and/or super short in the torso doesn't really work.

      My favourite on etsy is the store Moritime, they resell from a few seamstresses who specifically make iMda 3.0 dresses. Legenddoll also carries a few brands that either use an iMda 3.0 as a model, or can be asked to adjust the size. I've also had my girl fit into Nine9Style clothes without too much of a problem (hoodies and skirts, I'm hesitant to try pants).
    11. I think Boto's Works (on Legend Doll) do clothing that fits Imda 3. I've ordered a few items but not yet received my Imda 3 in order to try them on. Once I do I'll post how the fitting is.
    12. Ohhh I really appreciate all the good suggestions! I got a few cute clothes from Etsy and need to find her some shoes. I can’t wait to spoil this girl. :))

      I’d love to know how all the clothing looks and fits on them. I’ve always just dressed my girls in dresses and leggings so pants is an interesting idea.
    13. Ohhh my God! Imda will be my financial ruin. Cute little vampire versions of Gian and Modigli are coming. I'm in love with Gian and I'm really thinking about using the funds I have saved for Manon on her. Her little ears and teeth...I can't sit this one out...I love everything about her, which is crazy because the regular version of Gian has never been on my list of maybes.
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    14. @Stokiaci you may have gotten me in trouble! Vampire Gian is adorable!
    15. I’m having g a hard time choosing between the two girls being released! How are you guys choosing which one you like better when both are so cute?! I’ve been dying for a vampire doll since I first started the hobby.
    16. @nancy_schroeder_ca - So sorry! I can be a bit of an enabler.

      @Walkergirl - For me, I already have Modigli and while the vampire version is cute I don't really need her. I saw her first and thought she was nice, but that feeling of omg...she has to come home didn't happen. With Gian it was an instant feeling of omg I gotta have her! My birthday is next month and I told my husband that I found the gift he's getting me! Showed her to him and he agreed! I'm always looking at the cute vampire girls that Advillage have, but never really considered taking the plunge. I adore Imda dolls so there is no question here.
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    17. I love this vampire Gian!
    18. Oooh they're ALL vampires, not just the one-offs? Hmmm... I may have to consider Modigli. I have this little demonlet character I never thought I'd get as an iMda, but if it has teefs...
    19. Imagine a little vampire dolly is what's bringing this thread back to life lol.

      Would you all use the 16 or 18mm eyes for your IMDA 3.0 girls? I'm guessing if I want her to have a smaller eye (that shows more of the white part) it would be the 16mm. Does anyone have photo examples I can reference since I'm going to be getting my girl enchanted doll eyes and would only like to buy one pair lol.
      #499 Walkergirl, Jan 7, 2024
      Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    20. @Lelite - ohh no, now you have me worried they are one-offs! Please don't be. I really really want Gian.

      @Walkergirl - I use the eyes that came with my girlies when they were released. I think they are 16mm, but I don't remember. Here's my Modigli with her eyes. She still needs a faceup.
      Seraphina on Instagram
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