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Immortality of Soul (Part VII)

Feb 27, 2018

    1. @RaineFournier I ordered two heads, WS resin, and with faceup both of them, and they came impeccable. It is good that you have sent a message to IOS to see if they can help you with a solution or a change.
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    2. Do you think the Gin's head (Class70) would look good on the RGM-4 body? I'm a little unsure about the neck.
    3. Is he the same size as Sezz? If so, I can try it for you.
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    4. @Mysha
      To be honest, I don't know. I'm seriously considering buying this head, but I've never had one in hand. It is one of the first heads according to DoA Wiki information. In any case, I will be very grateful for any photo. <3

      But they look similar in size in greentoshka's photos on Flickr.
    5. I have a similar problem, so I think it's possible that IOS has off measurements. I got a body with a 10cm neck but it was too big. The neck measures 10cm with my tape measure, but the neck well for my Andante head measures 8.5cm *_*
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    6. @Arengil When I saw your post I grow hopeful and went for my RGM4 (NS - 2022) and heads (Crow, Andante - WS - 2023), but the C-shaped Head Hook doesn't let me try it out :(

      #467 NuttyRojita, Aug 12, 2023
      Last edited: Aug 13, 2023
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    7. @Mysha @NuttyRojita
      Thank you for your photos, it is very helpful! I can imagine now better the comparison.
    8. Does anyone here have experience hybridizing IOS with Loong soul bodies?
    9. Yes! My Luce is on a loongsoul 68cm boy body. I had to switch the S-hook, but otherwise it's perfect.
    10. Thank you for the information. What kind of S hook did you switch to? Do you happen to know if Loong soul's normal yellow is a good match for IOS's normal resin?
    11. I switched to one with a smaller bottom. The default one my loongsoul body came with was very wide. I cant remember exactly where it came from unfortunately.

      Some images of the resin match. the Luce head is 6-7 months older than the body but I kept it in its box all that time.
      neck and head match.

      Hand + head-cap match
      Imgur: The magic of the Internet

      Small thing to note is that there is a pretty sizable gap when you tilt the head. It doesnt bother me much but its worth pointing out.
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    12. Oooo do you have any pictures of him? I'd love to see!
    13. Here's one! His name is Salem
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    14. @Geodeseye Aww such a pretty gloomy guy! :blush I like the soft lighting. Thanks for sharing :3nodding:
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    15. Thank you! It took a while (and a sheet of paper) to make sure his face wasn't too shrouded in shadows.
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    16. I'm curious, has anyone had any issues with IOS shipping? My Infernale apparently shipped late last month, but the tracking has been completely dead (Not showing up at all in any system I put it into) and I'm starting to get worried.
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    17. Have you asked IOS? Maybe they made an error on the tracking number or they should at least be able to tell you the shipping company,
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    18. Yeah, although I don't think they saw it yet. I'll try again soon if nothing comes of it yet.
    19. If you look at Dollmore's listing for Zaoll Sister - Elysia (Ver 1), they have her dressed in three of their SD outfits.