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IMda Modigli 30.5cm discussion part 3

Dec 1, 2016

    1. @Stokiaci I'm not sure! The only advertisements up are for one-offs, but Modigli has an open mouth where the teefs are poking out, and the regular Modigli has a mouth that's fully closed, I think. So maybe the basic ones will be toothy too?

      @Walkergirl the size depends on the sculpt. I think most of them are 16mm girls, some of the more realistic ones might even be 14s? Elodie is 18mm. I have an Amellia (my Leonie) and I had a pair of 18s that were supposed to be her old character's eyes and they didn't even fit in the eyewell.

      I actually have a pair of Enchanted Doll eyes as her primary pair:
      These are the "wide irises" version, 16mm eyes with 9.3mm irises (~normal 18mm eye iris size). I think Amellia's eyes are a bit larger than Fepe's though, so the normal 16mm iris size is probably a better choice.

      Here's Amellia with my custom 18mm mystics, which had a smaller iris (8mm):
      The iris size was fine, but as you can see, the eyes gap because they just don't fit in the eyewells all the way.
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    2. @Stokiaci OMG OMG OMG they put up the teaser for the little vamps! They're selling two versions of Modigli and Gian this time - vampire and regular!

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    3. Omg! I'm sooo excited! The one-offs are adorable as well. I'm definitely getting Vampire Gian. I think I'll get a fullset, the wig, eyes, and dress. I'm still debating on resin color. I'm not sure if I want her in the normal or white. I have a Imda 1.7cm Jane in white...and it's very white. It would be appropriate for a little vamp girl, but I'm kinda leaning towards normal because I don't have a girlie in that resin.

      Man, I feel like Imda knows how to spoil us.
    4. iMda usually does 3 resin colors for the 3.0's, wondering if it's going to go white, cream-normal, and normal?

      I'm not sure if I can swing a full doll. I'm waiting on a 2.2 Angelique and a choco Elodie (or Coco... I haven't decided yet). But if the vampy heads are available in cream-normal by themselves, that would be mighty tempting...
    5. There's a normal and cream-normal? I didn't know that. What's the difference between them? Does anyone happen to have a comparison?

      The listing is up and you can also order twany! My Amellia is in twany. It's such a beautiful color.
    6. Yeah, I noticed it was an option about a year ago! It seems to be a little bit more pink-hued compared to the stark white. I haven't seen it in person though, this is just from seeing the sample photos.

      Also eek, the boy bodies are available again... Man oh man I'm going to have to think about this. I really need a shell for this character, who is actually a possessed doll. But I also want the Petite Angelique, plus a few Iple boys aaaaa....

      And haha, my Amellia is also tawny! I kinda wish it was the default skin option, I always find the "normal" skins in the doll hobby so pale... And I'm super pale myself!
    7. Does anyone know how much the one off girls usually end up final bidding at?
    8. @Lelite - Sounds like it could be a pretty color for a vampire. I don't have an Imda boy, but they definitely would suit your character! The only doll I have on my wishlist is Imda Manon. I'm still waiting for her to be released. I love that Imda frequently re-releases their dolls and I don't have to worry about searching the secondhand market for them. Tawny is one my favorite resins of all my dolls. It's perfect for Amellia!

      @Walkergirl - I don't think I've ever seen it posted before, but I don't really follow the one offs.

      I've went ahead and ordered Vampire Gian. I got her in cream-normal. I can't wait to see what it looks like in person. I also ordered the fist and heart hands, wig and eyes. I didn't get the outfit. I couldn't believe how much it cost... I'd rather make my own or get something more affordable.
    9. I really wish I got back into bjd when they were selling those wing head attachments. So much regret cause I want them now.
    10. does anyone know if any other companies make a resin match for imdc's tawny skin? That also work as a 1/6 body for their heads... I'm struggling to pick between vampire Gian and Modigli :...( so wanna order a head of one of them to hybrid later on:chomp: As idk if imda does layaways
    11. iMda used to be affiliated with Soom, and I think their tawny resins still match? The issue with tawny is that it's actually a range of colors, with no two batches being quite the same. It even says so on the sales page. So you could even buy a tawny body straight from iMda two months later, and it might not match the head.

      They also don't do layaways, I think someone here asked. They used to, when they were still linked with Soom. That being said, I'd be shocked if we never saw the vampires again. iMda usually likes to re-release the heads every 1-2 years. I can't guarantee it obviously but it just seems like a lot of work for a one and done.
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    12. That’s why I buy the body’s and heads in ns so I can have a bunch of heads with one body. I wonder what goes into the process of creating tawny skin.
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    13. hmm good to know.. I think I'm gonna go with getting Modigli in Tawny and then just a Gian head in NS.. I'll figure out her body at a later date when I can afford it*_*
    14. so update ended up getting both heads with faceups, one in cream normal and one in tawny skin :sweat I'm going to attempt to dye match a body for the tawny one, already have a cheaper one I saw on legendoll picked out! now to just wait for my next paycheque lol
      Can't wait until they get here ahh! I've been wanting an imda doll for so long and almost went for their last 2.6 Gian release but I'm glad I held off since the vampire girls are sooooo cute :whee:
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    15. Congratulations! I was so excited waiting for my first Imda girl.
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    16. does anyone know like the kinda min-max range of neck circumference that works for imda heads? On the site they just say 6cm and I've been heavily eyeing this Myou body which has a 6.5cm neck that I'm hoping would work :sweat
    17. I have a Myou girl but I think she's on the original pear body. I believe they have the same neck size. I can do a head swap for you.

      I only have Modigli and Amelia to test this on. I'm sure they will all fit the same size, hopefully.
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    18. that would be great! I'd really appreciate it if it's not too much of a hassle for you!
    19. After a long long long wait my Imda Nicole in choco 3.0 arrived. I adore her and have spent a happy day trying out different eyes, wigs, clothes and shoes. She's an absolute poppet. Comment from my son's Fiancé "I didn't think they could look more haunted but I was wrong". In fairness I did show a pic of said doll naked and without eyes. Anyway lets ignore her. :) Although think I like the 3.0 size better than the 2.2. It has more weight and think the face up is better (but they are different girls). Additionally the stringing on my 3.0 is way better. 2.2 girl's head flops forward all the time and she clicks into different shapes almost constantly. A restring is definitely needed but I'm not sure I'm up to it. Perhaps I'll take her to the upcoming Manchester doll com and see if anyone could help.

      Re clothing Boto's Works clothing from Legend Doll or direct from Boto's works fits (check with them when ordering though just to be safe). Also found a fabulous little site which does knitted jackets and cloth skirts etc on Etsy called NataliTiShop. The shorter smaller jackets fit Imda 2.2 and the longer (I have an amazing striped one) fits Imda 3.0. Skirts only fit 2.2 though. Trousers don't fit either. (Again prob better to double check with Natalia re sizing. A message costs nothing).

      So here she is my new avatar. Isn't she so very cute? :love
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    20. @strawberry_parade - I'm happy to help. Here are some photos. I'm sorry it took me a few days. I think the hybrid would work nicely. The up and down movement of her head was limited and the side to side movement was pretty good. Overall, the proportions are nice.

      Seraphina on Instagram: "This is Gertrude my Imda doll Amellia on the Myou doll 30cm pear body. Pretty cute hybrid. Resin doesn't match though. Amellia is in twany resin and Myou doll body is normal. #imdadoll #imda30 #imdaamellia #myoudoll"