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Immortality of Soul (Part VII)

Feb 27, 2018

    1. @Grimalkin he's almost home! :dance Thanks for the info, that's nice to know for reference in case I get any more IOS heads in WS and need to find them a body.:thumbup

      @Epicari it was! So I was saddened a lil bit that it had to be removed. They were kind enough to let me keep it (I asked in the Q&A board), part of me was worried I would be charged extra or I had to ship him back. I hope they sell eyes in the future, for convenience. 11mm I think is an uncommon size. Congrats on getting him!:whee:
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    2. @Grimalkin if you can share with us some photos testing some bodies that would be great thank you :XD: I read here that the white resin does look very similar to Switch's "rosy white" and Doll Family-H White... but 'm a little worried about the neck and how deep is the head hole so I don't dare to buy a body without having some reference.

      My crow will be one of the last ones to be shipped for sure :sigh IOS told me they were going to send mine along with Andante, which I would have liked to be consulted first lol. I got them both in White skin, is the NS skin too dark? I was contemplating buying the new Fox but I want to see the resin first, would have liked to get my hands on Crow to make up my mind.
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    3. @NuttyRojita - i do have some NS IOS, but maybe a tad older vintage 50-50 maybe older resin colour to newer version. it's not terribly dark for NS, just pinker in tone. the only DFH WS i've got rn are solo ballet feet somehow LOL

      i don't have much variety in 60 class bodies but will do my best to give you some visuals on the necks. i'm weirdly fond of the IOS 70's they are decent for posing and well proportioned for the look of my crew in this smaller 70 class size. the 60's look similar in proportion but as a more mature body for that height of an SD than you often see.

      i've an ancient pink/NS DFA-60ish, Dollzone B-60, Crobi R line, Switch 65 att, and some slim 65-70's (DC/DZ dream valley ish) to give a go of it with. could take me a while to find everyone and photo in stages, so if you've an immediate preference of any of those please let me know, i'll try to focus there for you:thumbup
      it's fun to do these, and i can only pray the lighting doesn't fight me too much.

      i'd love to see a Switch 60 class body with Crow if anyone has this combo :)
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    4. Hello
      I would like to know what the I.O.S. bodies look like in relation to the pose. More specifically the girl body
    5. @NuttyRojita sorry about that, but yeah they should have consulted you first if you actually wanted them shipped to you together. Saw the new Fox sculpt too and thought he'd look great alongside Crow in photos. But I was able to resist...maybe not so much in the future if he's rereleased. :lol: I think it would depend on the age of the resin too (and lighting in photos), so my NS dolls look a tad darker. Newer NS would probably be lighter in tone.

      @deathdoll sadly couldn't find any reviews or posts specific to your request, if I do see one I'll try and link to it here.

      Got my Crow back from the faceup artist last week, and took some photos.:whee: Haven't tried fitting clothes I have for my 63cm boy on him but I think they would fit, especially the pants. Top in the photo is for 65cm-sized boy (SDF/SD17), and they fit too - just a little long, length-wise. SDF/SD17 trousers are loose on the waist, and long on him. The eyes are 12mm/5mm. Wig is 8-9 and as I mentioned, too big. :lol:
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    6. i received my Crow as well, and my intended fantasy body has too big of a neck at supposedly 9.7cm when IOS's site says his company body is 10cm, so i have decisions to make now to mod or not. maybe the fantasy body has a wider end of the neck though.

      with the company faceup, his teeth aren't painted, so they look a bit odd with just the resin colour, i will need to give him a dental whitening :lol:

      i can try him on the peach DollZone B60 and take some pics soon, but i need to dig a little more to find the Switch body which is a 65att and likely has too big of a neck but you can check out the resin match when i find him :thumbup

      @freesiaDream - your boy looks terrific! i love how he turned out! is he wearing the IOS 60 body there?
    7. @Grimalkin congrats! Sorry to hear about your planned body, but I hope everything works out in the end. I didn't notice the teeth weren't painted white in the default faceup, might be because mine is in white skin. Thank you! And yes, he's on the IOS 60cm body. He's the shortest among my 60+cm boys, but I got him platform boots so he's probably at 61-62cm right now.:lol:
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    8. mine is the white resin too :lol: maybe the sealant has a bit of transferred colour in it...
      i think maybe he has a very shallow divot at the neck joint.

      maybe the smaller DFA 60cm will be more similar in size to the IOS60 :thumbup

      i'm so curious to see other hybrids, I hope we get some more pics to see with Crow, Fox and the other new 60's that have released lately :)
    9. @freesiaDream yours turned out pretty awesome, it looks completely different from the creeky childish atmosphere the other one had going on, It was right that you did another face-up that suits your idea, it turned out great, he looks like he's not messing around for sure haha. I won't be getting Fox either unless I got my first IOS boy in my hand, I have to know if I like them enough to keep going with this night fever of IOS dolls one after another :lol:

      When I saw the promo pictures (NS) gave me the hint that they won't paint the teeth even with the faceup option, maybe their personal preference, and since I wasn't going to paint them myself I preferred to order him in white skin, just to make sure that the teeth will look somewhat human-like

      @Grimalkin You mean the one that looks more muscular? DF-H 1/3 Ver.3 (62cm) (the older one with shorter shoulder width?); I wanted to get Ver.5 (62cm), because it looked more appealing and the shoulder width was larger)... I think I will end up getting a full doll from FMH so the body won't be hanging around with no head in case it doesn't work :atremblin
      #449 NuttyRojita, Apr 7, 2023
      Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
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    10. Ahh, that explains why the teeth look pink in the promo pictures! It was actually one of the main reasons I didn't order the face up as I found the pink teeth really off-putting. :sweat

      Btw for those wondering about matching the white colour, DF-A, DF- H and Luts rs white are all close matches ;)
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    11. i had also clocked it in the photos, but i hoped the RW version was going to be a little brighter tbh wishful thinking LOL but i have white paint and/or pastels. :lol:

      @NuttyRojita - i checked my records, and I've a pink DF-A 60cm ver3 male body to try, but the "new" model is at version 5 now so i'm not it would do any good to share since he's a bit older and not the same measurements now for sale. in DFH i have a 68cm ver1 matched to Switch PB and the 72 is tan and huge, both probably have too big of necks. but we'll try them! hopefully something i have will fit LOL. maybe i should start a hybrid thread once i get some photos together :whee:

      i can add Dollzone/Doll Chateau peach and Switch RW to close resin match list.

      Edit to avoid double post: here is the link to the hybrid thread I started for Crow and his similar friends in class 60. please feel free to add to it. ===> IOS Crow hybrid thread link
      (I will try the DZ 68 next (wider shoulders) and will try to get a better light set up to compare the resin)
      p.p.s.: his eyewells are very shallow, it was difficult to get his company eyes to stay in.
      #451 Grimalkin, Apr 8, 2023
      Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
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    12. @NuttyRojita thank you! Happy with how he turned out as well, just really need to get him a better fitting wig.

      @Grimalkin thanks for creating that post...a nice reference for any future 60cm IOS hybrid :D
      #452 freesiaDream, Apr 15, 2023
      Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
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    13. Anyone know the shoulder width on the class65f body?
    14. In case reference is needed on what a Class65F body looks like in real life, here's one I just acquired last month April.




      As for the shoulder width, I measured her to be around 14cm (with both arms included).
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    15. After 84 years, my heads arrived, luckily both came in the same package. I was a little skeptical that I would like them since I have seen other sculps these months that I liked better, so I was going to take a look at them and see if I will keep them or sell them, but they were better than I expected, so much cuter in person.

      The color is so nice, I'm glad I took WS for both, they didn't bring eyelashes and I'm not sure I'm gonna get some for them, I don't know how to put them anyway.



      Again, I'm glad I bought the eyes for Crow, they are really unique and the size is perfect. I tried them in Andante and looked awful, made him look so weird lol. but Crow looks sooo gooood on them, love it!

      For Andante I put him some random eyes a friend gift me on a Christmas blind-box exchange, not sure about the size but it was the right one, I think an amber color would have been better but they don't look bad, my friend really liked him with them on.

      I purchased the promo wig as well, the one Andante has, brand: LUTS. I didn't stylize it, it is a little big but doesn't bother me too much. Couldn't place it more prettily since I didn't have a body to put the head on. I didn't take a photo from behind but the finish from the back and the top are great, the wig is beautiful, and very good quality. I liked that it was black-black, not one of those black wigs that end up being dark brown lol
      Btw I tried it on Crow and it didn't suit him, It wasn't his style...

      Here a picture with my Ringdoll Xie Lian, the heads are almost the same size, Xie Lian being a little bigger, Ringdoll's heads are small so I thought Xie Lian's body (Body04) could suit them but that plan failed :pout: the ring of the neck was too big but it was expected since that was a 68cm body :sweat

      A comparison of resins to wrap up this post

      I think I will keep these boys for now, I have to invest a bit in a body and some outfits tho, let the journey begin :aninja:
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    16. @NuttyRojita congrats! Yeah the eye size on Crow is really uncommon, glad to hear the default ones fit. And your Andante is lovely too. In your side by side photos of them, Andante's eyes look bigger. I like the pair you have on Andante, he looks more youthful with them. I'm curious about the wig that came with him though - is it 8-9? It doesn't look too big on your Andante to me too. I ordered a new wig for my Crow (7-8), when it arrives at least I can compare if that will fit snugly. Haven't actually measured ny Crow's head yet, time to bring out my measuring tape, I guess.:lol: Sorry to hear about the body though. Hope your plan(s) work out!:)
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    17. I'm so sad they're discontinuing the big boys, they're so nostalgic for me. I'm thinking about grabbing an Infernale before the last sale. Has anyone tried to hybrid these guys onto a DFH body? I'm wondering how it'd work out.
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    18. If they are going to discontinue the older boys, does that mean that the body too (80)? most of the time people went for hybrids than buy that body so I guess it's not very popular; and it says that they will release the Class75, would it be a new body with more muscle? at least I hope the shoulders are broader since the IOS bodies tend to be narrow.
    19. Does anyone have a Soom Idealian head and a class 80 body they could try the head on?
    20. Hello everybody! I just got a head from IoS, a Class70 Tony in white skin and I am...heartbroken. He came with these divots all over his face. I circled the two most prominent but there are 3-4 more, on his lips and the other side of his face. I'm sending these pictures to IoS for resolution as well but I wanted to ask, has anyone ever received resin like this from IoS? How did your resolution process go? Thank you for the help!
